articles describe graphic crimes

The Warlord's Tune:  Afghanistan's war on children By Mark Bannerman for 
Four Corners  2/22/10  

Sexual slavery involving boys as young as 10 is being condoned and in  many 
cases protected by authorities in northern Afghanistan. In a story to be  
broadcast on Four Corners tonight, the practice of bacha bazi or "boy play", 
as  well as other allegations of child abuse, are explored. Afghan 
journalist  Najibullah Quraishi has filmed police attending a party where a 
young boy 
is the  "entertainment". The police shown on the video include one officer 
from the  youth crime squad. Such parties are illegal under Afghanistan law 
and with good  reason. The "dancing boys" are in effect sex slaves. They are 
lured off the  streets by pimps. They are taught to dance and sing, to wear 
make-up and to  dress like girls. Then they are made to perform before 
large groups of men. All  of them are sexually abused.

Dancing boys are a lucrative business.  Powerful former warlords and 
businessmen love to watch them and will pay a lot  of money to have their own 
for bacha bazi. Some of the boys are traded like  swap cards among the rich 
and powerful, and if they disobey their owners they  are killed or 
brutalised. The trade in boys is well known to the United Nations.  According 
Nazir Alimy, who compiled a report on the issue for the UN, there  is no doubt 
who is funding this practice and why the police refuse to stop  it....There 
is also evidence this type of abuse is spreading throughout  Afghanistan. Mr 
Alimy says his research shows it is happening in the south and  even in the 
Afghan capital, Kabul.

Terms of sex cult leader's release anger community  8/15/08 (CNN) -  The 
leader of a religious group that authorities believe preys on children was  
released from a Pennsylvania prison Friday but won't be required to register 
as  a sex offender, triggering outrage in the community where he plans to  
live....George Feigley, now 68, was convicted in 1975 on charges including  
statutory rape, indecent assault and corrupting the morals of minors.  

Because Feigley's 1975 conviction predated the passage of Megan's Law,  he 
will not be required to register as a sex offender. And, having served his  
maximum sentence, he was not put on parole upon his release....

The  church's manifesto says, "We hold that the changes called creation and 
 procreation are divine and that human sexuality is to humans the most 
available  expression of that function of divinity," according to community 
activist Scott  Portzline, who has researched Feigley's history and that of the 
group. "Sexual  activity is the greatest act a human can do."

describes graphic crimes
This is George Feigley FRIDAY, HE'S FREE  Sunday, August 10, 2008 BY CARRIE 
CASSIDY Of The Patriot-News She lived in a  world where parents willingly 
gave up their children to a man who declared  himself "The Light of the 

A world where children were beaten for  letting anyone but fellow cult 
members see them, and their genitals were pierced  with a lock to be controlled 
by this so-called prophet. It was a world  unimaginable to most people, but 
it was her reality for seven years, from the  time she was 5 until her 
mother broke free of George Feigley's grip.
Three  decades later, that world still haunts her through dreams 
occasionally featuring  Feigley and his flock of followers. She was shocked to 
from a reporter  that the man who beat her, made her call him "Master," and 
photographed her in  graphic sexual poses would be released from prison this 

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