October 3, 2007 -- Blackwater testimony reveals open and hidden  
agendas --- PART II
publication date: Oct 3, 2007
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October 3, 2007 -- Blackwater testimony reveals open and hidden  
agendas --- PART II

In yesterday's hearing on Blackwater before the House Oversight and  
Government Reform Committee, New York Democrat Carolyn Maloney  
chastised Blackwater Chairman and CEO Erik Prince for has company's  
handling of a drunk Blackwater employee who shot and killed the  
security guard for Adel Abdel Mehdi, the Vice President of Iraq, on  
Christmas Eve in 2006. Prince indicated that the firing of the  
employee was ample punishment. Maloney asked Prince if charges had  
been brought against the employee by the Iraqi government. His  
response was "No."

Prince said the employee was arrested and an investigation was  
carried out by a bureaucratic entanglement of agencies: the U.S.  
Department of Justice Baghdad office and the International Zone (IZ)  
police, which is operated under the aegis of the U.S. Air Force.  
Another email discovered by the committee indicated that the State  
Department's Diplomatic Security Service and the U.S. Army's Criminal  
Investigative Division were also involved in the investigation.

The employee was flown out of Iraq at his own expense within 36 hours  
of the shooting incident, according to Prince. Maryland's Elijah  
Cummings pointed out that an Al Arabiya news report erroneously  
identified the shooter of the Vice President's guard as a U.S.  
soldier. Cummings said that private contractors misdeeds are often  
blamed on the U.S. military. Several Democrats quoted senior officers  
and enlisted personnel who were critical of the military being blamed  
for the misdeeds of Blackwater and other contractors.

Cummings cited an internal Blackwater email from January 7, 2006,  
that cites the mistaken Al Arabiya report misidentifying the shooter  
of the Iraqi guard as a "U.S. soldier." In the memo, a Blackwater  
manager writes, "at least the ID of the shooter will take the heat  
off us."

A December 26, 2006, email from the Army CID and State's Diplomatic  
Security Service (DSS) shows that there was collusion between them,  
as well as the U.S. Embassy's Regional Security Office, and  
Blackwater to spirit the Blackwater employee out of Iraq. The  
government agents discuss compensation for the family of the dead  
Iraqi security guard. The U.S. charge wanted $250,000 to be paid in  
compensation, a figure the CID/DSS agents felt was a "crazy sum." The  
charge later agreed to $100,00 in compensation. The email's author  
then suggests that paying such a sum would "set a terrible precedent"  
because incidents would result with "people trying to get killed by  
our guys to financially guarantee their family's future." The author  
suggests that $15,000 to $20,000 would be "more appropriate."

The cheapening of human life by some U.S. military members and  
contractors in Iraq is evident in the disclosed emails. It has  
deepened the average Iraqi's hatred for the United States. And the  
U.S. military is often lumped in with the unaccountable actions of  
the contractors.

In fact, several Iraqis not only believe contractors are military  
members but some call Blackwater and others "Mossad."

On the issue of Blackwater's high cost to the government, Prince  
arrogantly suggested the committee conduct a cost benefit study.  
Ohio's Dennis Kucinich scoffed at Prince's argument saying, "Private  
military contractors have a vested interest in keeping wars going.  
The longer the war, the more money they make." Kucinich drew  
attention to Blackwater's government  contracts skyrocketing from  
$200,000 to over $1 billion after the Iraq war.

Prince argued that Blackwater's services are on the General Services  
Administration (GSA) schedule and denied preferential treatment from  
the Bush administration. Blackwater's first contract in Iraq was  
awarded in 2003 by the non-U.S. government Coalition Provisional  
Authority in Iraq under the control of Ambassador Paul "Jerry"  
Bremer. The contract was awarded without a bidding process as a  
result of the bombing of the UN headquarters in Baghdad and was  
titled "Security Services Iraq."

Kucinich asked Prince if anyone at Blackwater had spoken to the White  
House, whether anyone in the DeVos family had spoken to the White  
House (Prince's sister Betsy is married to Dick DeVos, an heir to the  
Amway fortune and GOP candidate for governor of Michigan in 2006),  
and if the government came to Blackwater for its services. Prince  
insisted that contracts awarded to his firm, including a $340 million  
contract from the State Department awarded in 2004, were competed  
because his firm has a GSA schedule. However, several Democrats  
pointed out that a number of contracts were sole-sourced to  
Blackwater without a competitive bidding process.

Prince told Illinois Democrat Danny Davis that innocent civilians in  
Iraq have been killed by ricocheting bullets. Davis cited a June 25,  
2005, State Department report that stated Blackwater guards shot and  
killed an innocent Iraqi man in the street. Blackwater personnel  
covered up the incident. Prince said the man was hit by a bullet that  
ricocheted after Blackwater guards shot into the radiator of a  
vehicle on the street. Prince said the Blackwater shooter was fired  
for covering up the incident and not following reporting procedures.

Prince said his company paid the family of the Iraqi man, including  
his six children, $5000 in compensation. Davis asked, "How is a man's  
life worth $5000?" Prince responded that the $5000 figure was an  
Iraqi-wide policy established by the State Department. An internal  
Blackwater email supports the contention that the State Department  
has valued an innocent human life in Iraq at $5000. Prince added that  
he did not know how many such payments have been made to Iraqi next- 
of-kin but promised to provide the committee with details of such  

Prince said Blackwater is not accountable to the Defense Department  
but reports to the State Department in Iraq. Prince indicated that  
the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and Military  
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act (MEJA) govern the actions of his  
employees in "contingency operations" like Iraq and Afghanistan.  
Davis countered that there are "no court martials with Blackwater."  
In fact, under CPA Order, contractors in Iraq have immunity from  
Iraqi law. Prince supported the order because "a foreigner would not  
get a fair trial in Iraq."

Prince said there are 170 security companies currently operating in  
Iraq but that Blackwater "gets blamed" for incidents involving other  
companies. Prince also seemed to blame the Pentagon by claiming that  
most of the 170 security companies in Iraq operate under the aegis of  
the Pentagon.

Although Prince could count on lavish praise from most of the  
Republican on the committee, Representative John Duncan, Republican  
of Tennessee, was not so inclined to support Blackwater. Duncan said,  
"this war has produced the most lavish and extraordinary contracts in  
the history of the world." Duncan also cited Blackwater and said its  
government work showed "ridiculously excessive increases in contracts."

Duncan asked Prince what percentage of his business came from federal  
contracts. Prince replied that the companies, which he described as a  
"long list of companies" that make up his Prince Group LLC and  
include Presidential Airways and Blackwater USA, receive 90 percent  
of their contracts from the federal government. Prince said the  
remaining 10 percent of his work is in the private automotive and  
appliance manufacturing business, a business he inherited from his  
father, right-wing industrialist Edgar Prince.

Prince said Blackwater has more than 50 contracts with the federal  
government with more than 50 employees in the United States, 1000 to  
1100 in Iraq, and between 3 and 4 thousand in Afghanistan.

Democrat William Lacy Clay brought up Defense Secretary Robert Gates'  
recent complaint about companies like Blackwater poaching the active  
ranks for employees. Gates suggested that troops may have to sign a
"non compete clause" to deter such poaching. Prince said such a move  
would be "upsetting to soldiers to prevent them from working in the  
private sector."

Republican defenders of Blackwater received an unexpected boost from  
an editorial in yesterday's Washington Post that said it would be  
foolish to eliminate private security firms in Iraq and Afghanistan.  
Issa complained that Prince was being singled out for his ties to the  
Republican Party. He asked Prince:

Issa: "Is Betsy Devos your sister?"

Prince: "Yes."

Issa: Was your sister the Michigan Republican Chairman?"

Prince: "Yes."

Issa: "Were you a contributor to President Bush?"

Prince: "Yes."

Issa: "Was your sister a delegate at the Republican National  
Conventions in 2000 and 2004 and was she a Bush Pioneer?"

Prince: inaudible. Blackwater is not a partisan company. I gave  
political contributions as is my right."

Issa: Blackwater has been identified as a partisan Republican Party  
but it is doing its job in a non-partisan way."

Prince later said that being a Republican is not germane and that it  
"isn't often my and my sister's bios are printed together." Vermont  
Democrat Peter Welch said Prince gave $225,000 to the GOP, including  
$160,000 to the Republican National Committee.

Issa then objected to the Democrats bringing Prince's family into the  
discussion. Waxman replied, "the only one doing that is you."

Democrats also pointed out ties between Blackwater and Dick Cheney's  
old firm Halliburton. During the incident in Fallujah where four  
Blackwater employees were killed and incinerated by an angry mob,  
Blackwater was a sub-contractor to Kellogg, Brown and Root, a  
Halliburton subsidiary.

Republican Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia said the Democrats do not  
like profits and devise lawsuits for "their crony lawyer friends." He  
also said Democrats want the "redistribution of wealth" and that nine  
of the 22 members of the Waxman committee agreed with  
about General David Petraeus.

Prince reiterated that Blackwater was not a partisan company. He also  
rejected the use of the term "mercenary" to describe Blackwater.  
Prince cited the dictionary definition of mercenary as a professional  
soldier working for a foreign government. However, he had to later  
admit that Blackwater has hired a "handful" of foreign employees,  
including Latin Americans who guard some camps and sites in Iraq.

In later questioning, Prince revealed that Blackwater had 576 U.S.  
employees in Iraq, 129 Third Country Nationals, and 16 locals. With  
more than one-third of Blackwater's employees being TCNs, Prince's  
definition of a "handful" is open to wide interpretation.

Prince also defended the profit Blackwater makes on its security  
guards in Iraq. Although Blackwater pays its personnel security  
detail employees in Iraq $600 a day, Blackwater charges the  
government over $1200 a day for the personnel.

Prince testified that Blackwater makes between 10 and 10.5 percent  
profit on its security contracts, but the windfall made on guards in  
Iraq suggests the profits are much higher.

Prince said Blackwater was founded in 1997 and received its first  
contracts in January 1998 to train individual Navy SEAL platoons and  
Marine Reconnaissance units. He said Blackwater received its first  
major contract for Navy Force Protection after the USS Cole was  
"blown up by two guys in a Zodiac" in Aden harbor in October 2000. It  
is interesting to note that the FBI's investigation of the Cole  
bombing was never completed because the U.S. ambassador to Yemen,  
Barbara Bodine, expelled FBI senior agent John O'Neill and his team  
from Yemen. Bodine later became an official in Bremer's CPA in  
Baghdad at the time Blackwater was awarded its sole source contract.  
Bodine was in charge of central Baghdad, including Baghdad. She was  
later fired by the CPA and returned to Washington.

Prince was asked what would prevent his company being acquired and  
performing services for other militaries. He responded that he is  
raising five sons and said perhaps one of them would eventually take  
over for him. He also added that Blackwater's contracts, including  
foreign intelligence defense (FID) missions, with NATO and countries  
like Azerbaijan are licensed by the State Department. Prince also  
said, Blackwater employees, when in the military, "took an oath to  
protect the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."  
Prince seems to have forgotten the oath is the the U.S. Constitution,  
not the United States.

Welch asked Prince his annual salary. Prince reluctantly said it was  
over $1 million a year. He was informed that General Petraeus' annual  
salary was $180,000 a year. Although Prince said Blackwater's profit  
margin on government contracts was 10 percent, he refused to disclose  
the firm's profits and "full financials" to Congress. Prince said,  
Blackwater is "a private company" and emphasized the word, private.

Illinois Democrat Jan Schakowsky, who is introducing legislation to  
phase out private military contractors for sensitive missions. She  
asked Prince about Blackwater's use of foreign security personnel.  
Prince then was forced to expand his definition of foreign employees  
as Latin American camp and gate guards in Iraq after constant  
questioning from Schakowsky. She asked Prince if Blackwater had hired  
former commandos under the Chilean dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet,  
some how were involved in torture.

Prince admitted that Blackwater had hired some Chileans but they had  
undergone a High Public Trust clearance for third country nationals  
(TCNs) required by under the State Department's Worldwide Personal  
Protective Service (WPPS), an umbrella contract under which  
Blackwater, Dyncorp, and Triple Canopy provide security services in  
Jerusalem, Kabul, Bosnia, Baghdad, Basrah, Al Hillah, and Kirkuk.  
Prince indicated that Chilean TCNs were cleared by a National Agency  
Check (NAC) conducted by the U.S. Embassy in Santiago. Schakowsky  
asked Prince if the Chileans received a Secret clearance. Prince  
responded that he did not know.

Schakowsky also asked Prince if Chilean-U.S. dual national Jose Maria  
Pizarro was a Blackwater recruiter for Chileans. Pizarro said he  
provided Blackwater with 750 Chilean military veterans. Prince  
responded to the question by claiming that Pizarro was a "vendor."

Schakowsky also asked Prince if his company hired Serbs and Bosnians  
who served under Slobodan Milosevic at a job fair in Bucharest,  
Romania. Some of the Serbs and Bosnian Serbs were accused of war  
crimes. Prince denied that Serbs or Bosnians were hired but admitted  
to hiring Romanians, who, he said, have all been replaced by Latin  

Note: Prince's testimony was colored by its arrogance and sanctimony.  
After the hearings, this editor was standing in the hallway outside  
the hearing room and began to hear some commotion behind me. All of a  
sudden, I was shoved from my right side. Turning around, I noticed it  
was Prince who did the shoving. The incident said everything about  
why his employees feel so cavalier in indiscriminately murdering so  
many innocent people, including children, in Iraq and elsewhere. The  
Democrats did not go far enough in their questioning. There was no  
mention of Blackwater in New Orleans following Katrina. The Nazi  
Party had its SS as its enforcers. It is clear the Republicans have  
Blackwater as their enforcers.

Related Articles:

     * Sept. 27, 2007 -- Waxman releases report on private security  
contractors in Iraq
     * October 3, 2007 -- Blackwater testimony reveals open and  
hidden agendas - PART I
     * October 2, 2007 -- Biggest decision for a fired Blackwater  
employee in Iraq
     * October 1, 2007 -- House Committee discovers new details about  
     * October 4, 2007 -- State Department official involved in  
Blackwater scandal also named in AIPAC espionage probe
     * October 4, 2007 -- Blackwater Aviation and its X-Wing Star  
Wars pilots
     * Sept. 28-30, 2007 -- State Dept. IG Howard Krongard threatened  
State investigators if they cooperated with Congress


Kait (Michigan)


     Read the full report.

Marycatherine Barton (Indianapolis)
     I hope that f###$$$$ Prince did not hurt Wayne. But yeah, you  
and all revealed the truth. Blackwater is the enforcer for the War  

invariant (vacuum of space)
     whoa, you got shoved by one of the shadier ppl on the planet!

     it clearly had its intended effect, seeing as how you have sung  
the praises of the man in your articles ;).

Susan Modikoane (Houston/TX)
     Here is a link to an article about how Mitt Romney is connectd  
to the incarceration and extreme abuse of children:

     When Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said he’d  
support doubling the size of the prison at Guantanamo Bay, he was  
trying to show voters that he’d be tough on terror. Two of his top  
fundraisers, however, have long supported using tactics that have  
been likened to torture for troubled teenagers.

     As The Hill noted last week, 133 plaintiffs filed a civil suit  
against Romney’s Utah finance co-chair, Robert Lichfield, and his  
various business entities involved in residential treatment programs  
for adolescents. The umbrella group for his organization is the World  
Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS, sometimes  
known as WWASP) and Lichfield is its founder and is on its board of  
directors. Etc.

     Did anyone see the article about the woman who is the Public  
Advocate for the city of New York? She is working to get independent  
child advocates in the city. A couple days ago her daughter  
"strangled herself on her handcuffs" at the airport, after they  
refused to let her board her flight:

     PHOENIX (AP) — A woman late to her plane became irate, was put in
     handcuffs and was later found dead in a holding cell, police said.
     Authorities were investigating Saturday if the woman choked  
herself while trying to get free from the handcuffs. Carol Ann  
Gotbaum, 45, of New York, was arrested Friday at Phoenix Sky Harbor  
International Airport after a conflict with gate crews who refused to  
allow her to board a plane, said Sgt. Andy Hill, a Phoenix police  
     The airline said the plane was already preparing to depart. She  
was rebooked on the next flight, but "she became extremely irate,  
apparently running up and down the gate area," US Airways spokesman  
Derek Hanna said Saturday.
     Officers handcuffed her and took her to the holding room, where  
she kept screaming, authorities said. Hill said officers checked on  
her when she stopped screaming and found her unresponsive.
     Hill said it appears Gotbaum may have tried to get out of her  
handcuffs, became tangled in the process and the cuffs ended up  
around her neck. A cause of death will be determined by the Maricopa  
County Medical Examiner.
     "She was very agitated and irate and angry," Hill said. "These  
are the things that led to the disorderly conduct arrest."
     Authorities said neither a Taser nor pepper spray was used on  
the woman.
     Gotbaum was the daughter-in-law of New York City's public  
advocate, Betsy Gotbaum. "We are extraordinarily upset," said Betsy  
Gotbaum, according to Sunday editions of the Daily News. She added  
that her daughter-in-law had three young children. "It's a very  
delicate matter."

Susan Modikoane (Houston/TX)
     Well, at least if he shoved you, it shows they were getting to him!

     Consider it a job well done. Especially after Issa's comments.

     When I heard them on Pacifica, I assumed he got that information  
from you!!

liberty antigone (?)
     On tuesday I sent Waxman's home office the series of Jeremy  
Scahill videos I have placed here on the blog before, along with a  
few very critical articles about New Orleans, etc. Congressman Waxman  
is very well informed by his staff, and he will see them.

liberty antigone (?)
     WWASP, Susan M. writes about above...Isn't that what that young  
woman asked you about, Wayne?

Kait (Michigan)
     Erik Prince is such a shining example of humanity. This supposed  
Christian was fooling around with one of his employees, while his  
first wife lay dying of cancer. He got the woman pregnant and  
eventually brought her to his wife's funeral. The day after his wife  
died, she moved in with him and his children.

Susan Modikoane (Houston/TX)
     Kait - HOooooly moly. That is so Republican!

liberty antigone (?)
     Sorry, Susan M.,

     I heard a young woman ask Wayne to look into something,but not  
being about to remember it well, I asked him if he had looked into a  
program named, whisper, or whistle, in an earlier post. When you  
wrote about WWasp, I remembered, that is what she was saying. I was  
asking Wayne if he looked into it. Thanks for jogging my memory.

liberty antigone (?)
     George W. Bush's Thug Nation

     By Robert Parry
     September 21, 2007 


     Blackwater Airships LLC was established in January 2006 as the  
newest Blackwater venture -- with a mission to build a remotely  
piloted airship vehicle (RPAV). Although seemingly different from the  
traditional Blackwater mission, this new venture to provide a  
persistent surveillance capability is fully consistent with the  
Blackwater goal of offering solutions which help to protect our  
forces wherever they are deployed and support our homeland security.

     The Blackwater Airships team completed design work at the end of  
2006 and is now building the Polar 400 airship. This highly capable  
RPAV will provide a platform ready to accomodate a wide variety of  
state-of-the-art surveillance, communications and detection equipment  
that can record and store events and downlink them in real-time to  
ground operators. The make-up of the mission payload of up to 400 lbs  
will be determined by customer requirements -- whether for combat  
areas, port or border security, or coastal patrol.

     The prototype Polar 400 is completing.."

     Photo 1 of 6

     Members of a private security company pose on the rooftop of a  
house in Baghdad. Hated by Iraqis who refer to them as "Mossad,"  
Blackwater contractors are also mistrusted by fellow private security  
guards operating in Iraq who say they are arrogant, rude and dangerous.

     Iraqis round on Blackwater 'dogs' after shooting
     Sep 18, 2007

     BAGHDAD (AFP) — Hated by Iraqis who refer to them as "Mossad,"  
Blackwater contractors are also mistrusted by fellow private security  
guards operating in Iraq who say they are arrogant, rude and dangerous.

     "They kill innocent people in the street," Hameed Hussein, a  
pensioner in west Baghdad's Al-Maamoun neighbourhood said on Tuesday,  
two days after guards from the US security firm opened fire on  
civilians, killing 10 people and wounding 13..."


     Blackwater has executive privledge for perpetuity?

     Among them: "all documents and records (including photographs)  
generated during the performance of work under this contract shall be  
for the sole use of and become the exclusive property of the U.S.  
government." These obligations, according to the contract, exist in  
perpetuity -- not just until the contract expires. As a result,  
Moneypenny told Roitz to make "no disclosure of documents or  
information generated under [the contract] unless such disclosure has  
been authorized in writing by the Contract Officer."

     In a letter today to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Waxman  
pointed out that State has no authority to compel Blackwater to  
obstruct a congressional investigation -- unless President Bush is  
prepared to say that the terms of Blackwater's contracts or its  
operational doctrine is covered under executive privilege. A State  
Department congressional liaison will "attempt to reverse" the  
department's position, but Waxman seems unconvinced.

liberty antigone (?)

     Heroic Jeremy Scahill on black water mercs. Who says there  
aren't any heroes anymore?

liberty antigone (?)

     Part four of the above links on youtube to the speech by Jeremy  

Kait (Michigan)
     Thanks great links!

Mary Mueller (Greenbelt, MD)
     Cheating on a dying wife seems to be the "Christian" GOP rite of  
passage to power and money.

Wayne Madsen

     Liberty. What are you asking?

     Anyhow, above is a link to one of the 20 entries of the  
Blackwater hearings on You Tube.

liberty antigone (?)
     A young woman with her aunt asked you about WWASP, in my  
presence. I just wondered if she ever contacted you and if you did  
research for her. I was concerned for her, and felt you could help  
expose it.

Complete archives at

Please let us stay on topic and be civil. 

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