Brief History of the 20th Century
B20643 / Mon, 25 Dec 2006 00:56:19 / Government
World War One (the Great War) 1907-1920

By 1907 the U.K has laid clam to her empire and settled with Russia and France. 
The U.K had a powerful navy unmatched by any other. With over sea matters 
handled, the lands at home fall under the prying eyes of the monarchs of 
Europe. Austria-Hungry negotiate for land in Serbia, Russia laying clam to the 
Balkans despite her humiliating defeat at the hands of Japan; France is thirsty 
for revenge due to her loss of Alsace-Lorraine to the Germans. Tensions began 
to swelter with each great power wanting more land at the expense of lesser 
developed nations.
A system was put in place with the goal of preventing a war caused by 
Imperialism. The Triple Alliance composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and 
Italy, stood opposed to the Triple Entente composed of Britain, France, and 
Russia. With each country ready to act if the other was invaded. If this was 
the seed of World War one the root would be the assassination of Archduke Franz 
Ferdinand, the nephew of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary and heir to 
the Austrian throne by a Serbian revolutionary. This enacted Austria-Hungry to 
demand certain conditions from Serbia. When all were not meet Austria-Hungry 
invaded Serbia with the backing of Germany on July 28, 1914. Italy hesitant to 
show support despite the Triple Alliance due to Austria-Hungary's out right 
goal of acquiring new lands. Russia begins to mobilize its forces against 
German contradiction. With no positive answer Germany declares war on august 
1st. On the third of August, the Germans declare war on France. The U.K then 
declares war on Germany, the next day the World will enter a new age. 
Imperialism once again; like in all of history, the wealthy fought over land 
and used the masses to fight horrific wars in the names of colonialism, later 
to become free markets.

Neither sides expected a drawn out war nor did they issue the amount of lives 
it would cost. World War one was the first modern war. It was the last war that 
used cavalry as a fighting force and the first to use aircraft, long distance 
projectiles and was fought inefficiently and with disregarded for human life.
The war was divided into two fronts the west and the east. The western front 
ran from the Belgian coast to the Swiss boarder. Both sides fought in trenches, 
a trench is a long zing zaged hole in the ground. Most attempts at advancement 
were cut down by machine gun fire. Little land was gained on either front. The 
USA declared war on Germany on the 6th of April, 1917 .Russia resigned from the 
war due to the czar losing power in 1917. Finally, Germany unable to keep its 
citizens feed due to blockades and losses at the front; did she accept defeat 
at Versailles. Only then did the U.K end German starvation.

The Germans were forced to give up most of her colonies and pay reparations for 
the war. This caused inflation and poverty for most of its people. The people 
often transported money in wheel barrels due to the worthlessness of the mark. 
The lone dollar was worth 4 trillion marks. The Ottoman Empire was divided into 
modern day Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Kuwait to name a few. In the end the war was 
pointless. Many died for no good reason and people will suffer until the end of 
the seconded World War. Both sides' worst off then when the war began, the 
people of Europe rebuild their lives only to be torn apart 20 years later.

1917 to 1929

The Czar of Russia lost power to Lenin and Trotsky in a communist revolt on 
Nov. 6, 1917. After the death of Lenin in 1924, Joseph Stalin rose to power and 
drove Trotsky out of the government by 1927. In 1919 Benito Mussolini formed 
his first military group that would eventually become the Fascist party in 
1922. In 1919, China protested the failure of the Versailles conference to 
return the former German concession of Shantung; that instead went to Japan, 
and then the creation of the Chinese Communist Party. The German workers party 
was created in 1919, later to become the Nazis in 1920. Later that year the 
League of Nations had its first meeting. The U.S didn't join but played an 
important role in its creation.

Also in 1920 The Treaty of Sevres on August 10; Britain and France divided the 
former Ottoman Empire into new mandates; Syria, Transjordan, Iraq, Lebanon and 
Palestine. The Ottoman Empire was replaced by the new Republic of Turkey on 
October, 29 1923. The U.S followed a policy of Isolationism. Which they traded 
with Europe but stayed out of their affairs. That didn't mean the U.S didn't 
get involved economically and aid wise, they also lowered the interest on war 
debt and lowered the money to be played by Germany. By the end of the 20's 
Japan invaded Manchuria with out sanctions from the League of Nations and the 
world when into a great depression. Germany or The Allies ever paid back the 
amount owned to the U.S.

During this period the world was recovering from the Great War and also 
devicing new forms of government. In some parts of the world Communism appealed 
to the larger middle class .Then similar to the Little Ice age and the famines 
during the revolutions periods of The Americans and the French in the enlighten 
period. This was a threat to free markets and the economies of the many 
European colonies in South East Asia.

Japan at this time was booming almost as fast as Canada which was the hardest 
hit by the depression later on. Japan wanting more of the global pie; invaded 
parts of the east while the west was still recovering from World War One. The 
U.S policy of neutrality left Japan unopposed until the U.S entered World War 2.

The great depression. (1929-1939)

The U.K, U.S, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, Latin America and South 
Africa were the hardest hit. This was the first blow to capitalism. All around 
the world socialism embedded its self in domestic policy. In the US, 
Roosevelt's new deal brought welfare, unemployment insurances, social secrecy 
and many other state sponcerd programs. This was also the start of the FDIC 
that insured money belongs to people up to a certain amount. Some disagree with 
the new deal but the fact remains it put the U.S on the path to get out of the 
depression and acted as a band-aid for the hungry people of the U.S. In France, 
as the U.K; were still recovering from the First World War. Since unable to 
collect from Germany; France invaded the Ruhr. The French failed and in 1936 
socialist leader Léon Blum won the election for prime minister. In Germany, the 
Nazi party headed by Hitler took office in 1933.

American exports declined from about $5.2 billion in 1929 to $1.7 billion in 
1933; but price also fell, so the bodily volume of exports only fell in half. 
Mostly impacted were farm commodities such as wheat, cotton, tobacco, and 
lumber. The collapse of farm exports caused many American farmers to default on 
their loans leading to the bank runs on small rural banks that characterized 
the early years of the Great Depression.

Many economists at the time argued that the sharp decline in international 
trade after 1930 worsen the depression, especially for countries dependent on 
foreign trade. The American Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 aggravating the 
depression by reducing international trade and causing retaliation. Foreign 
trade was a small part of overall economic activity in the United States.
Many stress the negative role of the American Federal Reserve System in turning 
a small depression into a large one by cutting the money supply by one-third 
from 1930 to 1931. With significantly less money to go around, businessmen 
could not get loans and could not even get their old loans renewed, forcing 
many to stop investing. This interpretation blames the Federal Reserve, 
especially the New York branch, which was owned and controlled by Wall Street 
bankers. The Fed was primarily controlled by member banks and businessmen and 
it was to these groups that the Fed listened most attentively regarding 
policies to follow.
The downward turn in the economy starting with the stock market collapse would 
have been just another recession. The problem was that some very large bank 
failures, predominantly the Bank of the United States, produced widespread runs 
on banks, and that the Federal Reserve did nothing while bank after bank fell. 
If the Federal Reserve had acted by providing emergency lending to these key 
banks or simply bought government bonds on the open market to provide liquidity 
and increase the quantity of money after the key banks fell, all the rest of 
the banks that fell after the very large and public ones did would not have, 
the money supply would not have fallen to the extent it did and would not have 
fallen at the speed it did.

World War Two (The Good War)

Fascism in Germany has reached a high point. Hitler invaded Poland on September 
1st 1939 under false pretences. Two days later The U.K and France declared war 
on Germany, due to treaties with Poland. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand 
quickly followed. On the 17th of September the Russians join Germany in Poland; 
by attacking from the east. The last of the polish troops surrendered on the 
6th of October.
In Asia, Japan and Russia occupy lands while fighting each other in what is 
known as the second Russo-Japanese War. Germany and Italy invade lands while a 
phony war was fought on the eastern front between The French, U.K and Germany. 
Russia supplied Germany with resources to hold the front and bomb England. Not 
surprisingly the Germans defeated the French rather quickly on June 22, 1940. 
This was due in part to the German tactic of war called the blitzkrieg. This 
involves an initial bombardment followed by mobile forces attacking with speed 
to prevent an enemy from implementing a coherent defense. The Germans attacked 
Russia despite the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact.

The war between Germany and Britain was mostly an air and sea war until D- Day. 
The Germans had a better air force while the U.K had a better navy. Germanys 
bombed the U.K while the U.K blocked supplies to Germany cities. The US joined 
the U.K after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. The Allies won in most part due to 
Hitler's incompetence as strategists and unwillingness to work with his 
advisers. Russia then took Berlin from the east. The US ended the war with 
Japan after the fire bombing of Japan's many wooden cities.

The U.S destroyed almost every major city in Japan. Did we need to drop an 
Atomic bomb to scare surrender into a defeated nation? The U.S and the U.K were 
closing in by sea also, Russia from the west. August we bombed Hiroshima, then 
Russia declared war on Japan, August 9 we drop the second bomb. All the 
Japanese people wanted were their emperor. He is their god, that is why they 
didn't surrender. The surrender said nothing about their emperor, there for it 
was rejected. All the U.S had to do was let them keep their God. If we went the 
diplomatic rout we wouldn't have had to use the Atomic bomb. Many say the bomb 
could have been prevented and disagreed with its use. Some reason we had to do 
it in order to stop the invading of Japan which saved lives.

There are many reasons why one would be accused of being a war criminal but one 
factor is always the same. That person being charge is on the losing end of a 
War. With the start of the industrial revolution mankind has devised enough 
weaponry to void the bible's "eye for an eye" version of justice in any 
culture. Powerful nations were able to mass produce weapons that could dominate 
the majority of the world. The main goal of war will always be killing. That is 
the point of war. How we defined a war crime is by the acts of the accuser's 
courts. Not by the number of people killed.

The cold war (Capitalism vs. Communism)

An idea of the U.S propaganda strategies, The War was dubbed The Forgotten War 
because not many people talk about it. Yet the highest viewed show percent wise 
on television took place in the setting of the Korean War. I think Alan Alda's 
staring role and later production of Mash will be studied by Humanitarians in 
the future. For some one that has seen his fair share of Mash, the show seldom 
dealt with political issues other then civil rights and anti-war.

The warfare has begun to change. In Korea and Vietnam the trenched soldier 
evolved into smaller clearing and scouting groups to find bombing locations and 
clear "rat nests", also with occupation skills to max out profit gained while 
holding the city; this would often involved puppet rulers appointed by the U.S. 
Both theaters of operations ended poorly. The saying of history repeating 
itself rang true once again, like in the U.K's attempted suppression of the 
colonies gorillas' fighters, in the American Revolution. We should have learned 
that a force with similar weapons, would win if they are fighting for food and 

The history books call it a Cold War but I disagree. So would veterans of 
Korea, Vietnam and the many other smaller "Police actions" from the 50's on. 
The two super powers of the world were the US and the USSR. The USSR had a 
larger army where the US had a slight technological advantage. This war wasn't 
over land, religion or Freedom in the eyes of the super powers, but in the 
lands they fought in that had everything to do with it. The US and the USSR 
fought over influence in South East Asia while the U.K and France were unable 
to keep her colonies afloat. The US and the USSR had no intentions of doing 
this. They fought over the lands in south East Asia that the rest of the west 
gave up on. Both spreading their propaganda in order to streathen their hold on 
the world market.

Economics is the lifeblood of any society there for even uneducated people will 
fight for a fair system through an educated leader. You cannot have communism 
without capitalism first. Communism arises when the working class demands more 
from the upper classes. When the people do not get what they want, revolutions 
happen. In the processing paragraphs, I will explain reasons why communism 
failed and how that relates to capitalism. In addition, what are the main 
differences between the two systems and how the modern world has adapted to a 
comnation of both in today's free market economies?

They are two types of main governments today. "Communism is means of production 
by government and Capitalism is government in means of production". Socialism 
is a combination of capitalism and communism. In a communistic society, the 
government determents your needs and supplies you with the resources to live; 
like your peers. In a capitalist society, your resources are dependent on you 
and your skill level. Each person's wealth is determined on how much they can 
profit from the lower classes. An example is how farming firms profit from 
cheap immigrant's labor while large fast food chains profit from the farming 
firms selling the food to the masses as a huge profit. The result is a feed 
working class and more profit for the upper class. Capitalism is similar to a 
stairway. The immigrant labors on the first step and tycoons on the last. Each 
step towards the top better off than the last but without stepping on the lower 
step one cannot reach the top. The capitalist system empisises on efficiency 
and a communistic or socialistic system focuses on fairness. When the middle 
class becomes so small compared to the lower and upper class the lower class; 
bigger in numbers revolts and extreme change is the result. Communism is seen 
as a way to end starvation and put an end to wars in the name of profit. On 
paper, it seems to work. Over time, the effects seem positive. Starvation 
diminishes and disasters do not have a devastating effect since food and 
supplies can be distributed easier.

There are many reasons why communism failed. Many point to the constant wars 
with capitalist societies or the idea that if people get what they want, they 
lack the will to be productive. Some could argue that the U.S military defeats 
in South East Asia contributed to the fall of the Soviet Empire by easing the 
fear of U.S military intervention.What ever the case communism may have failed 
but the ideas have not. In almost all parts of the industrialized world, we see 
aspects of capitalism and communism called Socialism. Socialism is when a 
government in acts Nationalization (Public Ownership) of all industries but is 
elected on a Regular bases. The whole "to the left or to the right " applies 
here in determining a level of Nationalization or government responsibilities 
one wants in a government. Even in The USA, we have social service programs 
like Social Security, Welfare, FASA, Public schools, Public Transportation and 
Health Care for poor children. While in parts of Europe, they have adopted more 
aspects of Socialism. Like universal health care for all citizens and 
guarantied employment.

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