> E-mail FRAUD
> 'Nigerian' Email Fraud --by H MICHAEL SWEENEY
> You are minding your own affairs, reviewing your
> inbound email - when you notice a strange and urgent
> email. Its contents are incredulous, and yet,
> fascinating. The email likely claims it is from
> another country, generally referencing African or
> Islamic places or persons. It is always the same -
> for
> some unexplained reason, you have been contacted as
> the ONLY person the point man seems willing to trust
> -
> and they desperately need your help and are willing
> to
> pay big for it.  
> What they want help in, is the securing of many
> millions of dollars in distressed funds - with a
> generous cut going to you for your help. Of course,
> for one reason or another, absolute confidentiality
> is
> required - often involving intrigues, government
> takeovers, or other threats local to the person
> contacting you. Your part is  to be minor, to simply
> file a few forms they will provide claiming you as 
> the authorized party of interest. Often, it is
> unstated, but seems quite apparent that there may be
> an opportunity for you to cheat the person
> contacting
> you and keep all the money for yourself.  
> If it sounds to good to be true, it is. The
> 'no-risk'
> offer will soon develop into a series of email or
> (preferred) telephone exchanges  designed to put
> your
> mind at ease. Indeed, even clever questions designed
> to test the notion that the opportunity to cheat the
> party will prove fruitful. The first step, once you
> decide you are satisfied that the risk is low and
> the
> offer likely genuine, will be for you to do the
> paperwork to proclaim your interest in and rights to
> the money according to the ëlegal basis' they
> provide
> as part of their no-written-agreement partnership
> with
> you.  
> The next step will be contact with an 'official',
> probably another operator or perhaps another
> identity
> for the same operator working the scam. Another
> round
> of exchanges are undertaken to bolster your
> confidence
> that everything is exactly as promised, and that the
> money will soon be yours. But at some point,
> generally
> described as the last step to be taken, some formal
> process or paperwork will require a small fee to
> some
> third agency or party is required. It has to be paid
> by you, since you are now the only person of
> authority
> interest involved (your partnership must not be
> revealed.)  
> This fee may seem trivial by comparison to the
> promise
> of perhaps tens of millions in your pocket. Perhaps
> only $20 or $50, perhaps more. The idea is to get
> you
> 'vested' in the process. By now they have a profile
> on
> you and know how much is in your bank account - but
> they will ask only for a very, very small part of
> that
> - or drop you like a hot potato if a deadbeat.
> Enticed
> and curious, you may elect the gamble. More
> exchanges
> follow to confirm that everything is now in order.
> Then yet another unexpected problem pops up, this
> time
> from a governmental (sounding) body or international
> banking entity, this time a little more serious -
> several hundred dollars, or perhaps a few thousand. 
> By now you have perhaps dozens of emails, letters,
> and
> phone calls from many different official sounding
> individuals, firms, agencies, and institutions, and
> everything appears quite up and up, quite realistic.
> You may even receive notice that the wire transfer
> of
> funds is actually taking place. It will seem quite
> convincing, so you won't mind forking over a few
> thousand bucks more. 
> At last you get a (phony) certification that the
> funds
> have been wired and are now in the United States
> (you
> can call the 'bank' and get a confirmation) but
> there
> is now a very serious problem:  At the last minute
> some third party also claiming interest in the money
> has gotten the attention of the authorities. You are
> notified that your payment and the transfer funds
> are
> frozen. The money is already yours, already in the
> bank - if you can just get the funds unfrozen! You
> can't get you money back, either, pending outcome. 
> Your contacts will assure you that there is every
> reason to believe this third party claim can be
> refuted, but there will be legal expenses. It may
> require the manufacture of 'proofs' which will be
> very
> expensive - if you would pay half the cost, they
> will
> cover the rest. Often, in addition to money, they
> want
> you to come in person to help fight the battle -
> perhaps insisting that your presence and
> identification will outweigh those of the
> competitor,
> who has offered only a letter from afar. And you
> will
> go, because by now, you have too much money
> invested,
> and the certainty that the money is mere days away
> from being yours, at last. 
> According to the Secret Service, those foolish
> enough
> to go as asked, often never come back, or come back
> only after parting with nearly all their life's
> savings. Some are blackmailed, some jailed, some
> kidnapped - or worse. This is the extreme end of the
> spectrum. At the other end, a victim will perhaps
> stop
> somewhere along the way and say enough is enough,
> and
> back out. But the scam is clever, in that as you do
> spend money on it, the greater your investment to
> protect, and the more realistic it seems in your
> mind.
> But it is a scam. Who he works for, and why... and
> where the money is really going... is another story.
> The Secret Service calls this the 4-1-9 Fraud. 
> It is also known as the 
> Nigerian Fraud 
> They are of the type known as Advance Fee Fraud, 
> Early Version of Scam Called  4-1-9 Fraud 
> Text (below) and the image (above) is from the SS
> Web
> site
> The perpetrators of Advance Fee Fraud are often very
> creative and innovative. This fraud is called
> "4-1-9"
> fraud after the section of the Nigerian penal code
> that addresses fraud schemes. Nigerian nationals,
> purporting to be officials of their government or
> banking institutions, will fax or mail letters to
> individuals and businesses in the United States and
> other countries.  
> The correspondence will inform the recipient that a
> reputable foreign company or individual is needed
> for
> the deposit of an overpayment on a procurement
> contract. The letter will claim that the Nigerian
> government overpaid anywhere from $10 to $60 million
> on these contracts. There is the perception that no
> one would enter such an obviously suspicious
> relationship; however, many victims have been
> enticed
> into believing they can share in such windfall
> profits.  
> Individuals are asked to provide funds to cover
> various fees and for personal identifiers such as
> Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, and
> other similar data. Once this information is
> received,
> the victims find that they have lost large sums of
> money. It is hard to pinpoint how much has been lost
> in these scams since many victims do not report
> their
> losses to authorities due to fear or embarrassment. 
> In response to this growing epidemic, the Secret
> Service established "Operation 4-1-9" to target
> Nigerian Advance Fee Fraud on an international
> basis.
> Indications are that losses attributed to Advance
> Fee
> Fraud are in the hundreds of millions of dollars
> annually.  
> Agents on temporary assignment to the American
> Embassy
> in Lagos, Nigeria, in conjunction with the Regional
> Security Office, supplied information in the form of
> investigative leads to the Federal Investigation and
> Intelligence Bureau (FIIB) of the Nigerian National
> Police. This project was designed to provide
> Nigerian
> law enforcement officials with investigative 
>  leads to enable them to enforce their own
> jurisdictional violations.  
> On July 2, 1996, officials of the FIIB, accompanied
> by
> Secret Service agents in an observer/advisor role,
> executed search warrants on 16 location in Lagos
> that
> resulted in the arrests of 43 Nigerian nationals.
> Evidence seized included telephones and facsimile
> machines, government and Central Bank of Nigeria
> letterhead, international business directories, scam
> letters, and addressed envelopes, and files
> containing
> correspondence from victims throughout the world.  
> What To Do If Targeted by This Scam 
> If your receive such a scam, the Secret Service
> advises you ignore it, and that you report it to
> them
> for investigation. They even provide a special link
> at
> their Web site for reporting financial electronic
> fraud. However, as I have indicated in the main
> article texts herein, the Secret Service would seem
> to
> do nothing with such leads. One clue this is so is
> that 100% of my many attempts to use the form
> resulted
> in an Error message stating that the form was
> ëmisusedí and the report was refused by Agency.  
> That is probably only because I am on their watch
> list. After all, I once warned them that Ross Perot
> was, while candidate for President, likely to be
> targeted by a select group. As with most crime
> fighters, the Secret Service has a one track mind.
> To
> them, anyone who reports a possible attack is
> immediately suspect as the person most likely to
> commit the crime (ignore the person or group
> reported
> upon.) Never mind that within a week, Ross retired
> from the race because of death threats which, as far
> as I was able to determine, came from the very group
> I
> had named. Secret Service will continue to watch me
> for the rest of my life.. GOOD! 
> You, on the other hand, will probably get further
> than
> I did. Trust them. After all, they are the duly
> authorized government body charged to protect you
> and
> us all from this crime. I sleep better at night,
> knowing that. Apparently, so does the CIA and Osama
> bin Laden. 
> Click here to report 4-1-9 scams  
> <http://www.secretservice.gov/contact_ecb.html> 
> Also, drop me an email so I can keep a box score and
> update people in my newsletter. Ill send you a
> complementary copy of the newsletter for your
> trouble.
> Scam Tied to Terrorism? 
> According to FBI and Secret Service agents I have
> spoken with, the scam has been seen as having
> potential ties to Osama bin Laden and other
> terrorists
> or terrorist organizations. This might not surprise
> anyone given that many of the names of the persons
> involved are often Islamic, and many of the banks
> and
> nations involved have large Islamic populations. But
> there is more to this notion than meets the eye. 
> Given that FBI and the Secret Service make such
> claims... we might presume them very interested
> after
> Sept. 11 in vigorously investigating and chasing
> down
> 4-1-9 fraud. But in fact, they do not. We know that
> the Secret Service has participated in at least one
> ëbustí in the 4-1-9 scam according to their own
> press.
> But that is old news - there being no new arrests in
> the many years since. It would seem they no longer
> have any interest in the matter. 
> Indeed, I have personally reported multiple
> instances
> of the scam, and it was made clear to me that
> neither
> FBI nor Secret Service is actually very interested
> in
> following leads. And when I say leads, I mean I've
> got
> phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, names,
> photographs, computer IP addresses (the exact
> computer
> on the Internet used to send the email), snail
> addresses (both street and PO box, foreign and
> domestic), and Web sites. No interest? We might well
> ask why. I have a theory. 
> It is spelled C-I-A. 
> CIA May Be Involved 
> Let us take a look at the subtle clues that 4-1-9
> may
> now (if not always) be a CIA scam to fund
> unauthorized
> covert operations. First, notice (above) that the SS
> arrests associated with 4-1-9 involved capturing of
> the entire hardware, software, and client list
> involved. That means that the entire intelligence
> community (SS is alleged to have worked closely with
> CIA, FBI, and other intelligence agencies in the
> matter) also had access to this information. Thus,
> operatives would now likely have full understanding
> of
> and access to all procedures, tools, and resources
> needed to undertake such a scam for their own
> benefits, if desired. 
> Next, I wonder why it is that I have been singled
> out
> for an absurd quantity of ëhitsí by the scam. Almost
> immediately after reporting to FBI and SS on one
> instance of the scam, I was immediately beset by
> more variants of the scam in just a few days! Now,
> statistically, this should be highly improbable.
> Especially after I notified the scammers of who I
> was
> and that I was working with the SS and FBI (which I
> undertook only because neither FBI or SS seemed to
> really care.) So we can reasonably assume that my
> name
> would NOT be passed on as ëa good targetí from one
> scammer to another. Indeed, the scam cannot work if
> a
> target gets multiple hits, because it would
> immediately reveal itself as a scam. 
> No - it was almost as if I was targeted as a
> punitive
> measure. When I next went public on national radio
> with the message that this scam was out there, and
> mentioned my suspicions that it was related to both
> 9-11 and that it may be tied to CIA operations on
> behalf of Osama bin Laden, the volume of ëhitsí
> again
> rose dramatically. On this Web page find the texts
> of
> SIX such hits received in two business days (plus
> MORE NOT SHOWN. Two of those (not shown) were the
> texts from the SAME person using yet a different
> email
> address but from the SAME computer! Examining the
> details of the six message headers indicate that
> almost all of the messages originated from the same
> computer (IP address) at almost exactly the same
> hour.
> me at the same time. This confirms that there is no
> intent whatsoever to target me as a potential
> victim,
> but merely as a harassment. Whoever did that had no
> fear whatsoever of the Secret Service - as if
> knowing
> they were protected, somehow. 
> Another curiosity has to do with who else is
> targeted
> by the scams. Naturally, Americans (only?) with a
> lot
> of money are targeted, but only the moderately
> wealthy. We might reasonably ask how would a scam
> artists in Africa know who the identity of these
> wealthy but not famous people - people with perhaps
> $500K to $5M in cash or other liquid financial
> resources. One answer is this: CIA has its own
> proprietary credit bureau. By this means, they know
> everything financial about everyone - even more than
> IRS databases would reflect. Further, the diversity
> of
> scam messages and styles are quite suitable to
> comparisons and applications according to
> psychological profiles of the intended victim. That
> is, a certain message content/style will appeal to a
> given victim more readily than another - and CIA is
> expert at the creation and use of psychological
> profiles. In fact, they invented it. The multitude
> of
> message text content and style itself suggests
> advance
> knowledge of the client's profile and particulars,
> which in turn implies CIA. 
> And yet another curiosity about who is targeted, is
> that persons representing and working for activist
> groups and other groups considered ëunfriendlyí to
> government seem to be targeted. It is as if they
> especially want to hurt or embarrass these persons
> and
> organizations. People like myself (spokesperson for
> NOILWAR!) and the head of group fighting for
> worker's
> rights, and a group trying to hold government
> agencies
> accountable for questionable handling of funds, have
> all been targeted in the same month! Curious that
> such
> a pattern exists - suggesting there is a motive
> other
> than making a quick buck. Such a motive might drive
> a
> black operation under CIA's control against
> political
> targets, but certainly not a purely criminal
> operation
> which could care less about politics. The usefulness
> of this observation is amplified when it is
> discovered
> that not one of these activist targets believes that
> 9-11 was about anything other than oil and war
> profits
> for the American power elite, using Osama bin Laden
> as
> a mercenary. 
> Only someone who knew they were safe from
> investigation would dare take such steps as to use
> the
> scam to harass, and/or as political weapon.  CIA is
> such a party safe from investigation. Only someone
> who
> had motives beyond profits would target political
> dissidents. CIA is such a party. Who else, but CIA
> fits all the criteria? Dirty tricks is, after all,
> one
> of their hallmarks. But we might well ask why would
> CIA be involved in such a scam in the first place? 
> Why would they want to bilk many millions of dollars
> (according to Secret Service) from American
> citizens?
> It has to do with unauthorized black ops undertaken
> by
> rogue Agency operatives. 
> Agency gets legitimate black ops funding through
> Congressional authorizations. While many claim (I
> do)
> that there is precious little oversight and
> accounting
> for exactly where the money goes (and often, how it
> is
> obtained), it is true that there is an accounting
> path. This path prohibits significant funding of
> really dark operations that are completely illegal
> and
> unauthorized. But one thing a good CIA agent knows
> is
> how to set up a front operation (phony business or
> organization) and use that to make money. They also
> know how to manipulate criminal elements and move in
> on criminal operations to make money. That is how
> most
> of the drug import and distribution operations in
> the
> United States (useful overview here) have come under
> CIA control. This is well documented, though
> disputed
> by a mainstream media controlled by means of CIA's
> Operation Mockingbird and similar. 
> One very dark CIA operation has to to with Osama bin
> Laden. As seen in the NOILWAR! page there is a clear
> link between Osama bin Laden and the CIA, and
> between
> the events of 911 and CIA. I call it DSST - Domestic
> State Sponsored Terrorism, a special kind of
> terrorism
> used by those in power to strengthen their grip on
> power. Hitler was perhaps the best known user of the
> methodology, in the Reichstag fire: Hitler's
> henchmen
> set fire tot he treasured German national library
> and
> blamed it on the terrorists of the day, the
> ëCommunists.í It not only gave Hitler a mandate to
> go
> after the Communists with a vengeance, but also a
> mandate to increase his grip over all aspects of
> government, including a crackdown on personal
> liberties and the racial/ethnic punishment of the
> Jews. Substitute Islam for Jews, and terrorists for
> communists, and there is no difference between the
> Reichstag fires and the WTC. 
> Which brings us to one more matter - that it is very
> convenient that in the bulk of these scams, an
> Islamic
> person or organization is involved. This is useful
> because if the victim makes a big stink and gets any
> press at all, the government can take the high road
> and say exactly what they told me - that they think
> it
> may be tied to terrorism. Of course, if anyone is
> smart enough to figure that out by themselves once
> they realize they have been victimized, they are
> likely NOT to come forward because it will make them
> seem foolish and perhaps even unpatriotic. Then,
> should it suit CIA's purpose, they will even be in a
> position to blackmail the victim for 'aiding
> terrorists' with unaccounted wire transfers - or
> even
> setting the victim up for arrests for same. This is
> one reason I am  very suspicious that political
> dissidents and activists have been targeted. 
> Again, if this seems incredulous, please take note
> of
> just one more coincidence. What do we call the
> tragedy
> of Sept. 11? We call it 9-1-1. What do they choose
> to
> call the scam? 4-1-9. The reason given seems
> innocent
> enough, but the similarities and mirroring in these
> numeric patterns is almost too ironic to be ignored
> as
> coincidental. Especially given that CIA is largely
> an
> occult organization that is in love with numbers and
> hidden meanings. The Bay of Pigs was originally
> Operation 40, which grew out of or had special
> relationships to Blackleaf 40 (a poison), Executive
> Order 40, the Council of 40, and a 40 year plan, and
> so forth. While this may be seen by some as
> stretching
> or reaching to make a point, those who study the
> intelligence community know better. There are
> generally few such coincidences which in the end
> turn
> out to be merely that. There is almost always more
> to
> it than meets the eye. For those who study numerics
> in
> the occult, both 911 and 419 are significant numbers
> representing Satanic traits and symbolism greatly
> appreciated by the secret societies from which CIA
> loves to recruit its members - such as Skull and
> Bones, of which the entire Bush Dynesty is member. 
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