CIA used LSD to make French lose the loaf
By Henry Samuel in Paris
Thursday March 11 2010

IN 1951, a quiet, picturesque village in southern France was suddenly and
mysteriously struck down with mass insanity and hallucinations. At least
five people died, dozens were committed to asylums and hundreds afflicted.

For decades it was assumed that the local bread had been unwittingly
poisoned with a psychedelic mould. Now an even more extraordinary
explanation has emerged, with evidence suggesting the CIA peppered local
food with the hallucinogenic drug LSD as part of a mind-control experiment
at the height of the Cold War.

The mystery of Le Pain Maudit (The Cursed Bread) still haunts
Pont-Saint-Esprit, in the Gard, south-east France. On August 16, 1951, the
inhabitants suddenly suffered frightful hallucinations of terrifying beasts
and fire.

One man tried to drown himself, screaming that his belly was being eaten by
snakes. An 11-year-old tried to strangle his grandmother.

Another man shouted "I am a plane" before jumping out of a second-floor
window, breaking his legs. He then got up and carried on for 50 yards.

'Time' magazine wrote: "Delirium rose: patients thrashed wildly on their
beds, screaming that red flowers were blossoming from their bodies, that
their heads had turned to molten lead."

Eventually, it was determined that a local baker had unwittingly
contaminated his flour with ergot, a hallucinogenic mould that infects rye

However, H P Albarelli Jr, an investigative journalist, claims the outbreak
resulted from a covert experiment directed by the CIA and the US army's
top-secret special ops division at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

Mr Albarelli came across CIA documents while investigating the suspicious
suicide of Frank Olson, a biochemist working for special ops who fell from a
13th floor window two years after the Cursed Bread incident.

One of the notes describes a conversation between a CIA agent and a official
with Sandoz, a pharmaceutical company that "supplied the CIA and the US army
with LSD".

The official allegedly mentioned the "secret of Pont-Saint-Esprit" and
explained that it was not "at all" caused by mould but by diethylamide, the
D in LSD. (© Daily Telegraph, London)

- Henry Samuel in Paris

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