Dobbs: Populist tide has elitists running scared

POSTED: 9:12 a.m. EST, November 22, 2006 

By Lou Dobbs

NEW YORK (CNN) -- The midterm elections, which produced the highest voter 
turnout in more than two decades, resulted in not only the Democratic takeover 
of both the House and the Senate, but a new political reality that has some 
free-trade-at-all-cost Republicans writhing in pain.

The free-trade orthodoxy, made up not only of Republicans but still a sizeable 
number of Democrats, appears to be spouting ever-louder lies and disturbing 
distortions of truth and reality as their desperation over the ascension of the 
"Lou Dobbs Democrats" on November 7 is becoming more shrill, verging on 
outright panic.

To these media merchants of obfuscation and hollow meaningless language, the 
very idea that ideology and blind partisanship may be giving way to truth must 
be frightening indeed.

"Roll Call" Executive Editor Mort Kondracke in his latest column implores 
President Bush to vigorously defend so-called free trade against alleged 
protectionist Democrats. Kondracke laments, "A tide of populism, protectionism, 
nationalism and xenophobia is washing over the country, fueled by right-wing 
radio talk show hosts, CNN firebrand Lou Dobbs and legitimate concerns that 
U.S. workers are falling behind in the global struggle for jobs and good wages."

Will the lies and distortion ever stop? While it's encouraging that Kondracke 
at least acknowledges the legitimacy of concerns about American workers and 
their families, he disappoints by trying to dismiss those concerns as a "tide 
of populism, protectionism, nationalism and xenophobia."

Elitists like Kondracke dismiss calls for balanced and mutual international 
trade as protectionism and nationalism. He and others completely disregard the 
$5 trillion in trade debt that the United States has built up through 30 
consecutive years of trade deficits. That trade debt is rising faster than our 
national debt and is simply economically unsustainable, no matter what any 
faith-based economist would argue. Our political, business and media elites 
continue to disregard reality.

Like Kondracke, those elites dismiss continuing concerns about the security of 
our ports and borders -- more than five years after September 11, 2001 -- as 
mere nationalism and xenophobia. Not a single one of them has been honest 
enough to admit that failure to secure our borders and ports leaves this nation 
unacceptably vulnerable to terrorist attack and flooded with billions of 
dollars of illegal drugs. How can any rational, independent thinker accept such 
a reality?

And in the mind of those elites, any call to curtail illegal immigration is 
xenophobic, even though ours is the most racially and ethnically diverse 
society on the planet; even though we bring in one million immigrants legally 
to this country every year. Without question, I am an independent populist, and 
as I've said before, the antonym of populism is elitism, which I reject as 
simply un-American.

The chairman of the elite business lobbying organization, the Business 
Roundtable, Terry McGraw, took issue with the newly elected "Lou Dobbs 
Democrats." He dismissed the controversy over the business practice of 
outsourcing American jobs to cheap overseas labor markets, except "in certain 
areas and especially in areas where manufacturing companies have been 
particularly affected."

Unfortunately, those affected areas are expanding, not diminishing. And one has 
to wonder why the effect of putting our middle class in direct competition with 
the cheapest labor in the world isn't as clear to them as it is to most working 
men and women in this country. McGraw is a capable and intelligent businessman 
who should know better, and so should the CEOs of the multinational 
corporations the Roundtable represents.

Almost a century ago, Henry Ford doubled his workers' salaries so the people on 
the assembly line could afford the automobiles they manufactured. Ford and his 
employees helped build the strongest middle class in the world. But today, 
American business leaders seem intent on destroying jobs and looking at their 
American employees as liabilities, not assets.

Bankrupt auto parts maker Delphi CEO Steve Miller said of the company's recent 
collapse, "We are in a market for human capital, supply and demand. If you pay 
too much for a particular class of employees, you go broke." Delphi was and is 
one of the country's most enthusiastic outsourcers of American jobs and its 
business model is still a disaster. As Miller was making his remarks, he was 
also rationalizing the outrageous salaries and retention bonuses for the same 
senior management that had led the company into bankruptcy.

The Bush administration continues to display its contempt for truth and honesty 
about America's social and economic condition, whether describing our economy 
as strong when half the people in this country, according to the census bureau 
earn less than $33,000 a year, or boosting so-called free trade by suggesting 
the only other policy option is economic isolationism.

This month the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported that 35 million 
Americans who struggle to put food on their tables are categorized as people 
with "low food security." This administration lacks the courage and the honesty 
to address truth and reality: The USDA tried not to say in its report that as 
good and strong as this economy is, 35 million of our fellow citizens are 
hungry. That's right; the USDA is talking about hunger, not food security.

We can all hope that the desperate distortions and lies are really the early 
death throes of the partisan propaganda threatening our very way of life.

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the writer.

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