What is Stephen trying to hide?  I wonder if this falls under and is part of 
Bush's new policies requiring "approval" before publishing scientic "product"  
--Publish and Perish--
  see http://tinyurl.com/v2ytl and http://tinyurl.com/y4u674
Promoting Openness, Full Disclosure, and Accountability 
  The Alliance for Human Research Protection joins the effort of Union of 
Concerned Scientists to stop Stephen Johnson and the U.S. Evironmental 
Protection Agency from engaging in irresponsible conduct--much like 
marauders--who have embarked on destroying valuable data!
  This is tantamount to Book Burning that the Nazis engaged in to eliminate 
from the public record information they did not want YOU or future generations 
to know.  
  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains a nationwide network of 
27 libraries that provide critical scientific information on human health and 
environmental protection, not only to EPA scientists, but also to other 
researchers and the general public. The EPA libraries are located in each of 10 
regions of the country, at EPA headquarters in Washington, D.C. and at various 
EPA laboratories specializing in certain aspects of environmental protection.  
See: http://www.ucsusa.org/scientific_integrity/interference/epa-libraries.html
    Take action: call (telephone # below), write your Congress person and 
  WHERE IS THE FREE PRESS????????  Where are the Congressional whores?


  http://ucsaction.org/campaign/12_5_06_EPA_Shuts_Down_Libraries  The EPA 
Closes Its Libraries, Destroys Documents    The Environmental Protection Agency 
(EPA) has begun closing its nationwide network of scientific libraries, 
effectively preventing EPA scientists and the public from accessing vast 
amounts of data and information on issues from toxicology to pollution. Several 
libraries have already been dismantled, with their contents either destroyed or 
shipped to repositories where they are uncataloged and inaccessible.
  Members of Congress have asked the EPA to cease and desist. Please call EPA 
Administrator Stephen Johnson at (202) 564-4700 and tell him that scientists 
and the public should retain access to this information. Urge him to 
immediately halt the dismantling of the library system until Congress approves 
the EPA budget and all materials are readily available online. 
  Please Note: We've received reports that some EPA receptionists are denying 
closing the libraries and destroying documents, telling UCS supporters that UCS 
is spreading misinformation, and claiming that they are simply restructuring 
and modernizing the system. They're also saying  that it is more effective to 
call Congress about this issue. Click here for evidence of why these arguments 
don’t hold water.
Tell me more 

Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav 
   see also EPA Nominee Advocates Human Guinea Pigs :: Intervention Magazine 
...         Articles & Essays Stephen Johnson, Bush's nominee to run the EPA, 
advocates the testing of pesticides on humans -- even children -- for the 
benefit of large 
          See full-size image.

www.ens-newswire.com/.../20060125_spray.jpg     EPA Administrator Stephen 
Johnson defends pesticide dosing experiments as necessary for information on 
which to base regulations. (Photo courtesy EPA) On April 8, 2005, Administrator 
Johnson cancelled a controversial Children's Health Environmental Exposure 
Research Study that would have allowed pesticide dosin
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