UK releases past UFO reports, will destroy future UFO reports, avoids
government ET/UFO “conspiracy”
March 1, 11:00 PMSeattle Exopolitics
Lambremont Webre

U.K. MoD: Illustration of UFOs and EBEs, Heathrow Airport, 7/13/93

In a remarkable policy tour de force disclosed on February 18, 2010, a
purported year of “official extraterrestrial disclosure”, the U.K. Ministry
of Defence of Defence has engaged in yet another serial data
dump<>of multiple UFO and
extraterrestrial files, without any accompanying
scientific, cosmological, exopolitical narrative or framework of analysis.

The U.K. Ministry of Defence also revealed in a secret
Nov. 11, 2009, and released Feb. 28, 2010 by freedom of information
(FOI) release to Dr. David Clarke, a U.K. UFO expert, that "Reported
sightings received from other sources should be answered by a standard
letter and... should be retained for 30 days and then destroyed, largely
removing any future FOI liability and negating the need to release future
files post-November 30 2009."

Exhibiting an embattled mentality regarding the communications with other
governments on extraterrestrial and UFO issues and the exopolitical research
community, the U.K. Ministry of Defence secret
"We have deliberately avoided formal approaches to other Governments
on this issue. "Such approaches would become public when the relevant UFO
files are released, and would be viewed by 'ufologists' as evidence of
international collaboration and conspiracy."

The patent note of desperation and incoherence in the latest U.K. ministry
of defence public ET/UFO strategy (or lack thereof) demonstrates how the
extraterrestrial embargo jointly commenced by the U.S. and U.K. intelligence
forces with the 1953 U.S. CIA Robertson
Panel<>is now deteriorating.

It is most plausible that the U.K. Ministry of Defence, like its counterpart
the U.S. Department of Defense, wants to concentrate on its secret
compartmentalized programs with extraterrestrial civilizations, while
shutting down all of its mechanisms for collecting public reports of UFOs.

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