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> From: Sardar <sar...@spiritone.com>
> Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 17:47:39 -0800
> To: Sardar <recon1968br...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan: Part 9
>       PART 9
>       By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
>       February 22, 2010
>       NewsWithViews.com
>       [Note: In my Note at the beginning of Part 8 in this series, I asked
> if Al Qaeda mastermind Ali Mohammed only wanted limited damage in his
> planned attacks. And I referred to CIA operative Robert Baer's quote about
> 9/11 being "a triumph for the intelligence community, not a failure."
> Relevant to this, remember we are told Osama bin Laden is sickly man on a
> dialysis machine hiding in a mountain cave in northwest Pakistan. But also
> remember that in an interview with Gen. Mike Hayden (head of the National
> Security Agency at the time) on CBS's "60 Minutes II" (February 13, 2001),
> seven months before 9/11, Gen. Hayden revealed that "Osama bin Laden has at
> his disposal the wealth of a $3 trillion-a-year telecommunications industry
> that he can rely on.. He has better technology available to him [than does
> the NSA]." One of the investors in the Iridium global satellite system is
> the Saudi Binladen Group, and US News & World Report (November 8, 1999)
> reported that the Pentagon planned increasingly to use private satellite
> companies like Iridium for much of its communications. Think about all of
> the above.]
>       At the end of Part 8, I mentioned how the Gehlen Organization (GO) and
> Die Spinne helped Nazi SS officers, including Dr. Josef Mengele, escape to
> Latin America after World War II. Therefore, at this point, it would be
> instructive to examine exactly how the network worked in facilitating
> someone like Mengele to escape. In Mengele (1986) by Gerald Posner and John
> Ware, they noted that Mengele was actually in an American prison camp for
> two months at the end of WWII. The authors wrote: "Although there is no
> evidence of collusion between the American authorities and Mengele, the fact
> remains that this notorious war criminal was held for two months and never
> identified as the 'principal war criminal' on the 'wanted' list." Perhaps
> Posner and Ware should have checked the relation between Gehlen and Allen
> Dulles!
>       At the American prison camp, a Dr. Fritz Ulmann (also a prisoner) whom
> "the Americans had assigned to the prison staff of the main camp
> administrative office, where release papers were processed," provided
> Mengele with release papers. Once out of prison, Ulmann's brother-in-law,
> though not a Nazi, secreted Mengele on a farm in Bavaria. In 1949, former SS
> contacts in Gunzburg helped Mengele escape Germany, along with "a small
> suitcase filled with scientific specimens" from his Auschwitz experiments
> (perhaps with identical twins research).
>       A friend named "Kurt" acquired an International Red Cross passport for
> Mengele. Posner and Ware wrote: "The International Red Cross file on Josef
> Mengele was shrouded in secrecy for forty years after the war." Remember,
> the Red Cross has been used as cover for U.S. government operations, as in
> American Red Cross representative Raymond Robins literally forcing Lenin to
> dismiss Assistant Commissar for Foreign Affairs Ivan Zalkind.
>       Mengele was to leave Genoa on the North King ship which was to depart
> for Argentina on May 25, 1949, but he was arrested on May 22 for not having
> a proper Italian exit visa. After three weeks, he was released and the North
> King was still at the dock (how many ships have you heard of that are three
> weeks behind their departure date?). He embarked for Buenos Aires in
> mid-July 1949. After ten years in Argentina, he settled in Paraguay by May
> 1959.
>       Posner and Ware noted the lack of effective cooperation by the West
> German police and Interpol in pursuing Mengele. One should remember at this
> point that former SS officer Paul Dickopf and other Nazis were active in the
> West German Federal Police (BKA, German Federal Criminal Police Office,
> formed in 1951) for some time after WWII, and Dickopf became head of
> Interpol from 1968-1972. Posner and Ware wrote: "Certainly for most of the
> 1960s and much of the 1970s, the West German government led everyone to
> believe that Mengele was likely to be in Paraguay." However, the truth was
> that by late October 1960, Mengele had left Paraguay for Brazil where he
> would live until his death on February 7, 1979 near Sao Paulo.
>       In Part 4 of this series, I referred to Mengele and the twins of
> Candido Godoi, Brazil in the early 1960s. About six months after I wrote
> that, National Geographic News on November 25, 2009 published "'Nazi Twins'
> a Myth: Mengele Not Behind Brazil Boom?" about a National Geographic
> documentary aired November 29. The article and documentary indicated a high
> rate of twinning existed in Candido Godoi long before Mengele arrived, that
> most of the twins were non-identical, and that there was no surge in
> twinning in the early 1960s when Mengele was there. Gary Steinman (a
> twinning expert at Long Island Jewish Medical Center) is also quoted as
> saying: "Even if Mengele had ovulation induction drugs available, they would
> have had an effect only on the immediate recipients for one generation."
> Therefore, this would not have produced the successive generations of Aryans
> for the army the Nazis desired. Steinman also "suspects a role for a growth
> hormone-produced protein called IGF which he's previously linked to twinning
> in both cows and humans."
>       Advertisement
>       The problem with what National Geographic is studying is that they don't
> understand what Mengele's purpose may have been. Mengele was primarily
> interested in identical twins. In Brazil, he talked of "artificial
> insemination in human beings, that he was capable of getting cows to produce
> male twins,. and everyone remembers he used to take blood" (London
> Telegraph, January 23, 2009). If Mengele was only interested in being able
> to produce a set of twins for succession (explained in earlier Parts of this
> series) in the secret Nazi plan, he would not have been interested in
> producing multi-generational twinning. Secondly, if he was interested in
> being able to produce identical rather than non-identical twins, that would
> not have resulted in a surge in the rate of twinning. Thirdly, the fact that
> "everyone remembers he used to take blood" may mean he was trying to find
> the relation of IGF levels to the production of male identical twins. This
> would be to fulfill the secret Nazi plan's provision for a second generation
> to succeed the original Nazi agents who went underground. If he found this
> relation of IGF levels, that information could have been shared globally
> with other Nazi scientists secretly dispersed via the GO.
>       One question relevant to today regards the possible role of Iran in
> the secret Nazi plan. Prior to WWII, the Shah of Iran admired Hitler, Nazism
> and Aryanism so much that in 1935 he changed the name of Persia to Iran,
> which in Farsi means Aryan. During WWII, Germany's envoy to the Middle East
> was a member of the Gestapo named Fritz Grobba, who promised a Pan-Arab
> crescent from Casablanca (Morocco) to Tehran (Iran). After the Nazi
> surrender in Mary, 1945, Nazi Brig. Gen. Reinhard Gehlen and his top aides
> were at Fort Hunt, Virginia on September 20, 1945 making a deal with OSS
> head William Donovan (and Allan Dulles) for them to use the GO (Nazis and SS
> officers) operating out of Pullach, Germany. Part of the deal called for the
> GO in ten years (1955) to become the West German Federal Intelligence
> Service (BND), and Gehlen operatives served therein for decades. This raises
> the question of whether GO agents have operated for decades, and perhaps
> even today, in Iran, threatening to destabilize the region.
>       Remember, the Power Elite (PE) uses crises to further its goals. And
> just as Lincoln Bloomfield wrote about the need to maintain a "Communist
> dynamic" against the West to incentivize acceptance of a world government,
> could the "Iranian (radical Muslim) dynamic" be used to incentivize Israel's
> acceptance of world government?
>       In 1953, the GO helped the CIA (Allan Dulles and Kermit Roosevelt)
> overthrow the elected Mossadegh government in Iran, installing the Shah as
> leader of the country with Nazi collaborator Gen. Fazlollah Zahedi as Prime
> Minister. Zahedi then signed 25-year leases on 40 percent of Iran's oil with
> 3 American companies, one of which was Gulf Oil, which a few years later
> made Kermit Roosevelt a vice-president!
>       Another subject to contemplate is what happened to Heinrich Himmler.
> Could it be that his secret vault in his castle was found by an American
> secret team (that disappeared along with the vault's contents) because
> Himmler told them where to look? Could the secret team have been sent by
> Allan Dulles, and could the documents have shown Himmler's cooperation with
> Dulles years before the war ended? And also consider the possibility that
> the corpse of Himmler found while in Allied custody really wasn't Himmler
> (the British placed a 100-year ban on seeing documents about his "suicide"
> by cyanide). For information concerning discrepancies about the X-rays,
> dental records, dueling scar, etc., of Himmler and the corpse, read Hugh
> Thomas's The Strange Death of Heinrich Himmler.
>       Also in this book, one reads that the Red House report (mentioned
> earlier in my series) "disclosed that Heinrich Himmler commanded the
> finances of Reich, one of the greatest bargaining tools of the 20th century.
> He was in a position not only to negotiate the Reich's future but also his
> own survival, ready to engage in final discussions with Allied
> Intelligence.. Himmler assiduously arranged the transfer of a huge chunk of
> Nazi Germany's assets abroad, [and] his long-term aim was to reinvest this
> capital and expertise in building a new Fourth Reich that would arise,
> phoenix-like, from the skeleton of the SS 'state within a state,' to be
> governed by a hardcore of the elite." Remember that the new global currency
> planned for 2018 A.D. is called "the Phoenix." If Himmler actually did not
> die at the end of WWII he could have guided the secret Nazi plan for decades
> after WWII since he was born October 7, 1900 A.D.
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>       Whenever I ask scholars about the secret Nazi plan described by Sumner
> Welles, they say "There's no evidence" the plan actually existed. Notice
> they don't say the plan didn't exist, but that "there's no evidence" of it.
> Relevant to these scholars' dismissive attitude regarding the secret Nazi
> plan, it is important to remember that "official historians (those chosen by
> the British government to look at carefully selected archive material and
> produce reports and books for public consumption) have been reluctant to
> acknowledge that the Red House report ever existed, let alone admit the
> possibility that its contents might be genuine or significant." This is
> according to Hugh Thomas, who added that "two who were involved in handling
> the Red House report when it first came into Allied hands continued to deny
> its very existence until the day its yellowing pages were released, somewhat
> belatedly, in 1996 from Washington's archives under the Freedom of
> Information Act."
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>       Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political analyst, received a
> Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in
> American History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has taught at the
> university level, has been a political and economic risk analyst for an
> international consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate with the U.S.
> Department of Education.
>       Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress on behalf of the
> U.S. Department of Justice. Dr. Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books
> and booklets, and has written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers
> around the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA
> Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows in various parts of
> the country, such as ABC Radio in New York City, and he has also been a
> guest on the national television programs USA Today and CBS's Nightwatch.
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>       Whenever I ask scholars about the secret Nazi plan described by Sumner
> Welles, they say "There's no evidence" the plan actually existed. Notice
> they don't say the plan didn't exist, but that "there's no evidence" of it.
> http://www.newswithviews.com:80/Cuddy/dennis175.htm

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