In a message dated 1/5/06 9:26:14 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Sue Ralston with Dubya
  Don't forget that Jack Abramoff's own secretary,
  Susan Ralston, became Karl Rove's Personal Assistant,
  and that Abramoff said he contacted Rove personally
  on relieving his client Tyco from having to pay some taxes
  and still be able to get federal contracts. 

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  To activate links go here:
  Bush Abruptly Ended Abramoff 
  Investigation in 2002! 
  Obstruction of Justice? (must-see!!) 
  by Sherlock Google 
  Fri Dec 02, 2005 at 08:31:45 AM PDT  Picture of Bush & Sue Ralston
  Sue Ralston with Dubya
  Don't forget that Jack Abramoff's own secretary, 
  Susan Ralston, became Karl Rove's Personal Assistant, 
  and that Abramoff said he contacted Rove personally 
  on relieving his client Tyco from having to pay some taxes 
  and still be able to get federal contracts.  
  Abramoff said "he had contact with Mr. Karl Rove" on Tyco.
    But that's not the half of it! It was only revealed this August   that in 
2002 Bush himself fired a prosecutor, Frederick Black,   investigating Abramoff 
over a scandal in Guam. Rove   recommended the replacement and the inquiry of 
Abramoff ended! "       "The demotion of Black looks political and should be 
investigated,"    Melanie Sloan, executive director of CREW, said in a press 
release."       It would be Obstruction of Justice by Bush if true.   PLUS Bush 
never repaid Abramoff's firm, Greenberg,   $314,000 in bills for the 2000 
Recount, making it in effect a   HUGE in-kind contribution to Bush!   SO BUSH 
OWES ABRAMOFF BIG-TIME.   And Abramoff himself was a "Pioneer", raising over   
$100,000 for Bush in 2004.   My investigation on the flip, Jack! 
   Sherlock Google's diary :: :: 

  Rove now says he has "no recollection" of Flippin Jack 
  calling him about breaks for Tyco.  Hmmmm...
  Seems I have a recollection of hearing that somewhere before. 
   Maybe Scotty could beam up another conversation with Karl 
  swearing he had no recollection.
  And now with investigators HOT on the trail of aides getting 
  juicy jobs in return for favors, the prosecutors MUST be looking 
  into the whole Abramoff-Rove-Ralston deal.  
  My number 1 diary on the Rec list covers today's story in the NYT:
   Abramoff About to Flip on Delay and GOP? Dems to take Congress?
  In addition, Rove's credibility from the CIA Leak case is now zero, 
  so I believe prosecutors may be about to press him on his
   "no recollection" claim.
  But here's the BIG NEWS just dredged up from the bottom   of the Abramoff 
Slime-Pit:   Update [2005-12-2 11:41:16 by Sherlock Google]:   BUSH SILENCED 
     An early administration attempt to cover for Abramoff?   This from today's 
LA Times ...   A U.S. grand jury in Guam opened an investigation of 
controversial lobbyist Jack Abramoff more than two years ago, but President 
Bush removed the supervising federal prosecutor and the inquiry ended soon 
after.   Aug 07, 2005 -- 12:24:03 PM EST   The article goes on to explain that 
the Superior Court in Guam   hired Abramoff to lobby against a bill under 
consideration   in Congress which would have placed the Superior Court   under 
the authority of the island's Supreme Court -   - which certainly sounds like a 
sensible approach    (the bill later passed). Perhaps because of the oddity - 
  - to say the least -- of an inferior court hiring lobbyists to secure   its 
independence from a superior (or in this case, Supreme) court,   the Superior 
Court arranged for a cut-out from Laguna Beach,   California, an attorney named 
Howard Hills.       More details from the Times ...   The transactions were the 
target of a grand jury subpoena   issued Nov. 18, 2002, according to a copy 
obtained   by The Times. The subpoena demanded that Anthony Sanchez,   
administrative director of the Guam Superior Court,   release records involving 
the lobbying contract,    including bills and payments. A day later, the chief  
 prosecutor, U.S. Atty. Frederick A. Black, who had launched   the 
investigation, was demoted. A White House news release   announced that Bush 
was replacing Black.       Black was also apparently less than popular with the 
island's   immigrant-labor-driven textile businesses because he had started   a 
post September 11th investigation into whether the island's   loose
 immigration policies represented a security risk ...       The acting U.S. 
attorney was a controversial official in Guam.   At the time he was removed, 
Black was directing a long-term   investigation into allegations of public 
corruption in the   administration of then-Gov. Carl Gutierrez. The inquiry 
produced   numerous indictments, including some of the governor's   political 
associates and top aides. Black also arranged for   a security review in the 
aftermath of Sept. 11 that was seen as   a potential threat to loose 
immigration rules favored by local   business leaders. In fact, the study 
ordered by Black eventually   cited substantial security risks in Guam and the 
Northern Marianas.       Abramoff, who then represented the Commonwealth   of 
the Northern Mariana Islands, alerted his clients   in a memo about the 
expected report and warned:   "It will require some major action from the Hill  
 and a press attack to get this back in the bottle."       It is of course 
important to
 remember that all of this happened   before the scandals began to erupt around 
Abramoff.   Thus it would have been before he became so radioactive   that the 
White House began to wash its collective hands of him.   Note that the article 
suggests Karl Rove's direct involvement   in the choice of Black's replacement. 
  TPM Cafe LA Times article       FROM CREW: "The fact that Mr. Black's 
demotion   apparently resulted in the termination of a serious public   
corruption investigation into a friend of the White House,   makes the 
situation all the more egregious,"    according to Sloan. "This administration 
needs to be held   accountable for its actions. An investigation by the Dept.   
 of Justice Inspector General would be a good first step."       Black was 
demoted a day after a Nov. 18, 2002 federal   grand jury subpoena directed at 
Anthony Sanchez,   administrative director of the local court at the time   the 
payments to Abramoff were made   through a California attorney, according
 to the watchdog's   letter to the Justice Department inspector general.       
From Bloomberg, Oct 30, 2005: Justice Department Inspector   General Glenn Fine 
is looking into the reasons behind   Black's removal as acting U.S. attorney, 
spokesman   Paul Martin said. The Los Angeles Times reported in August   that 
Black's demotion came after he began exploring   Abramoff's lobbying efforts on 
behalf of court officials   in Guam, another U.S. territory.       Here is a 
summary of the case from Political Amazon on the Rhodes blog:       1) In May 
Abramoff was retained BY A SECRET ARRANGEMENT   with the Guam Superior Court, 
paid with a series of $9000 checks   (laundered through his agent in 
California) to disguise the   arrangement between Abramaoff and the Guam 
Superior Court.       No separate contract was authorized for Abramoff's 
lobbying   on the behalf of the Superior Court. No explanation has been given   
by the court regarding Abramoff's retention and his work.       2) Abramoff
 was retained to "...lobby against a court revision   bill then pending in the 
U.S. Congress. The legislation,   since approved, gave the Guam Supreme Court 
authority   over the Superior Court."       3) U.S. Attorney Frederick A. 
Black--who had held the acting   U.S. Attorney assignment for over a 
decade--issued a grand jury   subpoena on 11/18/2002; the subpoena demanded 
that the   administrative director of the Guam Superior Court release records   
regarding the contract with Abrahmoff, including bills and payments.       4) A 
day later, a White House news release indicated that   Bush Jr was replacing 
Atty. Gen. Black.       5) Atty. Gen. Black was also, when dismissed, conducing 
  a long-term investigation in corruption into reported corruption   in the 
administration of then-Gov. Carl Gutierrez. Black's inquiry   had resulted in 
numerous indictments (which included some   of the governor's political pals 
and aides).       6) Atty. Gen. Black had also, after 9/11, started a
 major   security review of Guam and the Northern Marianas.    At the time, 
Abramoff represented the Commonwealth   of the Northern Marianas. The business 
community liked   the loose immigration rules because it provided a labor 
source.   Atty. Gen. Black's study ended with outlining   major security risks 
in Guam and the Northern Marianas.       7) Abramoff, after the findings of the 
secruity risks was published, "   ...alerted his clients in a memo about the 
expected report   and warned:    'It will require some major action from the 
Hill and a press attack   to get this back in the bottle.'....he and his aides 
expected   to meet in the near future with Justice Department officials,    
according to Abramoff billing documents released this year    by the Marianas 
government."       8) After the subpoenas were released for information from 
the   Superior Court, Guam's federal grand jury took no further action.   
However, 3 weeks later 100 pages of documents had been provided,   which
 were turned over to the FBI investigating the case.       9) Black's 
replacement was Leonardo Rapadas, at the   recommendation of the Guam 
Republican Party.   He was confirmed--without debate-- in May 2003.   "Fred 
Radewagen, a lobbyist who had been under contract   to the Gutierrez 
administration, said he carried that   recommendation to top Bush aide Karl 
Rove in early 2003."       10) Upon assuming his position, Rapadas immediately 
recused   himself from the ongoing public corruption investigation   of ex-gov. 
Gutierrez because Rapadas was    "...a cousin of 'one of the main targets," 
according to   a confidential memo to Justice Department officials."   
  Here is the involvement of Abramoff, Rove and Ralston   on the Tyco favor as 
well as an admitted quid pro quo   on money for the Choctaw Indian Tribe, one 
of Flippin Jack's clients:       Tyco Exec: Abramoff Claimed Ties to 
  By R. Jeffrey Smith
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 23, 2005; Page A06
  Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff bragged two years ago 
  that he was in contact with White House political aide 
  Karl Rove on behalf of a large, Bermuda-based 
  corporation that wanted to avoid incurring some taxes 
  and continue receiving federal contracts, according to 
  a written statement by President Bush's nominee to be 
  deputy attorney general.
  Timothy E. Flanigan, general counsel for conglomerate 
  Tyco International Ltd., said in a statement to the Senate 
  Judiciary Committee last week that Abramoff's lobbying firm 
  initially boasted that Abramoff could help Tyco fend off 
  a special liability tax because he 
  "had good relationships with members of Congress," 
  including House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.).
  Abramoff later said "he had contact with Mr. Karl Rove" 
  about the issue, according to the statement by Flanigan, 
  who oversaw Tyco's dealings with Abramoff and his firm 
  and received reports from Abramoff about progress in the 
  lobbying campaign. Flanigan's statement is the latest indication 
  that Abramoff promoted himself as having ready access 
  to senior officials in the Bush administration.
  A White House spokeswoman, Erin Healy, said Rove 
  "has no recollection" of being contacted by Abramoff 
  about Tyco's concerns.
  Rove's personal assistant at the time, Susan Ralston, 
  formerly worked as Abramoff's secretary. 
  It could not be learned yesterday whether she was among those 
  contacted by any of the 14-person Greenberg team recorded 
  as working on the Tyco account.
  The Bush administration was never enthusiastic about the
   tax penalty, but both the House and Senate approved language 
  in 2002 denying federal contracts to companies largely based 
  in the United States but incorporated in tax havens.
  Tyco was among a raft of companies, including Ingersoll-Rand
   and Noble Corp., that hired an army of lobbyists to stall
   the legislation and ultimately kill most of it. House Republican 
  leaders argued that corporate flight was merely a symptom 
  of a much broader problem with the U.S. tax code that should be 
  treated in a larger tax reform package.
  Ralston previously worked as a personal secretary to Jack Abramoff, 
  the Republican power lobbyist being investigated for allegations 
  of defrauding Indian tribes who was recently indicted on conspiracy 
  and wire fraud charges. While working with Abramoff, Ralston 
  arranged fundraisers and events at Washington MCI Center 
  skyboxes for members of Congress. Ralston communicated 
  with Rove on Abramoff's behalf on tribal affairs, 
  though she is not accused of wrongdoing.
  On December 05, 2001, Abramoff is concerned with the possible 
  appointment of Angie Williams to head the Interior Department's 
  Office of Insular Affairs. The office, and who runs it, is important 
  to Abramoff, because it oversees relations with one of his most 
  important clients, the Northern Mariana Islands.
  (He has arranged many junkets there for members of Congress 
  and their staffs. On one of them, in 1997, former House Majority 
  Leader Tom DeLay had publicly declared Abramoff to be 
  "one of my closest and dearest friends.") Angie Williams, 
  who has applied for the job and been interviewed by the 
  Office of Presidential Personnel, worries Abramoff, 
  because she is the wife of 
  Orson Swindle, a close friend of Senator John McCain, 
  who has tangled with Abramoff in the past. He finds sympathy 
  in Reed, who has also been at odds with McCain. 
  The two even refer to Williams--incorrectly, 
  but tellingly--as "McCain's wife:" 
  Subject: RE: were you able to whack McCain's wife yet?
   Abramoff to Reed, Tuesday, December 4, 2001, 6:26 p.m.: 
  Angie Williams is her name.
  Reed to Abramoff, Wednesday, December 5, 2001, 11:53 a.m.:
  weighed in heavily. [But the White House] OPP 
  [Office of Presidential Personnel] did not commit to final decision.
  Abramoff to Reed, Wednesday, December 5, 2001, 1:24 p.m.:
  Any ideas on how we can make sure she does not get it? 
  Can you ping Karl on this? I can't believe they just don't get this done. 
  Reed to Abramoff, Wednesday, December 5, 2001, 2:25 p.m.:
  i am seeing him tomorrow at the WH 
  and plan to discuss it with him as well.
  On February 06, 2003, Abramoff is frustrated. 
  He has tried to get Rove's attention through Susan Ralston, 
  Abramoff's former assistant, who now works in the same 
  doorkeeping capacity for Rove. The issue at hand is a move 
  by the Interior Department to allow a casino to be built by a tribe 
  that is a rival of Abramoff's client, the Louisiana Coushattas. 
  Ralston rebuffs him, so he turns to Reed: 
  Subject: Louisiana,    From Abramoff to Ralston, 
  Thursday, February 06, 2003, 4:24 p.m: 
  I don't want to bother you guys with a meeting request, 
  so I was hoping you could pass on to Karl that Interior 
  is about to approve a gaming compact and land in trust 
  for a tribe which is an anathema to all our supporters 
  down there. It's called the Jena tribe, and the politicos (!) 
  at Interior (low-mid level) are agreeing to this. 
  It will cause a major backlash from our coalition and 
  is something which they should not do on the merits. 
  I believe that [Deputy Secretary of the Interior] Steve Griles 
  over there would be opposed, but it's important, if possible, 
  to get some quiet message from the WH that this is absurd. 
  Thanks Susan.
  Ralston to Abramoff, Tuesday, February 11, 2003, 3:04 p.m.:
  Karl and others are aware, but the WH is not going to get involved.
  (Abramoff then encloses this exchange in an e-mail to Reed.)
  From Abramoff to Reed, February 11, 2003, 4:48 p.m.:
  Don't pass on, but thought you would be interested in this. 
  Don't share with anyone. Thanks. 
  From Reed to Abramoff, February 11, 2003, 4:52 p.m.:
  this is nuts. want any help on this one?
  From Abramoff to Reed:Yes, if possible. I think Haley 
  [Barbour, the Mississippi Governor] got to them. 
  they are making a huge mistake to just let this pass, 
  when a quiet phone call can end this idiocy. 
  If you can weigh in, it would help. Thanks Ralph.
  Late that year, the Department of the Interior came down against 
  the interests of Abramoff's client, but Abramoff and his allies 
  still managed to block the rival tribe at the state level.
  In another exchange, Ralph Reed was in Austin, Texas listening 
  to Karl Rove deliver a speech to the Republican National Committee. 
  Rove set forth GOP themes for the upcoming mid-term elections, 
  and first suggested deploying President Bush's war on terrorism 
  for electoral advantage. 
  As Rove put it: "We can go to the country on this issue, 
  because they trust the Republican Party to do a better job 
  of protecting and strengthening America's military might 
  and thereby protecting America." As Reed listened, he reached 
  for his Blackberry and e-mailed Abramoff:
  From Reed to Amramoff, January 18, 2002 2:15 p.m.: 
  Am at a lunch with Rove at the RNC meeting and just talked 
  to the AG [then Texas Attorney General John Cornyn, now a 
  U.S. senator]. Will report the substance shortly."
  Abramoff asks Reed to raise an "urgent" matter with Rove-
  -getting $16 million released by the Justice Department to fund 
  a Mississippi Choctaw jail. In a return e-mail, Reed agrees 
  to do that, saying "ok". Congress had earmarked some 
  $16.3 million for a jail long sought by the Mississippi Band 
  of Choctaw, a key Abramoff client. But the Justice Department 
  resisted turning over the big grant to the already wealthy 
  Mississippi Choctaws, noting that other Indian jails needed it more.
  From Abramoff to Reed, January 18, 2002 2:28 p.m.: 
        I have an urgent matter for him. The Choctaws 
  [the Mississippi Choctaws were an Abramoff client] -
  - who have given literally hundreds of thousands to our 
  candidates and groups - are getting screwed at DoJ 
  [The Department of Justice] on a jail funding . . . 
  We really need some serious swat from Karl. I have asked
   Susan [Ralston] to get me in to see him on this, 
  but if you could mention it, perhaps I could get him 
  the materials and save the need to meet? Thanks Ralph.
  Reed to Ambramoff, January 20, 2002 10:57 p.m.: ok 
  In addition to broaching the matter with the White House, 
  Abramoff also lobbied Republicans and Democratic leaders 
  in the House and Senate, who wrote letters to Attorney General 
  John Ashcroft supporting the jail's funding. Later in 2002, 
  the Department of Justice released the money to the 
  Mississippi Choctaws--another victory for Abramoff and Reed.
  My hunch is that Rove got approval from Bush for all of Abramoff's 
  and Reed's qui pro quo requests.  And here Rove let Ralston 
  be White House gatekeeper, Flippin Jack's lobbyist mole 
  and inside facilitator!  On top of the favors for jobs investigation 
  story in the NY Times today, this Ralston-Rove-Abramoff 
  connection really deserves a deeper look by the blogosphere. 
    This Choctaw jail funding is CLEARLY a confessed quid pro quo   and Rove, 
Ralston and the White House are all involved:       The Choctaws [the 
Mississippi Choctaws were an   Abramoff client] -- who have given literally 
hundreds   of thousands to our candidates and groups - are getting   screwed at 
DoJ [The Department of Justice] on a jail funding    . . . We really need some 
serious swat from Karl.   I have asked Susan [Ralston] to get me in to see him 
on this,   but if you could mention it, perhaps I could get him   the materials 
and save the need to meet?       The e-mails really illustrate The Culture of 
Corruption quite nicely.  
  The e-mail replaces the tape recordings of the Watergate Scandal!
  Because of the senior approvals needed for so many of Abramoff's    schemes, 
Bush must be involved.     Keeping Karl on now is a double whammy.   
  Tags: Karl Rove, Jack Abramoff, George W. Bush, Susan Ralston, 
  TYCO, culture of corrption (COC) (all tags)
  End ###
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