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--- Begin Message ---
Intelligence Failures
Thursday, March 16, 2006 - Bangor Daily News

The Senate Intelligence Committee stands in the middle of some of the most
important work Congress will do this year. It also stands in the way. Not
only has it failed to complete its work on investigating how the White House
used intelligence leading up to the war in Iraq, it has offered only a weak
response to the administration's warrantless wiretaps. The committee's
seeming lack of direction at precisely the time intelligence is the focus of
the war on terrorism and at the heart of the debate over the reach of
executive powers is inexcusable.

Committee Chairman Pat Roberts of Kansas defended its work the other day,
saying that the second phase of its report on intelligence leading to the
Iraq war "has been ongoing since we began the effort shortly after the
committee released its unanimous report on the Intelligence Community's
prewar assessments on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs."

The second report was expected in the fall of 2004 and was to examine, among
other things, whether statements made by officials were substantiated by the
intelligence. It was also to look at the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans,
a former intelligence unit that reportedly disagreed with conclusions of the

In the March 4 edition of the National Journal, reporter Murray Waas points
to important instances when the president disregarded the intelligence. In
one, the president was given a one-page summary of the National Intelligence
Estimate in October 2002 that stated the Energy Department and the State
Department's Bureau of Intelligence believed the much-disputed aluminum
tubes purchased by Iraq were "intended for conventional weapons."

But despite that conclusion the president and his cabinet continued to
assert the tubes were for gas centrifuges to enrich uranium for nuclear
weapons. It isn't news that the White House was wrong, but it is important
that the Senate investigate the facts around the president's decision to
ignore specific intelligence.

Similarly, by January 2003, reports Mr. Waas, a second classified report
that included a summary of a National Intelligence Estimate stated that U.S.
intelligence agencies unanimously concluded Saddam Hussein would be unlikely
to attack the United States unless "ongoing military operations risked the
imminent demise of his regime," the report said. The Bush administration,
through numerous speeches, press conferences and interviews, portrayed very
different conditions from what its own intelligence was reporting.

The Senate committee's capitulation on warrantless wiretapping - agreeing to
have a subcommittee informed, maybe, of some National Security Agency
activity and canceling a possible investigation of the wiretapping - was
similarly disappointing. The full committee is supposed to have oversight
responsibilities. Simply because the administration denied them that ability
is no reason to surrender it in part now. Sen. Olympia Snowe, a member of
the committee, said an investigation was still possible, which is better
than nothing.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats have shone in the committee's gridlock.
But Congress and the nation need it to lead on difficult issues, and if a
new committee membership is needed next year, both parties should consider

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