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From: "Mario Profaca" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 22, 2007 12:18:18 PM PDT
Subject: [SPY NEWS] The Petraeus Report And The American Failure In The Islamic State Of Iraq
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The Petraeus Crocker Report And The American Failure In The Islamic
State Of Iraq
Sep 20, 2007
By Umm Saad, Jihad Unspun | Arabic Source: Al-Fajr Media

The Islamic State of Iraq has issued a lengthy, insightful, must read
response to the Petraeus Crocker Report that explains in detail how
the events on the ground are aligned with the strategy of the
Mujahideen that forms a no-win dilemma for the Americans in the quagmire.

One of the most notable addresses from the Islamic State, this
response blows holes in America's efforts to deceive its congress, its
people and the world at large that "success" is at hand in Iraq. On
the contrary, this statement from the ISI clearly shows how the
Mujahideen take full advantage of the inability of the US military to
deal with a guerilla force.

Here is their statement in full, published uncut and uncensored, as
translated by JUS.

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The Islamic State Of Iraq: Petraeus Crocker Report And The American
Failure In The Islamic State Of Iraq

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful

All praise be to Allah, The Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds.
Peace and prayer be upon our prophet, Muhammad, his family, and his

To proceed:

Allah the Almighty has said:

"They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say:
"Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight
of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to
prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members."
Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease
fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can. And
if any of you turn back from their faith and die in unbelief, their
works will bear no fruit in this life and in the Hereafter; they will
be companions of the Fire and will abide therein. Quran 2: 217

There is no doubt that the power that Allah has given to the Hubul
(idol) of the age, America, is huge in the eyes of mankind however
even by the accurate analysis of a reflective human mind it is evident
that America can not set up its rule over the whole Islamic world,
unless and until these countries bend down, by their own will to that
power. That is why this power is seeking to create a false media that
portrays it as undefeatable. It pretends that it can surround the
universe and can reach anywhere, ground or air, as if it is competing
with the power of the Creator, The Almighty. When a country
surrenders, no matter what its status or on what basis, it is from the
perspective of America's false power that it starts to fall.

American writer Paul Kennedy says "America spreads its use of military
forces, and spreads strategically more than required and this is what
will cause it to fall".

But Jihadi movements, by the grace of Allah, have been able to wear
out this great power, and engage it with long drawn out war inside the
lands of Islam and that has shatter the American conception that the
tyrant of the age is undefeatable. It has made it revise its
calculations and strategies on how to manage the fight in the Islamic
World. Today after the great drain of American military machines in
Iraq and Afghanistan, and after toppling of the legendary Marines,
that were said never to be defeated on the battlefields, and after
shutting down Bush's Crusade rule, you can see the cross worshipping
enemy today searching for ways o exit from this embarrassing trap that
Bush and his administration are facing. They are searching for some
kind of accomplishment, some way to claim success, even if it is only
in the media, before the end of Bush's term. It is on this basis that
the Petraeus Crocker report presented the conditions of the military
on the ground in Iraq and claimed progress. This report consists of a
great deal of fabrication, lies and delusions that the enemy portrays
so let us discuss the major points.

The Situation In Anbar, The Claims Of Arming Some Of The Tribes And
The Condition Of American Failure

The reports talked over the "amazing progress in Anbar" so much that
the name Anbar appeared more than 24 times in the report. Then there
was the media glitter over the so called Anbar Salvation Council and
Bush visiting Anbar himself and thanking the traitors and puppets. All
this took the face of media claims, despite the facts on the ground
that the Marines were unable to accomplish this earlier. The claim of
arming of the tribes is quite opposite; it is more failure and
stumbling of America, for they are talking about fighting the Rafidi
militias on one side and they are creating tribal militias on the
other. These tribal militias transfer their loyalty and move on
unstable ground, being completely reliant on whether the cross
worshipers remain or exit. The claim of puppets and the treacherous
ones is not new in Islamic history, and the realities always show the
binding of these traitors decisively with their masters, and history
is full of various examples. The cross worshipers pleading for help to
the mercenaries and to some of the gangs in setting up apostate
militias is a sign of the desperate situation and failure and these
projects have a short life. Formed on an unstable basis, its fate is
perishing, by the will of Allah, at the hands of the Mujahideen. What
happened, by the grace of Allah, of the slaughter of the leader of
apostates and hypocrisy Sattar Al Bazee, is the best example

Their Claim Of What They Called The "Mujahideen's Loss Of Ground" And
The Weakening Of The Power Of Jihad

This was repeated many times in the speeches of Petraeus and Crocker,
and at the basis of this mirage of America's is the tactical
withdrawal of the Mujahideen from some areas that they somehow equate
to Mujahideen losses there. This shows the stupidity of the American
generals and their lack of knowledge from the lessons of war in the
last four years, for the Mujahideen withdrew from many cities as a
result of military operations, but later returned to it with more
power than before, and their military operations were stronger than
before. This has happened in Qaim, Samarra, Haditha, Fallujah, Tal
Afar and other cities. The reality of the cross worshipping forces
having to enter these cities again, and fortifying themselves with
more forces, and not being able to relinquish them to the apostate
forces reflects the success of the strategy of the Mujahideen.
Bringing the American forces out on the streets instead of the
apostate forces, and returning the security conditions back to the
beginning of the occupation, and forcing American troops to fortify
and setup bases inside the cities makes the Americans spread out their
forces continuously as the Mujahideen attack and escape. This reflects
the ferociousness of the battles, and all this means the areas where
the Jihad is occurring is increasing and new places are entering to
fierce battles where none existed before.

It should be mentioned that after the declaration of the ISI and the
pledge of many of the Jihad units to join it, the area of operations
expanded geographically and its fierceness has increased militarily
and the example of that is the blessed operations that took place
against the crusaders and the apostate and Rawafid in Baghdad, that
caused the Crusaders army and Maliki government to set up a new
security plan. They called for more Crusader forces inside Baghdad,
and set up of joint bases in the residential areas, fencing them and
closing them off with walls, and all that requires keeping large
numbers of forces inside the cities to keep control over this unstable
set of circumstances that have placed the Americans in the following

The increase in Jihad operations requires keeping large forces inside
the cities to keep control over the situation, draining these forces,
financially and militarily. If the contrary happens, and the Americans
withdraw the extra forces from the cities, the Mujahideen return and
increase operations resulting in military and financial losses. This
in turn will require a security plan and calling in more forces to
control the situation, draining these forces, financially and
militarily and all this will lead to increasing the ferociousness of
the war, and expanding it to including more new places of Jihad so
where is the claimed reduction in the power of the Mujahideen?

The Readiness Of The Apostate Forces To Take Over The Security Situation

The report mentioned that the immediate withdrawal of the forces will
lead to the Iraqi forces falling apart, and this shows the inability
of these forces to take the reins of the security condition should the
Americans withdraw. This of course requires an extended stay for the
Cross Worshippers and this shows, by the grace of Allah, the success
of the strategy of the Mujahideen in the early targeting of the
apostate forces from the start of this blessed Jihad, and targeting
the volunteers that led to the weakness of the military forces, and
the need for the Cross Worshippers to remain.

The Option Of American Withdrawal And The Reduction Of The Extended Forces

The report summarized that American forces could be reduced by 10,
0000 soldiers by next summer, depending on the battlefield situation.
This means that the Cross Worshipper forces are faced with two
choices, with the best being a bitter pill. Either the Americans stay
for long period and continue in their current condition, spreading
their forces into cities and fortifying in joint bases with the
apostate forces to retain what they call "gains and victories" and
this means that they must continue to endure human and material losses
or they must make a disgraceful withdrawal keeping only a small force
to aid the government forces. In both cases, retaining what they call
"accomplishment and progress" in some places is a very difficult task
and huge challenge.

The Effect Of The Jihad Media On The Fight With The Cross Worshippers

Patreaus spoke of the critical nature of the Internet and the easy
means it provides to the Mujahideen to spread their Aqeedah and
thoughts to the people. This came along with the targeting of the
Jihad Forums, to display to all the danger of the Jihadi media and its
role in combating the Cross worshipper occupation in the lands of
Islam. This effort of the enemy to shut the mouths and bar the people
from knowing the truth is only to make it easier to spread its media
lies and spoil the picture of Jihad, and the Mujahideen, to change the
realities and spreading false Aqeedah and to spread thoughts of
defeatism among the Muslims, fighting those who call for rule by the
Shariah of Allah in an effort to slander them.

In the end, the Petraeus Crocker report was commissioned to save the
Cross Worshipper's campaign under the banner of Bush from his
embarrassing results and to improve the image of the American army and
its damaged reputation and to raise the declining celebrity of Bush in
advance of the end of his rule.

As for the fighting groups that has taken Jihad in the path of Allah
as its means then it has to know the nature of the battle and the
requirements towards its declared aim. Its way must be sealed with the
blood of the righteousness of its sons, just as the Companions of the
Prophet, peace be upon him, experienced difficult times and they are
the best of the creation after the Prophets, and after the bitterness
of Hijrah, and losing money and family and everything in the way of Allah.

And this group has nothing to do but to have patience on the path it
has taken, and to pray for reward from Allah, for all the loss it may
face of losing leaders and friends and to continue on their way, for
this is the Sunnah of Allah, and Allah exalts his righteous slaves.
There is no need to hurry up the victory of Allah, for the promise of
Allah is coming, no matter what.

Allah the Almighty says:

"Verily, this is My way, leading straight: follow it: follow not
(other) paths: they will scatter you about from His (great) path: thus
doth He command you. that ye may be righteous. Quran 6: 153

This is Jihad.

Reward and fruit requires great patience and an extended stay in the
battle ground; to lay in wait to get the enemies out and to have
patience to face their evil and requires continuous presence for
months and years.

And if you do not drink all these pains then you won't see victory,
for victory comes with patience. Allah the Almighty has promised his
slaves victory, and has written consolidation for those who are
patient and has given examples in the previous steadfast nations of
the earth, showing that their success was all due to their patience
and reliance.

Allah the Almighty says:

"And We made a people, considered weak (and of no account), inheritors
of lands in both east and west, - lands whereon We sent down Our
blessings. The fair promise of thy Lord was fulfilled for the Children
of Israel, because they had patience and constancy, and We leveled to
the ground the great works and fine buildings which Pharaoh and his
people erected (with such pride). Quran 7:137

And from Allah comes all aid and success.

Oh Revealer of the Quran, Mover of the clouds, Defeater of the
coalition, defeat the spiteful Rawafeds, the Zionist Cross worshippers
and their allies. Make them, along with their equipment booty for the
Muslims, Oh Allah destroy them…

Oh Allah, you are our support and you are our only Victor. By your
order we attack, by your order we retreat and by your order we fight.

Oh Allah, the sky is yours, the earth is yours and the sea is yours,
Oh Allah, force their planes from the skies, destroy all their forces
on the land and sink all their ships on the sea.

Oh Allah, retaliate upon them and afflict them like you did Pharaoh
and his nation. Oh Allah, afflict their country with floods, make them
poor, hungry, and small.

Oh Allah, your soldiers cannot be defeated, so defeat them and make
them tremble for You are the All Strong, the All Mighty.

Information Ministry
The Islamic State of Iraq
7 Ramadan 1428
September 19, 2007

Translation Copyright © Jihad Unspun 2007

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