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End the oppression of cannabis and its consumers. Self defense is always correct, and it is never illegal.  b_jb2001

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--- Begin Message --- I am passing this on for my friend and I will be there.

Greg & Amy Francisco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Fellow activists:

One of the hardest things for me to do is to toot my own horn.
Must be the midwesterner in me. Sometimes I look at people like
Adam B and his knack for self promotion with envy. This is certainly a
time when I wish I could be more like that. Anyway, here goes.

Preparations for my trial continue to move forward. It is still
scheduled for June 15 & 16. From all feedback I have received I expect
a good turn-out. Please, not for my good, but for the good of our
larger movement, if at all possible do attend. The trial will be held
at District Court 7-B, 1007 Wells St., South Haven, MI, 49090. The
courthouse is located in a backwater (literally) of South Haven, back
beyond the boat yards and marinas. Probably the best way to get
directions would be to go to  and enter the address. Trial
scheduled to begin at 9:00 am, hopefully we can have demonstrators and
such in place a good hour previous to that.

I have made arrangements with a local motel for a reduced rate. It
will be tourist season by then and South Haven is a tourist town so I
had to do a bit of shopping around for the best rate. I have reserved
a block of rooms at the Comfort Suites, 1755 Phoenix St, South Haven, MI
49090 under my name. Their telephone is (269) 639-2014. Price is
$85/night plus tax. They would only agree to hold the rooms until May
15 and then regular rates go back into effect so if you plan to stay
there, you'll need to confirm your reservation this week. The motel is
right off the expressway and only a mile or so from the courthouse.

Alternately free camping is available at the Willow Ranch, 125 60th
St, Grand Junction, MI. Bim may also have a few spare beds in the
house but you'll have to make your own arrangements directly with him on
that. [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or (269) 253-4306 The Willow Ranch is
located about 8 miles east of South Haven.

The evening of June 15 we are planning on gathering at the Willow
Ranch. Bonfire, jam session and just all around good fellowship. For
those who have never been to the Willow Ranch I can promise a good
time, ala Rainbow Farm (on a much smaller scale). We can also do a pot
luck style dinner if there is interest in order to keep costs down.
Please observe the 3 basic rules of the Willow Ranch, No guns, no hard
liquor, no Elvis impersonaters.

My case continues to generate national attention. In just the
last week I have had conversations and e-mails from several national
leaders in our movement including Jack Cole of LEAP, Jude Renaud of
Educators for Sensible Drug Policies and Charles Thomas of Interfaith
Drug Policy Initiative. And that is a typical week. I continue to be
just blown away. Van Buren County has handed us a fantastic soap box
and it is in all of our best interests to seize it.

I have cultivated a couple valuable media contacts who have
promised to give this trial good coverage. Already that is paying
dividends. On April 20 I was interviewed by our local CBS affiliate
on the FDA statement. The story ended up being the lead item on that
evening's news broadcast. The sound bite of me that made the air was
in response to the claim cannabis wasn't good medicine due to
"unacceptable" side effects. I first pointed out what anyone who has
had a script filled lately already knows--the pharmacist hands you not
only yer bottle of pills but darn near a full length book listing
potential side effects like kidney and liver failure, loss of hair and
libido, unconciousness, even sudden death. Now contrast that with the
side effects of cannabis--mild euphoria and a general sense of well
being. Asked why allowing sick people to feel better is an
"unacceptable" side effect? We just can't buy coverage like this.

Anyway, I also talked with the reporter about my case and she
indicated that she would give it coverage. I indicated to her that
there would be a large turnout of sign waving demonstrators to provide
them some good visuals. Please don't make me a liar. I am resigned to
the fact that I may very well be convicted on this. That's not the
point. I'm willing to take a "hit for the team," if it will advance our
cause. And I really don't expect much more than a slap on the wrist
anyway. Of course Michigan law mandates that I will lose my
professional license and hence my career but I've already moved on
anyway and the thought of ever going back into the classroom again makes
me a lot more queazy than going to court.

My refusal to budge one inch and take any sort of plea agreement has
already set Van Buren County back on their heels. Frankly, I don't
think they quite know what to do with me and are wishing they had just
honored the "No prosecution in exchange for resignation" agreement.
From an original charge of felony Drug Free School Zone, 3rd offense,
with a possibility of 4 yrs in state prison they have reduced it several
times until now I'm facing a simple misdemeanor possession, 1st offense
with a max of 90 days in the County pokie and a $100 fine. And even
that is remote--the last time we were in court the Prosecutor looked
over at us and said he was inclined to ask for no jail, no fine, no
costs, if I would only just plead guilty and take the conviction (and of
course surrender my teaching certificate, shut up, go away and stop
making waves). I've already seen all the jail time I'm going to on this
one, I'm confident on that.

Again, I remind you, the sum of the evidence against me is a twig
the size of a toothpick found in about an inch of dirt on the floor that
may not even be cannabis --could be hops which I grow on my farm and
after almost a full year, and despite repeated requests, Van Buren
County has YET to produce the evidence to my defense team for an
independent examination--and a vague reference in the original police
report to some "roach material" (a bit of charred paper half the size of
my little finger nail) which has now mysteriously evaporated into thin
air and is quite likely the residue of one of my adult son's hand rolled
tobacco cigarettes. This was found in my locked, parked truck which was
searched without probable cause, warrant or consent. Even the police
have conceded that much.

The last thing, and this is the most difficult of all for me to
discuss--it's that damn ethnic Dutch pride in me--this has created a
tremendous financial drain on Amy and I. Our household income has
esssentially been slashed by 50%. Fortunately we do have our own
business to fall back on--a wool mill. I have been working day and
night to build that up in order to replace lost income. And the
business is booming, we can sell pretty much everything we produce. But
I am plowing any profits right back into the business and not taking any
draw whatsoever. I can not/will not ask for outright donations--see
sentence #1 of this paragraph. But I would certainly welcome any
business anyone can send our way. Our website can be found at  Please, if
you know anyone who is a hand spinner, knitter, felter or crafter who
works with natural fibers, send them our way. I have also created a
limited line of felted pouches/purses specifically to raise money for my
legal fund (and Matt is giving me one heck of a good deal and a payment
plan on his fees--I really appreciate that cause he's got to eat,
too). Ordinarily these purses would retail for $25 to $50 but there is
no set amount in this case. Probably too late for Mother's Day next
Sunday but they would make tremendous gifts as well.

Very much look forward to seeing one and all next month. As
Richard L. often points out--It's not what others do, it's what YOU do.

Thank you. And please feel free to distribute this to any other lists.

Greg Francisco
(269) 628-4340

----------------------end report---------------------

Rev.Steven B.Thompson,Director
6215 Smeltzer Rd.
Benzonia,MI 49616
(231) 882-9721
GENESIS 1; 11,12: And God said,"Let the earth burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant." And so it was,and God was pleased.
GENESIS 1; 29,31: "And look! I have given you the seed-bearing plants throughout the earth for your food." Then God looked over all that he had made,and it was excellent in every way.
 Taken from "THE LIVING BIBLE"


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