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Lockerbie - new forensic tests suggest evidence was planted by the CIA


Lockerbie - new forensic tests suggest evidence was planted by the CIA

On 19 February 2006, The Mail on Sunday reported that new forensic tests have been carried out by the lawyers representing Al Megrahi, the Libyan jailed in connection with the Lockerbie bombing.

Defence experts simulated the Lockerbie explosion. The results showed that the device which detonated the bomb could not have survived the explosion.

According to The Mail on Sunday: "Sources close to Megrahi's lawyers said the new tests pointed to the evidence having been planted at the scene of the crash...

"The source added that Megrahi's legal team claimed they had obtained 'clear proof' that investigators had 'planted and manipulated' evidence...

"He said... if there is any justice in Scotland... certain Scottish police officers will be jailed for their part in the proceedings...

"Megrahi's lawyers already have a sworn statement from a retired Scottish police officer confirming that evidence had been planted to secure the Libyan's conviction.

"A similar claim was made by a former CIA agent...

"The ex-CIA man (claimed) that the fragment of circuit board had been planted under orders from a very high level in the organisation...

"The fragment was found by two policeman during a search of a wood near Newcastleton, 35 miles from Lockerbie.

"It was later identified by the CIA's Thomas Thurman as being part of a sophisticated timer device made by the Swiss firm of Mebo.

"Thurman was later unmasked as a fraud who had given false evidence in American murder trials..."

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What does Aangirfan think? We guess that when the government has stopped blaming the Libyans for Lockerbie, the government will start blaming some other lot of Moslems, such as the Palestinians, Syrians or Iranians.

We reckon that the real culprits, the people who were smuggling heroin on Pan Am planes, may be too powerful to prosecute.

An internal investigation by Pan Am is believed to have found that the bomb planted on Flight 103 was NOT put on the plane in Malta.

The Pan Am report is believed to have concluded that the bomb was not aimed at the killing of Americans in general, but was targeted specifically to kill a small band of DIA operatives that had uncovered a drugs ring run by a CIA unit in Lebanon.

The drugs-ring is said to have been set up by Israeli Mossad agents.


McKie case linked to Lockerbie; Scottish justice controlled by the CIA? Reputation of Scottish justice in ruins?

"In 1998, Lindauer was making a deposition in the Lockerbie Trial that contradicted the official Libya did it! yarn, corroborating the accounts of others, such as former DIA operative Lester Coleman that it was instead all about Bekka Valley heroin and CIA drug dealing. (Coleman's book, Trail of the Octopus, can be read online with free registration here.)"
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