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--- Begin Message ---
March 9, 2006
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleague,

As Bill Conroy and Narco News continue to investigate and uncover  
documents regarding the allegations of massive corruption in the  
Bogotá office of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the  
Colombian newsmagazine Cambio (owned and directed in part by former  
drug legalization supporter Gabriel García Marquéz) has dug up a  
juicy tidbit of its own. In this week's issue, whose cover reads "The  
Price of Justice," the magazine reveals that on January 31 of this  
year the U.S. Justice Department received the last $1.3 million of an  
$83 million payment from the family of slain Colombian paramilitary  
boss and narco-trafficker Gonzalo "The Mexican" Rodríguez Gacha. In  
return for the massive payment, the family - Rodríguez' widow and  
seven of his "heirs" - received immunity from prosecution, which they  
were facing from the Jacksonville, Florida U.S. District Court.

Cambio reports:

* * *

In early February, after several weeks of operations in towns in the  
northeast and the Magdalena Medio region of Cudinamarca department,  
Colombian intelligence agents sat down to look through a mountain of  
documents confiscated during raids that included the properties of  
people who more than 15 years ago belonged to the organization of  
drug trafficker and paramilitary Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha, "El  
Mexicano." One of the documents caught the investigators' attention:  
it was a copy of a legal agreement prepared in the United States  
about ten years ago by an attorney who represented the bloodthirsty  
capo's heirs.

Getting a glimpse of an unknown history, the agents discovered a  
secret operation that lasted more than a decade and just recently  
ended. As a result the U.S. Justice Department obtained more than $80  
million, which had been deposited in 24 bank accounts in Europe and  
Asia managed by El Mexicano's front companies.

Offered in exchange was a type of legal immunity for the widow and  
seven of the principle heirs to the fortune of the drug boss, who  
died in a confrontation with elite National Police forces on December  
15, 1989, near Coveñas on the Caribbean coast. They all  
unconditionally signed an agreement that required them to completely  
renounce all claims on those monies and to facilitate their  
"repatriation" (as the document calls it) to the United States.  
Rodríguez Gacha's inheritors thus remained free from any charges  
related to conspiracy to introduce drugs into that country or money  

This deal is a first of its kind, as it breaks the traditional molds  
in Washington that granted benefits to Colombian drug traffickers  
only when they confessed to their own crimes or gave up names.  The  
last episode in this story, unpublished until today, was written by  
its own characters on Tuesday, January 31, 2006, when the last  
payment of $1.3 million dollars was deposited in to the judicial bank  
account of the Jacksonville, Florida District Court from a bank in  
Douglas, capital of the Isle of Man, a tax haven between Great  
Britain and Ireland.


Analysts consulted about the implications of these secret accords  
feel that they detract from a great deal of the United States'  
official rhetoric on the war on drugs. "The common Colombian looks  
very badly upon the fact that, after so many years of suffering  
because of narcotrafficking and terrorism, generated by the cocaine  
consumers in the United States, the capos or their successors end up  
negotiating with that country's justice system, and receive lowered  
sentences or even immunity all because they handed over some money,"  
explained former vice president Humberto de la Calle. "Especially,"  
he added, "as is the case here, if that money is not returned, for  
example, to the victims of the violence committed by that capo's  

* * *

The U.S. often shares the booty from big drug busts with the  
Colombian government, but decided to keep this one a secret.

The double standard for the elite and the rest does not need to be  
pointed out here. People much lower than the Rodríguez family on the  
cocaine food chain that have gotten caught in the last ten years -  
poor Colombian kids who tried to make a little extra money smuggling  
the drug into the U.S., poor folks in the U.S. that sell the drug  
there often because they have no other employment options, or unlucky  
folks simply busted for possession - have no laundered multimillion  
dollar offshore accounts with which to buy their way out of prison.  
Many of them have never touched a gun in their lives, while the  
Medellín cartel was responsible for the deaths of hundreds, perhaps  
thousands of people.

And in case avoiding the jail sentences their underlings faced wasm't  
enough, Cambio also quotes anonymous sources as saying the family was  
allowed to keep $4 million "so that they could live with some dignity."

Though not as well known to the world as his partner Pablo Escobar,  
"El Mexicano" is a legendary figure in Colombia. At the height of the  
Medellin cartel's success, Rodríguez Gacha may have actually been  
wealthier than Escobar. His death came in the early months of  
Medellín cartel's "war" on the Colombian state to avoid leaders'  
extradition to the U.S.

Unmentioned in the Cambio article beyond a passing reference is El  
Mexicano's role in the development of modern paramilitarism in  
Colombia. In the 1980s he gave his support to the project in the  
Magdalena Medio region to create extra-governmental death squads,  
supposedly to combat guerrillas that the military was unable to deal  
with. But the true result of the paramilitary project in the  
Magdalena Medio, a historic stronghold of the Communist Party, was  
not a defeat of the insurgency but a bloodbath that went on for  
years, killing hundreds of nonviolent leftwing community leaders and  
their supporters. At least one military leader receiving training  
from the United States was a key figure in this campaign of terror.

El Mexicano is also known to have been a major force behind the  
campaign of systematic extermination of Patriotic Union (UP) party  
candidates and activists. The Patriotic Union was a political party  
formed out of the peace talks between the Revolutionary Armed Forces  
of Colombia and the government in the mid-80s. Its first campaigns  
were a time of great hope for a political solution to the Colombian  
civil war and a space for the Colombian Left to participate in  
politics. The UP's extermination - thousands of members assassinated,  
including two presidential candidates - convinced many that democracy  
would never exist in Colombia and that armed struggle was the only  
logical response, and served as a justification for the FARC's later  
buildup into the gigantic military machine that it is today.

Coincidentally enough, on January 28, three days before the arrival  
of the final payment from El Mexicano's family, the Puerto Boyacá  
section of the Autodefensas del Magdalena Medio (Self-Defense Forces  
of the Magdalena Medio) "demobilized" as part of the Bush  
administration-supported peace process with the United Self-Defense  
Forces of Colombia (AUC). Every human rights group working in  
Colombia has denounced this process as being essentially a  
legalization of paramilitarism rather than a demobilization; despite  
the fact that nearly the entire United Self-Defense Forces of  
Colombia (AUC) has "demobilized," paramilitary activity continues at  
outrageous levels in Colombia.

The Autodefensas del Magdelena Medio was among the first of the  
modern paramilitary groups, founded in 1978. It was integrated into  
the AUC in the 1990s and was still under the command of one of El  
Mexicano's former lieutenants, a man known as "Bolatón," when its  
guns were handed over in January.

Why was the U.S. government so eager to make a deal with El  
Mexicano's family? The Cambio article points out that the bargain was  
not even proposed by the family or their lawyers; the U.S. came to  
them to make the offer. But Cambio leaves the biggest question  
unasked: Why did the U.S. want so badly to avoid a prosecution that  
could be trumpted as a victory in the drug war? Did the DEA or  
someone else have an interest in preventing Rodríguez' family from  
taking the stand?

Or was it just about the money and some greedy folks within the  
Justice Department? And if so, what did that money end up getting  
used for?

Comment and  read the full story with links in the Narcosphere:

 From somewhere in a country called América,

Dan Feder
Managing Editor
The Narco News Bulletin

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