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From: "David B. Briones" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 30, 2007 11:00:20 AM PDT
Subject: [narconews] Trujillo: Zapatistas Host Thousands in Chiapas

July 30, 2007
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Dear Colleague,

Zapatista rebels in Chiapas, Mexico hosted eight days of meetings that moved through three of the autonomous municipal seats - known as "Caracoles" - in their territory last week. Juan Trujillo reports from the Caracol of Morelia:

"Afternoon fell in this corner of the Chiapaneco geography; the cool came down from the two mountains cloaking this rebel space, while militiapersons descended the left hand side of the mountain giving way to members of the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee General Command of the EZLN; through the commentary and bustle of the participants the night listened, as Lieutenant Colonel Moises, Comandante Zebedeo, and Subcomandante Marcos made themselves present for the welcoming. Rain and a slight chill intermittently refreshed the visitors from more than 80 countries: hundreds of collectives and social organizations, sympathizers, members of the Other Campaign and adherents of the Sixth Declaration of the Lancandon Jungle (La Sexta).

"...For her part Ofelia, member of the Good Government Council, commented with notable emotion, that 'the most important thing is to unite our struggles and thoughts against the capitalist system that continues to steal our labor. Our voice and our struggle is one that as we walk we learn and as we walk we teach... so that we can recuperate what the system has stolen from us.' Finally, she asked all the participants for 'concentration, respect and discipline in the activities of the Encuentro.'"

Read Trujillo's full report (additional reports await translation on our Spanish language pages, too), along with other Latin American news, at Narco News:

From somewhere in a country called América,

David B. Briones
The Narco News Bulletin

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