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Sent: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:16 am
Subject: Bush's Law -- and Who Goes to Prison If You Apply the Same Law to Bush 
& Co




Bush Justice Department Goes After Another Democratic 
      Lawyer (And Why This is Bad News for Yoo and Bradbury)













      9, 2008








"Government prosecutors are saying that 
      by offering a legal opinion, the attorney made himself into 
      a part of a conspiracy. So, whether that opinion was right or wrong, 
      he became just another cog in a criminal enterprise."

It’s beginning to sound like a stuck record. 
      Another strike by the Bush Justice Department, keeping the country safe. 
      Who’s the target this time? A crack dealer? An al Qaeda terrorist? No. 
      It’s a wing-tip shoed Miami lawyer, who served as president of the bar 
      association, is held in universally high esteem (outside, of course, of 
      the political hacks who run the Bush Justice Department) and who advised 
      Al Gore in the 2000 Florida recount battle. According to the Justice 
      Department, the lawyer’s involvement with Democratic politics has nothing 
      to do with his being charged. Quite a few of his contemporaries are 
      problems buying that, and still bigger problems understanding his 

Here’s the way the Miami Herald broke the story on 


Ben Kuehne, a widely respected Miami lawyer whose 
        clients have included former Vice President Al Gore and other major 
        politicians, surrendered Thursday on federal criminal charges for his 
        behind-the-scenes role in a complex international drug-trafficking 
        An indictment, unsealed at his morning court appearance, charges Kuehne 
        in a money-laundering conspiracy with approving tainted legal payments 
        by an accused Colombian drug kingpin to his defense attorney in Miami. 

The fee payments turned out to be illegitimate because 
        they allegedly came from drug proceeds in violation of federal law, 
        federal prosecutors said. Kuehne, appearing in Miami federal court at 
        a.m., said: “Since I am completely innocent of these charges, I am 
        entering a plea of not guilty. . .” 

Justice Department officials allege that Kuehne broke 
        the law in 2002-03 when he vouched for millions paid by one-time 
        Medellín drug lord Fabio Ochoa Vasquez to his high-profile trial 
        attorney, Roy Black. Kuehne’s research gave Black the confidence — in 
        the form of legal opinion letters — to accept payments totaling $3.7 
        million in fees and $1.3 million in expenses from Ochoa, according to 
        several sources. Kuehne earned a portion of the expense payments — 
        $220,000 to $260,000 — from Black for vetting Ochoa’s payments. The 
        payments were documented to a specific commercial operation and holding 
        long in the hands of the Ochoa family: a horse and cattle farm in 

The Herald is giving its reporting a good 
      bit of Justice Department spin. What exactly is Kuehne’s involvement in 
      this “conspiracy”? He was asked by another lawyer to give an opinion: did 
      he think the retainer that was offered by a client could be accepted? He 
      looked at the money and its provenance and gave a positive opinion. But 
      according to the indictment, he went beyond the opinion by receiving and 
      passing on a series of retainer payments. 

Some other facts make the Justice Department’s 
      conduct look stranger still. The matter was not determined by local 
      attorneys in the Miami U.S. Attorney’s office, but by political 
      from main Justice in Washington. Law.com collects a number of statements 
      from leaders in the Florida bar, reacting angrily to the charges, 
      including Kuehne’s lawyer: 


“This highly improbable charge involves important and 
        unprecedented issues of law, policy and procedure,” Moscowitz wrote. 
        indictment was brought by Assistant U.S. Attorneys John Seller and 
        Thomas Pinder of the Justice Department’s asset forfeiture and money 
        laundering section in Washington. The case went to Washington because 
        the U.S. Attorney’s office in Miami had a conflict as Ochoa’s 
        prosecutor. Magistrate Brown’s courtroom overflowed with attorneys who 
        support Kuehne. They included CNN legal commentator Jayne Weintraub and 
        criminal defense attorney Frank Quintero Jr., who won a hard-fought 
        acquittal on drug-smuggling conspiracy and laundering charges. Others 
        waited outside because the courtroom was too small for everyone who 
        wanted to attend. Leaving court, Kuehne was upbeat and thanked everyone 
        for their support. “Ben Kuehne has more integrity than any lawyer I 
        know,” Weintraub said. The prosecution is “an indictment on the legal 

Other lawyers angrily denounced the charges.”It’s now 
        official: It’s a crime to be a criminal defense attorney,” Miami 
        criminal defense attorney Milton Hirsch said. Referring to Kuehne’s 
        courtly, buttoned-down demeanor, he said, “They picked a guy who sleeps 
        with wing-tipped shoes on and indicted him for going above and beyond 
        make sure legal fees paid to a different lawyer are clean.” 

In sum, the prosecutors are saying that by 
      rendering a legal opinion, Kuehne made himself into a part of a 
      conspiracy. So whether his opinion was right or wrong, he was just 
      cog in a criminal enterprise. They’re arguing that he cannot claim an 
      innocent mistake as to the law or the facts as a defense. The Government 
      will get its chance to prove its claims and Kuehne will get to defend 
      against them in a court room. 

But the Government’s claims spell real trouble, 
      and indeed possible prison time, for some senior people at the Department 
      of Justice. Just this week, Michael Mukasey appeared before the House 
      Judiciary Committee and said that federal agents were absolutely entitled 
      to rely on his opinions, or the opinions rendered by his two 
      concerning torture techniques. He testily told Chairman Conyers that he 
      refused to authorize an investigation into the torture or mistreatment of 
      prisoners pursuant to approved torture techniques, because torture that 
      was approved could not be investigated or charged. It all rested on the 
      opinions issued by the Office of Legal Counsel. And he refused to 
      those opinions, although he said he agreed with them. 

But I for one do not believe Mukasey. His 
      statements on the law are clearly erroneous. In fact, Mukasey is 
      too smart to actually believe the absurdities he uttered under oath 
      Congress. He is dissembling for a political reason — to provide cover for 
      a series of criminal acts by cloaking them with the protective embrace of 
      an attorney’s opinion. And that’s precisely what Mukasey’s own team are 
      charging is a crime when done by Kuehne. 

Now if the prosecutors charging Kuehne are 
      correct, then John Yoo and Steven Bradbury ought to be very worried. Each 
      of them issued legal opinions at the Office of Legal Counsel crafted for 
      the purpose of sanctioning the torture of human beings who have not been 
      charged with any wrongdoing. They appear to have embraced a series of 
      specific torture techniques, including 

• Waterboarding
• Hypothermia
• Long-time 
• Sleep deprivation in excess of 48 hours
• The use of 
      psychotropic drugs
• The sensory deprivation- and overload program 

The first four of these techniques were labeled 
      as “torture” by all modern American administrations up to the arrival of 
      George W. Bush. Each is a violation of multiple federal criminal laws, 
      starting with the Anti-Torture Act and the War Crimes Act, and no serious 
      issue exists on that point. In fact, the Judge Advocates General of each 
      of the uniformed services testified to that effect before Congress, 
      the existing statutory and case precedent. (Apparently, OLC hasn’t been 
      paying its LEXIS bills, since it doesn’t seem to be able to locate the 
      law, the treaties or the prior cases. That, unfortunately, won’t figure 
      much of a defense). 

So if we apply the reasoning the Justice 
      Department advances in the Kuehne case, Yoo and Bradbury are engaged in a 
      criminal conspiracy to subvert the law and may be chargeable in 
      with the underlying crimes. And indeed, while Michael Mukasey certainly 
      won’t charge these cases, the Attorney General he cited to the Judiciary 
      Committee as his personal model, Robert H. Jackson, absolutely would. In 
      fact, we can cut from the speculative: he did. The case is called 
      United States v. Altstoetter and the defendants in that case 
      include two officials of the Justice Department who gave erroneous advice 
      under international humanitarian law which led to more than a thousand 
      persons being tortured or shot. The sentence? Ten years, less time 
      And in fact the lawyers got off lightly–they were released after seven 
      years for good behavior. 

There is also a material difference between the 
      Kuehne case and the future charges against Yoo and Bradbury. The Kuehne 
      case looks very much like a cheap political stunt; payback for another 
      lawyer who tried to stand in the way of Bush’s march to power. The Yoo 
      Bradbury cases will be deadly serious. Moreover, bringing them will be 
      cost of our nation’s restoring the world’s faith once more to the pledge 
that Robert Jackson gave in 1945. “To pass these defendants a poisoned chalice 
is to put it to our 
      own lips as well,” he said—he was talking about a commitment to abide by 
      the rules of international humanitarian law which the United States 
      largely wrote. Jackson left the nation a great and noble legacy. And the 
      Justice Department today is a blight in the face of it. 

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