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Date: April 2, 2007 12:29:23 PM PDT
Subject: Dubya Thinks He's Don Corleone, but Being Dyslexic, He's "The DOGFATHER"


BuzzFlash, 03/23/2007 - 4:20pm

At BuzzFlash we believe that framing and defining the "other guy" is a winning strategy in politics. It's necessary to create frames that citizens will instinctively understand if they have a typical American cultural frame of reference.

That's why we've described the Bushies in terms of a crime family for years. There are just too many parallels to overlook -- arrogance, disregard for the law, brute application of power, and a loyalty first mentality.

That's why we're pleased to report that the idea that Bush and his friends have been running the show out of Washington like Vito Corelone ran his mob operation in New York City has spread like wildfire. From the New York Times editorial page, to Toledo Blade Op-Ed columnist Ann McFeatters, to Sidney Blumenthal at and Jorge Mariscal at Capitol Hill Blue online -- heck, even Senator Chuck Schumer and Argentine President Hugo Chavez have picked up on this -- opinion makers and reporters alike are comparing George W. Bush's administration to a Syndicate.

Ironically, "W" himself has helped feed this frame by nicknaming his long-time attorney pal and (at least for the time being) U.S. Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales "Fredo."

Of course, we think it's great that President Bush recognizes the Godfather analogy to his own inner circle.

Too bad, though, that he can't remember clearly (or think clearly) about who's who in the Mario Puzo/Francis Ford Coppola epic saga. Bush probably isn't that strong on analogies, in general. Yet his instincts tell him there's some kind of link there.

As to the casting decisions, we favor Cheney (but perhaps, at one time, Bush 1), to win the Godfather part. Jeb has the edge for playing Michael Corleone - even though only time will tell whether he'll rise to the top job.

"W" himself can be viewed alternately as either of the remaining brothers -- Sonny, the hothead, or Fredo, the lightweight.

Here's how Wikipedia describes Fredo:

"Fredo was always thought of in the Corleone crime Family as the weakest and most foolish of the three Corleone brothers, and so was given its unimportant businesses to run. ... Fredo betrayed Michael ... In popular culture, Fredo has become representative of the "weak link" of an organization. Referring to someone as "Fredo" indicates that the person is not competent enough to be trusted with important tasks or knowledge. ..."

Although, "W, " due to his narcissistic personality, probably would see himself as the Don.

Finally, and indisputably, Alberto Gonzales reprises the role played by the great Robert Duvall -- that of the Consigliere, or crime family attorney. He's the outsider who made it to the inside, the legal guy who can be depended upon to put the family first, the man who knows how to keep his patrons out of jail.

Let's hope that this time, in the real world, the Consigliere himself goes down -- bringing all the rest with him.
The Failed Attorney General (NY Times/Int'l Herald Tribune)

Whether he likes it or not, Bush may have to cut 'Fredo' loose (Ann McFeatters/Toledo Blade)

What Bush is hiding (Sidney Blumenthal/; or,
The Godfather White House (The Guardian)
Godfather Govt.: A Way Of Life Is Not A Scandal (Carolyn Baker/
Full cast and crew for The Godfather (IMDB)
Hugo Chavez Calls for Protests of 'Godfather' Bush (NewsMax)
Gonzales Should Be Fired (Captol Hill Blue)
When Loyalty Is Not a Virtue: A Glimpse into Bush's Amoral World (OpEd News) Schumer Calls for Alberto "Consiglieri" Gonzales to Resign. What About Godfather Dick Cheney and His Son Fredo George W. Bush? (BuzzFlash/Yahoo)

Senator Schumer: "To paraphrase 'The Godfather,' the White House made us an offer we can't accept." (The Western Courier)


     Submitted by Gonnuts on Mon, 03/26/2007 - 10:06am.
If we allow this administration to get away without being criminally indicted for the many crimes they have committed we can hang it up as a nation. The president that would set would mean any future administration will have a green light to do whatever they wished if no one in this administration is held accountable. The RICO Act would be perfect to use against this gang of thugs. The Hague would be even better. I don't care how it's achieved, just get it done or kiss this country good-bye. I will, if they let them off the hook, renounce my citizenship and move to Canada.

     Submitted by marlow on Fri, 03/23/2007 - 9:47pm.
Congress will have to face up to the fact that there is no alternative to impeaching these dirtbags. These are the people the framers worried about, and tried to protect against. The Chinese had a good term: "running dog lackeys". There will have to be a truth commission to begin to quantify the mind-bending damage they have done at home and abroad before the repairs can actually get underway.

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