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--- Begin Message ---
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Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 11:25 AM
Subject: CNN Poll Shows four-fiths Support Charlie Sheen on 9-11


CNN Poll Shows Three-Quarters Support Sheen

Prison | March 24 2006

At time of press Showbiz Tonight's CNN poll shows 80% plus support Charlie Sheen's comments on 9/11. This figure is rising and we expect it to go higher before the poll closes.


US Casualty Rate in Iraq Increasing Dramatically

Over the past month, the average rate at which US troops have been killed in Iraq has significantly fallen, but the rates at which they are being wounded have dramatically increased. In the 39 days from February 11 through March 21, 616 US soldiers were injured in Iraq, an average of 15.8 per day.


Oops! Sloppy CIA: American Arrested in Bolivian Bombings 22 Mar 2006 An American man and his Uruguayan girlfriend were arrested Wednesday after bombs severely damaged two low-budget hotels in Bolivia's capital, killing two people and injuring at least seven. Police initially said the blasts were "typical of terrorist crime," and President Evo Morales lost no time in denouncing them as an attack on Bolivia's democracy. "This American was putting bombs in hotels," Morales said. "The U.S. government fights terrorism, and they send us terrorists."


Showbiz Tonight Follows Up Sheen Coverage With Alex Jones - Video Download
Alex Jones- PRISON News Archive: 9/11 Prior Knowledge and Government Complicity
(one of the best places for 9-11 information....peace,pw)

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