Here is something else that occurred on September 10, 2001. I posted the announcement of the 3rd edition, the edition that was all about the 'Shadow government, which was taken from (and embellished upon) a Web site that had been posted on this very listserv earlier that year.
This 3rd edition was late in being announced because my now ex-husband's friend, Colleen Edwards,
had not done a single thing to get it ready. This caused me to return to my webbie who had come through for me the other two times of top secret American history that I published. So ten days after I would have sent this edition to him, I sent it to him. This is why this particular edition was ten days late in being announced to my supporters.
Then, I departed for SeaTac airport for a 12 midnight flight to be with my grandson who would be 6 on the 13th of September. I recall that that flight was 3 hours late due to fog in NY where it had departed from en route to Seattle, WA. So we departed at 3:15 am instead bound for JFK airport.
We landed in Buffalo, NY instead because of 9/11. Instantly, when I saw the second tower hit, I knew
with no doubt in my mind that it was OUR government that carried out that heinous crime. Why?
It was OUR government that assassinated OUR leader and it was OUR government that has FIVE branches, NOT three as we are taught in school. The schools are all controlled by the Rockefeller Foundation. Rockefeller is one of the 13 Illuminati families, something that has also been posted on THIS
Lastly, when militant Islamic organizations carry out a retaliation, they claim responsibility for it. Bin Laden
said that he didn't do it.
When I arrived in Oslo, Norway en route to where I live today, and struck up a conversation with a Norwegian lady, she said "Oh, we knew it [911] was in inside job" when we got on that topic, I said with
much enthusiam "Yes" because I, too, knew that it was in inside job.
Arlene Johnson
To access the e-zine that publishes the documented truth about nations, click on the icon that says Magazine.
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-----Original Message-----
From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Aug 29, 2005 8:32 PM
To: Cia-drugs Cia-drugs
Subject: [cia-drugs] Fwd: SEPT 10,2001

Begin forwarded message:

Date: August 28, 2005 4:41:59 AM PDT
Subject: SEPT 10,2001

Timmerman reveals in his book (pages 7-9). On July 26, 2001, an Iranian
intelligence agent walked into the American embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan,
and asked to see the CIA chief. He finally talks to two CIA
functionaries: "Joan", who assesses his story and decides it needs
further review, and "George", a CIA case handler who laughs Zakeri out
of the embassy. The story? 
There's going to be a big attack on America on the twentieth of
Shahrivar, Zakeri insisted. That's the date my boss told us to be ready.
Six people who have been trained as pilots have just left Iran. 
George consulted a calendar that gave the corresponding Western dates.
So we're talking about September 10, right? I'll mark my date book, he
added sarcastically. He paid Zakeri a few hundred dollars for his time
and sent him away.
July 26 came just two weeks after Mohammed Atta met with Ramzi
Binalshibh in Madrid to finalize the date for the 9/11 attacks. At that
meeting, Binalshibh pressed Atta to pick a date, as Osama bin Laden
needed to send the information through the network in time for everyone
to prepare for the operation. Atta said he needed five or six weeks
before he could coordinate well enough for a particular date, and only
promised a week's notice -- or so Binalshibh told the FBI (Commission
report, page 244):
Binalshibh says he told Atta that Bin Ladin wanted the attacks carried
out as soon as possible. Bin Ladin, Binalshibh conveyed, was worried
about having so many
Timmerman reveals in his book (pages 7-9). On July 26, 2001, an Iranian
intelligence agent walked into the American embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan,
and asked to see the CIA chief. He finally talks to two CIA
functionaries: "Joan", who assesses his story and decides it needs
further review, and "George", a CIA case handler who laughs Zakeri out
of the embassy. The story? 
There's going to be a big attack on America on the twentieth of
Shahrivar, Zakeri insisted. That's the date my boss told us to be ready.
Six people who have been trained as pilots have just left Iran. 
George consulted a calendar that gave the corresponding Western dates.
So we're talking about September 10, right? I'll mark my date book, he
added sarcastically. He paid Zakeri a few hundred dollars for his time
and sent him away.
July 26 came just two weeks after Mohammed Atta met with Ramzi
Binalshibh in Madrid to finalize the date for the 9/11 attacks. At that
meeting, Binalshibh pressed Atta to pick a date, as Osama bin Laden
needed to send the information through the network in time for everyone
to prepare for the operation. Atta said he needed five or six weeks
before he could coordinate well enough for a particular date, and only
promised a week's notice -- or so Binalshibh told the FBI (Commission
report, page 244):
Binalshibh says he told Atta that Bin Ladin wanted the attacks carried
out as soon as possible. Bin Ladin, Binalshibh conveyed, was worried
about having so many

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