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From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: July 21, 2006 8:37:18 AM PDT
Subject: We’re constructing the dystopian nightmare that Orwell and Huxley prophesied, but we could just as easily be building an equally brilliant utopia, the cornerstone of which is free energ

So here’s where I seem to be pissing you off so severely: the whole eternal, evil Jew thing, which, you have to admit, is a staple of the Rense & Icke Show, seems, I don’t know, too easy, too stupid, too pat, too much like a vindication of fucking Hitler. I don’t like Nazis. It also seems sort of contrived—how is it possible that Netanyahu, or Silverstein for that matter, could be off-script on televised interviews? Freudian slips happen when people are talking to each other, not history. I have more to say on the topic of Zionists letting themselves be used as patsies, but I want to hurry up and get to my central point here before everyone falls asleep: 9/11 isn’t The Big Lie. Just as the pod and the Jews are diversions, I’m convinced that 9/11 itself is a smaller lie than keeps us from considering The Really Big Lie.

Very quickly then (sorry!), here it is: America is also a lie. Our entire history is fake, more so than Howard Zinn ever dreamed. George Washington was the richest man in America, as well as the author of the original organized plan to steal the Indians’ land. Manifest Destiny is the polite _expression_, not of American exceptionalism, but of brutal, planet-fucking American imperialism, except that it’s not really American at all. Transnational means just that; the corporotacracy’s only allegiance is to itself. Now, maybe you’re right about who’s behind the corporotacracy—the 13 families and all—but it doesn’t matter in the end because it’s The Real Conspiracy, or better yet, What’s Really Being Hidden that is where our focus should be.

We’re constructing the dystopian nightmare that Orwell and Huxley prophesied, but we could just as easily be building an equally brilliant utopia, the cornerstone of which is free energy. Free, locally-generated, decentralized autonomy-ensuring, unlimited, ecologically-safe energy. We also are being denied antigravitational technology which would revolutionize transport, architecture, space flight and more. We have the capacity to fix our dying biosphere, but instead we’re pouring more poison into it. And why? Because the power-mad are greedy, and if they weren’t suppressing all this stuff, we’d soon discover that the whole economy of scarcity that is the foundation of their wealth and the world’s poverty is also a lie. We could practice economies of abundance, right here and right now without disturbing the environment or wasting our dwindling natural resources. The problem is that we would all be rich and free, and that is a picture that sickens and frightens those sick bastards as much as it brightens our hopes and imaginations.

As you know, big lies work because no one believes that the ruling classes could be so evil as to do such a thing—they’re still human, right? Maybe. The Big Lie also works by diverting attention away from itself with “smaller” horrors. Consider this: the best and brightest minds on the planet don’t believe the official 9/11 story. To the extent that they also believe that if those responsible were effectively neutralized, removed, then the world could function smoothly again, right? Who’s got time for utopian conspiracies when they’re busy thinking about who made some buildings fall down as a pretext for a worldwide police state? And if the whistle-blowers were ungagged? And if some thugs came forward and confessed? If BushCo were impeached? Would the money be taken out of politics? Would Ted Stevens, next in the line of succession, make a better president? Would the spineless whores masquerading as the opposition party ever do anything counter to “American interests”? I find it most telling that even after 60 years of fascist propaganda, including its centerpiece, the discrediting of Socialism (the “failure of Socialism,” and “how we won the Cold War”) and the complete marginalization of the Left, the so-called political discourse in the US has been moved so far to the right that Nixon’s policies can only be viewed as “liberal” by today’s standards. And consider the phrases in circulation again, this time in the “9/11 movement”. It’s not just at Rense that you see “Jewish bolshevism” and “godless communism.” The right wing has infiltrated everything because, to paraphrase the famous phrase, the Germans lost the war, but the Nazis won the world. This is why Jeff linked that Nazi Hydra thing
Lastly, Anonymous, consider one more scenario: if your favorite conspiracy, which is, not to be too boastful about it (really, I can see you’ve got some serious ego investment here) ever so much smaller than mine, were to be exposed and all the Illuminati devils impaled on lampposts, would the fascist nightmare be over? Would ethics return to capitalism? Of course not. Capitalism is the nightmare; capitalism is fascism. 9/11 has given us a very scary world which might just blow itself up, but it’s not The Big Lie. In fact, it might be the most brilliant stroke of propaganda ever: a pretext for world dominion and a diversion from that dominion at the very same time.=


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