Jerry Brown to expand GPS monitoring beyond tracking sex offenders in “virtual 
prison” system 

San Francisco Gate | Nov 10, 2006 

Posted by pjwalker911 on November 11, 2006

GPS tracking does not deter real criminals who can easily beat the system if 
they try, but it does increasingly control one unwary group after another 
(fish, dogs, cattle, sheep, the elderly, children, soldiers, employees, 
immigrants, convicts and of course pedophiles too) until all groups, including 
all human beings (and all animals) will be tracked via satellite by the 
government, for our safety of course. This is the global elite’s Orwellian plan 
and it is being carried out by the Great White Liberals like Jerry Brown, 
hailed by “conservative” Trotskyite talk show host Michael Savage as a 
centrist, which just means Brown is an establishment gofer who swings both 
ways. Are you beginning to get it yet?

“In 100 years, I think we’ll look back at the prison system in roughly the same 
way we now regard public executions — barbaric,” said Malcolm Feeley, a law 
professor at UC Berkeley’s Boalt Hall School of Law, who specializes in the 
criminal process. “I think electronic monitoring is just in its infancy. And I 
think that, in the future, people who are charged with controlling some segment 
of the population will come up with an alternative to incarceration and it will 
involve some GPS technology and a virtual prison.”
Gunshots ring out in a neighborhood, and law enforcement’s first move is to 
pull up a computer screen to see whether the sound came from areas equipped 
with electronic devices that track the source of gunfire.

Then a public safety employee keys up another monitor and uses Global 
Positioning System technology to identify the locations of the city’s 
worst-known violent offenders — to determine whether any of them are in the 
spot where the shots were fired.

Such a brave new world is coming to Oakland — and it seems likely that it will 
become a reality elsewhere in California now that crime-fighting Mayor Jerry 
Brown is about to become the state’s attorney general.

He has been unable to nudge, cajole or criticize county probation and state 
parole agents into keeping closer tabs on ex-offenders released in his city, 
but that may not be a problem in his next job.

Brown, who begins his new job in January, is keenly interested in using 
technology to shore up the Oakland Police Department’s understaffed force.

At several locations with a high incidence for gunfire, the city has installed 
a device, called ShotSpotter, which uses sound to approximate the location of 
gunfire. Now the city is launching a pilot program using GPS monitors tethered 
to ex-cons.


Brown wants to expand GPS monitoring beyond tracking sex offenders
Chip Johnson

Friday, November 10, 2006 

Gunshots ring out in a neighborhood, and law enforcement's first move is to 
pull up a computer screen to see whether the sound came from areas equipped 
with electronic devices that track the source of gunfire. 

Then a public safety employee keys up another monitor and uses Global 
Positioning System technology to identify the locations of the city's 
worst-known violent offenders -- to determine whether any of them are in the 
spot where the shots were fired. 

Such a brave new world is coming to Oakland -- and it seems likely that it will 
become a reality elsewhere in California now that crime-fighting Mayor Jerry 
Brown is about to become the state's attorney general. 

He has been unable to nudge, cajole or criticize county probation and state 
parole agents into keeping closer tabs on ex-offenders released in his city, 
but that may not be a problem in his next job. 

Brown, who begins his new job in January, is keenly interested in using 
technology to shore up the Oakland Police Department's understaffed force. 

At several locations with a high incidence for gunfire, the city has installed 
a device, called ShotSpotter, which uses sound to approximate the location of 
gunfire. Now the city is launching a pilot program using GPS monitors tethered 
to ex-cons. 

So far, 17 ex-offenders living in the city have agreed to wear the units 
instead of facing criminal trials or parole-revocation hearings, said Lt. Pete 

Brown, meanwhile, has been directly involved in talks with the parole division 
of the state Department of Corrections to expand the use of such monitors, said 
Bill Sessa, a department spokesman. Brown is adamant about the need to monitor 
the most-violent offenders in Oakland, where homicides and other crimes have 
skyrocketed this year. 

Currently, the state limits the use of the devices to about 500 high-risk sex 
offenders statewide, Sessa said. 

"They have identified some people, our parolees, but Oakland wants to use it 
(GPS) mostly for shooters," Sessa said. "The mayor said he realizes that sex 
offenders are an issue, but the real problem in Oakland is shootings, and those 
are cases that come under the jurisdiction of the Police Department." 

A similar program being tested by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's 
Department has used GPS bracelets to rein in the activities of convicted gang 
members who posed an elevated threat to the community, Sessa said. 

Brown said Thursday that he hoped to announce a new agreement that would 
enhance the city's electronic-monitoring capabilities, but said he could not 
give details until the deal is done. 

He said he hoped the agreement would help the Police Department's Operation 
Ceasefire program, which has identified the city's 100 most-violent offenders 
and put them in contact with law enforcement. 

I believe that if the mayor has his way, those 100 people, or as many as are 
eligible for the program, may soon be wearing new ankle jewelry. 

Given Brown's penchant for innovation and his viewpoint that GPS technology 
should be used for more than high-risk sex offenders, it's a good bet that 
he'll make such tracking efforts a priority when he takes over as California's 
top cop. 

"I think parole supervision is inadequate given the 70 percent recidivism 
rate," Brown said. "In Oakland, we want to monitor those offenders that we 
think, from past history, present a serious threat." 

Ex-offenders are part of the "culture of violence" in Oakland's toughest 
neighborhoods and go largely unsupervised upon their release from prison, he 

Underscoring that notion, Sarna, the police lieutenant, said only about 20 
percent of the city's ex-cons are actually located at the address they provide 
when they are released from prison. 

It seems likely -- some legal experts say it's inevitable -- that the growth 
and expansion of electronic tethers to monitor and restrict society's 
most-violent offenders is the future of crime and punishment. 

"In 100 years, I think we'll look back at the prison system in roughly the same 
way we now regard public executions -- barbaric," said Malcolm Feeley, a law 
professor at UC Berkeley's Boalt Hall School of Law, who specializes in the 
criminal process. "I think electronic monitoring is just in its infancy. 

"And I think that, in the future, people who are charged with controlling some 
segment of the population will come up with an alternative to incarceration and 
it will involve some GPS technology and a virtual prison." 

Oakland and a handful of other local law enforcement agencies are on the 
leading edge in their plans to cooperate and expand their networks of criminal 
data for the purposes of comparing and correlating information. 

"There are interagency agreements around the county going on right now, and 
Oakland is as advanced as anywhere," Feeley said.

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