Li Zhaoxing Meets with Uzbek, Kyrghyz and Kazak Foreign Ministers


On May 15, 2006, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing met in the Shanghai International Conference Center respectively with Uzbek Foreign Minister Eler Ganiyev, Kyrghyz Foreign Minister Alikbek Jekshenkulov and Kazak Foreign Minister Kasymzhomart Kemelevich Tokayev, who were here to attend the 2006 Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Member States.

Li expressed satisfaction with the sound development of Sino-Uzbek, Sino- Kyrghyz and Sino-Kazak relations, emphasizing that China would like to continue mutual support with these three countries on major issues involving independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, maintain high-level exchanges, build up mutual political trust and expand exchanges and cooperation in the areas of economy, trade and humanities.

The Uzbek, Kyrghyz and Kazak Foreign Ministers all reaffirmed that their respective governments attach great importance to relations with China, adhere to the one-China policy, support China's grand cause of reunification, oppose "Taiwan independence" and would like to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with China in all areas.

Li exchanged views respectively with these three Foreign Ministers on the regional situation, pushing for pragmatic cooperation among SCO member states and the preparations for the SCO summit to be held in June, and all parties agreed to continue strengthening communication and cooperation within the bilateral framework, as well as this organization, in a bid to safeguard peace and stability of this region and promote common development and prosperity.

On the same day, Li also met with SCO Secretary General Zhang Deguang.

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