Please get out and vote for Obama no matter which state you live in.
Otherwise McCain and Palin may win because of huge Republican vote 

Republicans have already purged hundreds of thousands of voters
from the rolls in critical swing states.  That's how they stole
the election in 2000:

The computerized voting machines have already been rigged and 
are already switching votes from Obama to McCain.  That's how
they stole the election in 2004:

Also, some people lie to pollsters and say they're voting for 
Obama but actually won't because he's black.  So his lead in 
the polls over McCain may not translate to a lead in votes.

McCain has promised to start more wars if he wins:

This will include attacking Iran, which is next on the Neocons'
list.  But Putin of Russia (along with most of the world) has 
finally had enough of the U.S. invading other countries and 
murdering millions of people, and has promised to defend Iran 
from attacks by the U.S. or Israel.  The U.S. has already 
attacked Russia using the puppet government of Georgia, and 
the Neocons have threatened further attacks.  

Both of these wars will easily go nuclear, especially if the 
U.S. does a nuclear first strike, which is now official U.S. 

McCain knows only one solution for any problem -- war.  It's the 
only thing he's had experience with.  He has no moral scruples.
He was one of the infamous Keating Five involved with the huge 
Savings and Loan swindle:

McCain pulled a "prank" that started the terrible fire on the 
aircraft carrier Forrestal that killed 134 men and injured 161:

McCain dumped his first wife after she was disfigured in an 
automobile accident.  He remarried and beats his second wife:

McCain has cancer.  If he's elected, and dies in office, Sarah 
Palin will become President.  She is a religious fundamentalist 
who believes -- in spite of a huge amount of scientific evidence 
-- that the Earth is only 6,000 years old:

"In a widely-circulated interview, Matt Damon said of Palin, 
`I need to know if she really think that dinosaurs were here 4000 
years ago. I want to know that, I really do. Because she's gonna 
have the nuclear codes.'"

Her religion requires her to believe that if she starts a nuclear 
war in the Middle East -- Armageddon -- then she and her friends 
will ascend to heaven and be with Jesus.

Because of the Electoral College and non-parliamentary U.S. system,
the only way to prevent McCain/Palin from being elected is to vote
for Obama.  

Obama has promised explicitly to restore habeas corpus, stop the 
Iraq war and bring the troops home in 2009, close Guantanamo, 
set up a health plan, for everyone who doesn't have one, equal to 
the one provided for members of congress, talk with Ahmadinejad, 
and not attack Iran.  

Please, vote for Obama!

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