Perle: Bush Will Green Light Iran Attack 
Sunday January 21st 2007, 11:16 pm 

Kurt Nimmo

Richard Perle, more accurately referred to by his moniker, the Prince of 
Darkness, tells us from Herzliya, Israel, that Bush will eventually give the 
order to kill Iranians. 

“If all options were exhausted in the attempt to stop the Iranian nuclear 
project, and US military involvement was needed for a successful strike on 
Tehran, US President George Bush would give the green light for the operation, 
former director of the US Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee, Richard 
Perle, told the Herzliya Conference on Sunday evening,” reports Yedioth 

Perle may fool a few Israelis, even more than a few Americans, those who bother 
to notice, but for the rest of us, those who have followed this gang of 
criminals for nearly five years, he is simply blowing smoke out of a certain 

Asked if Bush and the neocons would “do it,” that is engage in mass murder, 
Perle responded, “I think that until the day he leaves office, this is a 
president that, if he is told, ‘Mr. President, you are at the point of no 
return,’ I have very little doubt that this president would order the necessary 
military action.”

The Prince of Darkness would have us believe the “point of no return” is Iran 
armed to the teeth with nukes, a demonstrable fairy tale. In fact, Bush’s 
“point of no return” is the day he leaves office, failing to accomplish the 
neocon plan of sowing ruin and chaos in the Middle East. 

“Perle expressed astonishment at the lack of support granted by the West to 
Iranian opposition movements who wish to overthrow the regime of the 
Ayatollahs,” the Israeli news site continues. “I’m not convinced that we have a 
lot of time. Given the peril that would result, its astonishing to me that we 
do not now have a serious political strategy with Iran…. If we continue on our 
current course, we have only a military option. So what I’m urging, and this 
should have happened a very long time ago, is that we make a serious effort to 
work with the internal (Iranian) opposition.” 

Of course, for Perle, the Israel First neocons, and the Likudniks in Israel, 
the idea of subverting an Islamic government from within is natural as rain. 
Indeed, Israel has messed with its neighbors since the Zionists state was 
established—after running off a large number of Palestinian Arabs and stealing 
their land—a historical fact evinced by the Lavon Affair, the Mossad’s framing 
of Libya for the LaBelle Disco bombing, the attack on the USS Liberty, killing 
34 Americans and wounding 171, the botched assassination of U.S. ambassador 
John Gunther Dean in Lebanon, and Israel’s connection to the Abu Nidal 
Organization, to name a few. 

As well, the CIA and Pentagon are no strangers to attacking, subverting, 
undermining and overthrowing governments, as they have a long and sordid track 
record beginning in the late 1940s, following up on more than a hundred years 
of interventions, from the Philippines in 1899 to Honduras, Panama, Guatemala, 
China, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Haiti, even 
the Soviet Union near Vladivostok during the Bolshevik revolution, right up to 
the present day. 

Naturally, Perle understands full well any effort to “work with the internal 
opposition” in Iran is doomed to failure, as this opposition consists basically 
of the son of the late Shah, Reza Pahlavi, who lives in exile in Virginia, and 
a scattering of other groups, including Mojahedin-e-Khalq, a terrorist 
organization involved in killing Iranian civilians. Perle actually expects us 
to believe the people of Iran will support the butchers of MEK or reinstall a 
monarch, the son of a dictator who unleashed SAVAK, a particularly brutal 
secret police, on the people of Iran for over three decades. 

In fact, Perle and the neocons are impatiently waiting for Bush to attack Iran, 
as their plan is to destroy Iranian society, not free the Iranian people from 
the mullahs. Perle, like a demented carnival barker, is setting the stage, 
telling us Bush will “do it,” when it fact the neocons will, as Bush is little 
more than a trained monkey from an elite family that made its way in the world 
after rubbing elbows with Nazis.

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