Radio journalist D'Anne Burley is living in a room near Chicago, 
the temperature is going below 10 deg. F., she's taking three 
antibiotics for various intractable infections, can barely walk
due to congestive heart failure and gall stones, and is being 
thrown out in the street today.
Please help me.  This is D'Anne Burley, radio talk show host. 
If you can contact me via phone at 1-630-666-8528 e-mail  You can make donations via paypal.
I need the help now or I will be out on the street today.

I have attempted to help many people who are the victims of
corruption within America, by allowing them to tell their side
of the story on my many programs.  These are stories that the
mainstream press will not allow them to tell, offering them
little in time and space to speak out about these very real
issues. because the stories they tell will reflect on who is
involved in corruption within this nation.

>From religion, foreign affairs, science, stories that impact on
the news, I have reported for over 13 yrs on radio, television,
and the Internet.  I am connected to these stories, I am not on
paid media nor do I have any commericals. The people who have
come on my programs are amazing, from Vanunu from his prison
in Israel, former FBI, CIA and BATF agents, top reporters,
writers and those involved within the controversial.  I sought
them out or was contacted by them to tell their stories so
that the public will know the facts.

My work is not free; it's hard as a one woman operation. 
I work daily on my computers, I go into investigations from
the source itself so that you will be given the information
behind the real story with as much fact as is available. 
I create blogs and websites, and interview those whose lives
are at risk because the corruption has not yet been exposed.

I am the daughter of writer and musician Dan Burley who did
the same type of work prior to my involvement.  He wrote,
even founded some publications, spoke on radio, and launched
the career of many civil rights leaders.  He created a working
network within both the black and white societies, because we
are all people and there is no real difference in the races
other than color of skin.  We all have children, love this
nation and are all Americans.

See, or go to wikipedia
for his information.  My work can be found all over the
Internet just goto or  My father Dan from his work
from the 1930's until his death in 1962 served the people of
the community, sharing their plight, giving light to their
needs and opportunity to be heard around the world.

As my dad had done, I did within my very own media. He father
was involved with numerous White Houses, the Roosevelts,
the Kennedy's, and also the military, and he helped many get
started in politics.

I receive no wages, have been blackballed, denied employment,
after working over 30 years within corporate America.  I've 
been attacked, robbed and have had family members harmed, 
because today telling the truth is dangerous business.

I became ill, was given wrong medications, had a heart attack,
and am now rendered disabled due to what I believe to be the
actions of insiders who wanted to shut me up.

In 2004 someone placed counterfeit money orders into my bank
account with the intent to have me locked up.  They attacked
my son so badly that he was forced out of school and could
not finish high school.  I had records of mortgage crimes,
with information about criminal cells in Illinois, and the
criminals stole them to evade prosecution.  I received secret
videos on who killed Kennedy, and my vehicle was stolen so
that this information could vanish, because the truth will
show the very fact of why we are in continuous crisis within
the US and in the world.

My attackers were agents of insiders creating harm to me because
of the stories I report. Some of you may say, well, stop then,
but once in there is no way out!  There is nothing you can do
but continue and attempt to watch your back.  And in any case,
I wanted to see justice done.  But it cost me my health.

Once you expose these powerful psychopaths they will continue
to attack until they can destroy you as a person, and rid
themselves of you completely.

I worked within the court system, top law firms, top
corporations, then in the background worked heavily as an
activist helping folks in the community and around the country
who came to me about their issues.  My radio, TV, Internet
and print journalism have spanned 14 years, using everything
I had around me so that stories could be shared and reported.

If reporters like Gary Webb and Sherman Skolnick didn't risk
all in order to expose the truth then people in this society
would have no clue about what is really happening, and I took
on the risk.

Now I am asking you for help, please.  I am disabled, with
issues stemming from my heart and now the ability to walk.
I have little income and I stay within a cheap hotel room
which I will be losing if I do not come up with money to
pay the bill.  I need help.  Please whatever you can donate.
Please I can be reached by phone, it's just me and my dog,
I'm attempting to raise the money so that I can make it,
I have located housing finally but don't have the money to
make this move; once in I can afford it.  I need to pay off
my hotel bill and get the deposit so that I can live and
get someone to assist me there.  I am on the air Mon-Sat.
Have sought work in my fields of accounting, business, law
and mortgage but again nothing. Please help.  Thanks

  D'Anne Burley

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