
Silence of the Lambs? Proof of US orchestration of Death Squads 
Killings in Iraq
A Cry to Raise Our Voices! 

by Max Fuller
Global Research, March 14, 2007 

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Testimony of Iraqi torture victim confirms the presence of US 
personnel at the infamous Jadiriyah bunker 
Probably everyone remembers the discovery of the Jadiriyah detention 
facility in November 2005. US troops were reported to have uncovered 
the prison in their hunt for a missing person, only to discover some 
170 detainees in horrific conditions, many of them clearly the 
victims of obscene tortures. Although it was admitted that the 
facility belonged to the interior ministry and that the detainees 
were held by a secretive interior ministry force known as the 
Special Investigations Unit, the story was quickly shuffled away as 
yet another example of the work of Shiite militiamen, in this 
instance, as was the vogue at that time, the Badr Brigade[i]. Myriad 
promises were forthcoming both from the US and Iraqi governments 
that investigations would be rapidly carried out and better 
supervision would in future be applied to Iraqi-run detention 
facilities (for instance the Iraqi government assured the world that 
a ministerial level investigation would rapidly be carried out, 
while US officials promised a legal team to go through the 
detainees' files and a US embassy spokesman stated that Justice 
Department and FBI officers would provide technical assistance). 

Of course, given the scale of the abuse (flayings, burnings, 
drillings etc) and the proximity of the perpetrators to the Iraqi 
government (by dint of working for the Interior Ministry as well as 
by any possible Badr-SCIRI links) and to the US occupation which 
had, after all, established them (as numerous reports have amply 
documented, eg Knight Ridder, 9 May 2005), such investigations were 
grossly less than what was urgently required – a full and public 
criminal investigation by independent international agencies. In the 
event, even these limited promises came to nothing, as the UN Human 
Rights Office in Iraq recently highlighted. What we have actually 
seen is neither investigation nor prosecutions, despite the fact 
that Jadiriyah lies at the heart of the state of fear that Iraq 
undeniably now is.  

In October last year I had the privilege to interview one of the 
victims of that terrible abuse, the distinguished former Professor 
of Pedagogy at Baghdad University Tareq Samarree, who had been 
seized from his home in March 2005 by plain-clothed interior 
ministry personnel without charge. Professor Samarree, who provided 
a horrific first-hand account of the torture that he had suffered as 
well as details of others who had died and of the disappearance of 
his son within the Iraqi detention system, never had sight of any 
hint of judicial process nor any access to the outside world. What 
made Professor Samarree's story most striking were the details of 
his release. Professor Samarree's physical condition was so bad when 
the American soldiers discovered the facility that he, along with 
around a dozen other detainees, was instantly taken to a local 
hospital. Here, he and his companions remained without access to 
lawyers, journalists, officials or even a telephone. In fact, it 
quickly became clear that these victims of torture were to be 
returned to Iraqi detention. Professor Samarree, another of whose 
sons lives in the United States, was fortunate to be able to 
persuade an American solider to take pity on him and assist him and 
two of his companions to escape. The last words the soldier said to 
Professor Samarree were `Run, run. Don't look back!' 
Within days Professor Samarree had arranged for himself and his 
family to flee the country. He is now in Europe, where he is 
claiming political asylum. 
The full details of Professor Samarree's story and a detailed 
account of the US-built Iraqi intelligence apparatus are contained 
in the article Ghosts of Jadiriyah, published by the BRussells 
Tribunal. It should be noted that the story was offered on the one-
year anniversary of discovery of the Jadiryah facility to a range of 
mainstream media publications, including New Yorker, New Statesman, 
the Independent, The Big Issue, as well as to the radical left 
publication Z Mag. Of them all, only the New Statesmen and Z Mag 
were courteous enough even to reply to affirm their rejection. It 
seemed that Professor Samarree's remarkable story and any further 
interest in Jadiriyah were simply off the agenda. 
But Jadiriyah, with its ghosts and its horror, will not go away. 
On 7 February 2007 another former inmate from Jadiriyah, Abbas Z 
Abid, presented his sworn testimony at the international peace 
conference in Kuala Lumpur. Like Professor Samarree's, his 
description of the torture that he and others underwent is almost 
too harrowing to bear. What sets his testimony apart and completes 
our understanding of the grim world of Iraq's secret prisons are the 
dates of his incarceration. Mr Abid, an electrical engineer from 
Fallujah who was the Chief Engineer in Baghdad's Science and 
Technology Ministry, was arrested in August 2005, but was not 
released until October 2006. That means that Mr Abid, like Dr 
Samarree, was held when the American soldiers raided the facility, 
but his ordeal did not end there. In fact, not only does Mr Abid 
describe the ongoing tortures that he was repeatedly subjected to 
after the US intervention, as well as describing the tortures that 
continued to be inflicted on fellow inmates, including the use of 
Black and Decker drills and other power tools (Mr Abid names eight 
fellow detainees who died from their injuries), but Mr Abid states 
that `American troops have visited the prison many times and 
therefore cannot deny the existence of such a prison'.   
The implications of these two testimonies as well as the absence of 
independent and public scrutiny are obvious. The Occupation has done 
nothing at all to halt abuse at the Interior Ministry's network of 
secret prisons or curtail in any way the culture of impunity in 
which they exist. And lets be absolutely clear what we are talking 
about here. This is as close as we can get to the tide of sectarian 
violence sweeping Iraq, whose victims are almost invariably arrested 
by Interior Ministry personnel, who are then horribly tortured 
within Interior Ministry prisons and whose bodies finally surface in 
abandoned lots, are dredged from rivers, are buried in shallow 
graves in the desert or left as human detritus around sewage works 
(Former human rights chief in Iraq John Pace stated that the 
majority of killings were being carried out by groups under the 
control of the Interior Ministry, Independent, 26 February 2006, 
while the Iraqi Organisation for Follow-up and Monitoring in Iraq 
found that in 92% of some 3498 cases of extrajudicial killing, the 
victims had been arrested by Interior Ministry forces). Such would 
undoubtedly have been the final fate of Professor Samarree and Mr 
Abid's hapless fellow detainees.  

Of course the Americans have always been aware of the existence of 
this and other horrific dungeons within Interior Ministry 
facilities. How could they not be? They set them up and continue to 
operate from the same facilities! And for any who would question the 
validity or Mr Abid's testimony that American forces were regular 
visitors, his story is confirmed by Solomon Moore writing in the Los 
Angeles Times (9 July 2006), who stated that the US military had 
been at the facility before the November raid! And the same happened 
in Basra. After it was revealed by the Plaid Cymru MP Adam Price 
that British trained policemen had tortured prisoners to death with 
drills, we discovered, through the New York Times (!!), that 
American intelligence officers had been working alongside them at 
the Jamiyat police station, where they passed on names of suspects 
knowing that those suspects would end up as the victims of death 
squads. That is their modus operandi and it is duplicated by British 
military intelligence units, like the Joint Support Group, who 
brought their nefarious experience from Northern Ireland (where, as 
Chris Floyd has recently documented, they orchestrated sectarian 
murder through the Ulster Defence Association) straight to Iraq. 
Thus in Basra we find a paramilitary death squad outfit called the 
Revenge of God (Thar Allah) nurtured and protected by the British, 
linked to police intelligence and given control of nightly curfews, 
despite its boasts of killing members of the former state (see 
Ghosts of Jadiriyah for a more complete account)!  

Since the mainstream western media will not hear such voices as 
Professor Samarree and Mr Abid, it is absolutely beholden on every 
decently minded individual as well as every organisation that 
opposes the illegal occupation of Iraq to demand the truth and bring 
an end to this monstrous culture of impunity. Jean Paul Sartre noted 
that the American assault on Vietnam was not only an attack against 
that nation, but an act of violence directed against the whole of 
humanity. If we are to have any hope of rescuing our own collective 
humanity, we must raise our voices to bring an end to the screaming 
from Iraq. 
Two important notes 
Note 1: On Sectarianism 
The cherished western mainstream media notion, undoubtedly nurtured 
by false flag covert warfare and so-called psyops, that Iraq has 
fragmented into a state of intercommunal sectarian civil war is the 
biggest single impediment to understanding the role of the Anglo-US 
Occupation in the thousands upon thousands of extrajudicial killings 
taking place in Iraq. 
The testimonies of Professor Samarree and Mr Abid shed some futher 
light on just how far we can see sectarianism as a factor in Iraq's 
violence. Both accounts describe hearing a language that they 
believe to be Farsi, as well as, variously, images of Shiite saints 
and mobile ring tones with Iranian songs. Dr Samarree even states 
with a high degree of confidence that the head of the Badr 
Organisation, Hadi al-Amery, attended one of his interrogation 
There is no reason to doubt their testimonies. In fact, as 
newspapers have revealed, and I have documented on multiple 
occasions, the Badr Brigade/Organisation was among the major 
political parties in exile from whom the CIA recruited the core of 
the new intelligence apparatus, an organisation which started out 
with the innocuous title of the Collection Management and Analysis 
Directorate (CMAD), a title which masked the fact that in reality it 
was producing what amounted to death lists to be targeted by its 
paramilitary wing in conjunction with US (and UK) special forces 
(See Ghosts of Jadiriyah for a detailed discussion). 
That such parties are running at least some of the worst detention 
facilities (others are undoubtedly run by Kurdish groups in the 
north of Iraq) is therefore not surprising and of course their 
members at every level of responsibility should face justice. But 
more instructive are their demonstrable links with the Occupation, 
which I have sought to document. It is this intellectual authorship 
of extrajudicial killing that the Western anti-occupation movement 
needs to focus on. If the torturers and killers in Jadiriyah were 
indeed taking their instruction from Iran, as some would hold, then 
they not only need to prove that, but in the face of concrete 
evidence that such forces work in close conjunction with the US (see 
also Diyala: a Laboratory of Civil War?), they also need to prove 
that the US state is working hand in hand with the Iranian state. 
In fact, as Kurt Nimmo has highlighted, we know that the Iranian 
state is being stitched up in Iraq over fabricated charges of 
supplying weapons to Shiite groups. As anyone who remembers anything 
about similar US charges in other theatres of war (such as the 
Nicaraguan Migs, the Gulf of Tonkin incident etc etc) will remember, 
they were all made up! As modern military theorists hold, the major 
part of contemporary warfare is informational - or better stated, 
Note 2: On Genocide   
The distinguished dissident academic Edward Herman, recently wrote a 
paper entitled Iraq: the Genocide Option in which he argued that the 
US war in Iraq threatened to become genocidal. He was quite right to 
point to genocide. With credible figures of over one million Iraqi 
casualties, another three to four million displaced internally and 
externally, the total collapse of civic infrastructure and the 
imminent threat of political disintegration, there must already be a 
very real question as to whether Iraq continues to exist as a viable 
nation. To fully substantiate the charge, the only question 
technically remains establishing intent, although I believe that too 
is perfectly possible when we consider the statements on partition 
made by the likes of Leslie Gelb (New York Times 25 November 2003, 1 
May 2006).  

To make his argument, Herman drew upon two analogies: El Salvador 
and Vietnam. Whilst explicitly acknowledging the existence of the so-
called Salvador Option in Iraq, Herman's argument was that genocide 
had occurred in Vietnam though the direct application of US force 
with its implementation of weapons of massive destruction, whereas, 
in El Salvador, where the US had had to resort to more lightly 
equipped proxy armies, only mass murder had occurred, which he 
compared with the Phoenix Programme in Vietnam. With the greatest 
respect, however, I believe that Herman is understating the terrible 
impact of the Phoenix Programme, the brutal US-sponsored war in El 
Salvador and the ongoing Salvador Option in Iraq. 
First of all, Herman compares El Salvador's estimated death toll of 
some 100,000 (which Noam Chomsky describes as the crucifixion of the 
country) with the several (commonly around three) million estimated 
victims in Vietnam. Whilst one should not doubt the scale of the 
horror brought to Vietnam and its tragic ongoing legacy, it should 
be pointed out that to compare these figures is somewhat misleading. 
El Salvador has a population of some five million, compared to 
around 10 times as many in Vietnam. Thus it would not be 
unreasonable to suggest that had El Salvador's Salvador Option been 
carried out in a country as populous as Vietnam, the direct 
casualties would have totalled around one million, bringing it 
instantly into the same order of magnitude as Vietnam. In fact, 
something very much like this under US auspices did take place in 
Indonesia. Thus, we can see that with an arsenal of much lighter 
weapons, including a plentiful array of improvised torture devices, 
a multitude of human lives can be extinguished. In El Salvador this 
slaughter was meticulously organised by the US through the training 
and provision of its armed forces, through control of its 
intelligence departments and through strategically placed advisors 
at every level of the Salvadoran Armed Forces. 
And the results of the US war in El Salvador were the economic 
subjugation of the country, including dollarisation, with an 
uncounted human toll in terms of blocked social reform and the 
entrenchment of poverty. In the sense that the hopes and dreams of 
emancipation from economic slavery of the poor majority were drowned 
in rivers of blood, this too was a genocide. 
It also seems unduly dismissive to describe the Phoenix Program as 
only accounting for the deaths of around 40,000 Vietnamese. The 
point of the Phoenix Programme was that it was a systematic campaign 
of targeted killing in South Vietnam designed to destroy the 
leadership of the resistance movements (including the leaders of the 
unarmed social resistance) and terrorise the population into 
obedience (as in El Salvador). As such it formed an important 
tactical contribution to what amounted to a genocidal attack against 
the Vietnamese, whose aim was to extinguish that people's hope of 
national development. Nor should the value of the eventual exposure 
of the Phoenix Program be regarded as insignificant. The effect of 
this exposure was to give the necessary impetus to closing down the 
Office of Public Safety (Supplying Repression, Institute for Policy 
Studies, 1981), whose various programmes contributed to the 
implementation of repressive security apparatuses around the world 
and certainly added to growing pressure for US withdrawal from 
Vietnam. We will never know what effect its earlier exposre might 
have had if more people had been prepared to break the silence. 
In his address to the Bertrand Russell Tribunal on Vietnam, Jean 
Paul Sartre specifically addressed the question of genocide. Sartre 
argued that the US could conduct genocide in Vietnam not because it 
had the means, but because its lack of significant economic 
interests meant that there was nothing to lose and the salutary 
effect of this lesson in apocalypse would not be lost on other 
nations bidding for independence. 
In Iraq (with its much smaller population) the US has already 
matched in scale the violence perpetrated on Vietnam and the war 
goes on, although there is little indication that it has given up 
its economic interests. Undoubtedly a very great part of this 
violence is conducted directly by US forces (the extremely credible 
Lancet study suggests from 30-40%), but, despite surges, that 
proportion appears to be falling. That leaves perhaps as many as 
500,000 violent deaths unattributed to Coalition military action. 
Herman states that some of these would belong to the Salvador 
Option, while the bulk of the others would fall into the pattern 
that he explicitly describes as large-scale communal civil war 
manipulated by the US. I think it is vital that we all remember that 
this inter-communal sectarian warfare still consists of anonymous 
bombs that target the Shia and which most Iraqis for good reason 
believe are the work of the occupation and sectarian killings of 
Sunnis by members of the security forces – along with academics, 
engineers, lawyers, trade unionists, imams, doctors, teachers and 
other state functionaries by paramilitary forces operating from the 
Ministry of the Interior[iii]. This is indeed the application of the 
Salvador Option and it contributes an essential part of the ongoing 
genocide in Iraq. 

[i] The charge that the Badr Brigade was responsible for most of 
acts of sectarian violence through its alleged infiltration of the 
Interior Ministry Police Commandos was revised almost overnight 
following the bombing of the Samarra Mosque in February 2006. From 
that moment on the majority of complaints against Shiite militiamen 
were levelled against the so-called Mehdi Army associated with 
Muqtada al Sadr. No explanation has ever been provided as to how 
such a switch could have come about, especially perplexing given 
that it was explicitly clear that police units were the primary 
culprits prior to Samarra, although it tends to fit neatly into a 
public relations policy of deflecting attention from parties 
cooperating with the Occupation. No serious evidence has ever been 
presented in either case and contradictions in the official 
narrative abound. 
[ii] The very fact that Mr Abid is able to describe the special 
attention given to Sunni detainees demonstrates that there were 
Shiites among the detainees, a fact commonly glossed over. In 
addition, Mr Abid was neither detained by the Badr Brigade nor the 
Mehdi Army but by US and Iraqi forces (the Muthana Brigade, which, 
despite reported reverence for Muqtada al Sadr, continues to host US 
advisors), before being handed over to the Special Investigation 
[iii] In each of the high profile accounts of supposed sectarian 
attacks and massacres that have taken place within the last year a 
detailed examination of the evidence demonstrates that the violence 
specifically occurred within the context of security operations 
and/or directly under the noses of Occupation forces. Examples 
include Operation Knockout in Baquba, the assault on the Adhamiya 
district of Baghdad, the massacre in the Jihad district of Baghdad, 
the massacre in Balad and the mass abduction from the Ministry of 

 Global Research Articles by Max Fuller 

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