And yesterday the WashPost ran a story about Iran arresting CIA
personnel database political islamists i.e. "the base", the database,
or al-CIA-duh in arabic. It seems that Iran jails Pak ISI's al-CIA-duh
volunteers who cut through Iran to get to Iraq. Why not, they're
Pak-run CIA agents just like Pak-run Pak citizens 911 mastermind and
911 moneyman, Khalid Sheikh Mohamed and Amed Omar Saeed Sheikh, and
Osama lives in the Pakistani Pashtun heroin smuggler zone. Why would
Iran let al-CIA-duh agents pass through to Iraq? So Iran is doing more
to stop al-CIA-duh than the US, and that might be embarrassing if the
front page was not snatched out from under that story.........

--- In, "muckblit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2/12/2007 ABC World News 4:00am eastern
> Lots of video of US vehicles blowing up dramatically, each completely
> consumed by a road mine allegedly manufactured by Iran and operated by
> Iranian agents rather than the usual Sunni on a cell phone.
> President Bush's father sold Iraq several forms of wmd in the 1980's.
> One was HMX, a the most powerful non-nuclear solid explosive material,
> which is marked as wmd because it was used inside the first atom bomb
> dropped by the US on Japan in WW2.
> GHWB facilitated Iraq's purchase of HMX from Chilean arms merchant
> Carlos Cardoen. Ultimately Cardoen built an HMX factory in Iraq. In
> April 2003, President Bush, with typical contempt for the UN and for
> the US lapdog press, cut the UN seal on 380 tons of HMX in Iraq. US
> airborne troops, mission accomplished, then left the scene,
> effectively handing over 380 tons of HMX to a hundred Iraqi
> nationalist resistance trucks, personnel mostly Sunni.
> The Sunni faction of Iraqi nationalist resistance has used a lot of
> HMX to blow up US armored vehicles including the most heavily armored
> US main battle tanks.
> HMX made it a war, as a strategic weapon if not a wmd, levelling the
> playing field for the Iraqi nationalist resistance and bloodying US
> troops, doing away with the bully image problem when it might have
> mattered, just as it began to be exposed that there were no wmd in
> Iraq, that the Niger Yellowcake document was a forgery, that Iraq had
> nothing to do with 911.
> The Shiites knew that Bush had given the HMX to the Sunnis in April
> 2003. British SAS was caught placing a car bomb next to a Shiite
> mosque. HMX made it easy for US and British covert operators to place
> HMX near Shiite civilians. The British originally taught CIA to dress
> up in the uniform of others and commit atrocities in their name, like
> 911 and OKCbomb, according to the example of the British empire
> committing atrocities in the name of the Mao Mao, homeless squatters
> in Africa, Kenya I think it was.
> Today video that really looks like HMX is serving us a propaganda
> message that Iranian soldiers are blowing up US vehicles, in order to
> justify US bombing of Iran.
> Iran has been able to manufacture HMX for at least twenty-five years.
> But don't forget that the Sunnis were given 380 tons of HMX by Bush in
> April 2003, and so the only new thing is that we are being allowed to
> watch video of HMX landmines blowing up US vehicles. Even that is not
> really new. I saw similar video on TV several years ago, of the Iraqi
> nationalist resistance blowing up a fifty ton US main battle tank
> using the HMX Bush gave them in April 2003. I'm not sure anything but
> lighter vehicles are being shown blowing up on ABC today.

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