A well known constitutional law professor and Korean war veteran found
that he is on the HSA political no-fly list. All he had to do was
prove that it is highly likely he is only on the political, not the
security-based, no fly list. Anyone who participates in social
protests, or criticizes the admin i.e. AG Gonzales as the prof had
done, would be allowed on the plane.

A DC-area neighbor and friend told me that HSA ia databasing
homeowners with interest-only loans as security risks. Such an
information service is often done by contractors, such as Richard
Armitage Checkpoint databasing of black people to deny the vote in the
2000 presidential election in Florida. The interest-only loan is
keeping people from certain jobs, that's all for now.

Look at the takedown of the NY governor as soon as he voiced the
intention to separate mortgage-backed and non-mortgage-backed security
business of two bond insurers. Where did the documentation come from?
Perhaps it was a national security matter in the sense of Milton
Friedman's oligarchy-police-military welfare state, or military
keynesianism, or corporate welfare, or public-private partnership, or
fascism, or Eisenhower's military industrial state, various euphemisms
for looting under cover of Friedmanesque propaganda.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis
>     Monday, June 2, 2008
>       Is the Bush Administration Compiling an Enemies List of Americans
>       with the Assistance of the Telecom Companies?
> " ... Investigative journalist Christopher Ketcham believes that a 
> 'highly classified program with sinister implications' may lie at the 
> heart of Bush administration's refusal to back-down on telecom
> Through an as yet-undisclosed 'black program,' the administration
may be 
> 'compiling a secret enemies list of citizens who could face detention 
> under martial law.' ... "
> See: 

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