The present Alito vote demostrates this,  the come up
with an act, and turn it into a full play, with them
at the reins, usually getting the job done for a power
to powerful for their own good.  In otherwords, when
they succeed in destroying America's middle class,
then who is going to buy their junk! snazzy new cars
on a five year (Interest hogging) plan.  And they tell
us they are doing us a favor.  Does anyone have any
idea how much the loan sharks are making off the
America People? Billions and Billions, just for the
usery of a little cash, since the powers that be own
everything.  Soon American will not own land, ecept
for the Bluebloods and the Super rich, who
incidentally do not pay taxes, to quote Lorenna
Helmsly, who was taught her lesson to keep her mouth
shut and keep a low profile, so the people won't get
suspectful of the rich actually legally stealing the
working class's money.  ie, how many of the top most
prosperious CEOs take the liberty of deceiving their
stock holders, by reporting only their salaries and
manage to hide the bonuses and perks they get, which
of course, takes all the profits of their prospective
company, then our government and lobbyist, paid off
certain congressional dogged leaders who can smear the
opposing party, at the turn of a hat.  The grand
Operah should be jealous of these actors in our
congress.  They sit there ever so linking their jack
boots, and never a blink and claim the democrats are
partisan, yet do you see one single republican
breaking rank?  Nope, they are the partisan ones, for
they don't even want an any questions asked of their
illustious leaders's choices of more power, and yet
more power, taken from the Congress.  How many
republicans voted across the isle???they sit in
judgement of the Democratic Congress, and they
citicize them contantly on the Republican t.v.
stations,(that means the CEOs are all Hard Core
Neo-cons...) yet the airways are supposed to belong to
the people. but we not only see them getting rich off
the ads forced down our throat by the millions per
year, and at the same time, they sell us our own
airways back by charging a huge price for cable or
satelite.  Well, a couple of Senators fought that for
years, so the working class could have access tot he
local t. v. stations.  When they first started selling
t. v. sets in the mass production to the public, they
claimed the cost of our t. v. would pay for the
stations.. duh...well, today they are making millions
off the people, however, they also make billions off
so called our policial system.  Don't be fooled, we
don't own our politican system anymore than we own the
stations who spout Republican Revolution.  So can we
see where we are? and can we see where our famous
constitution is today?  gO FIGURE.

I just thought that it was a good idea for Americans
to see it inn print, we are losing our democracy, and
those at the helm call it Democracy they are dishing
out, but don't be fooled.  It didn't take the rich
very long to monkey with our elections system so today
we have the most complicated and corrupt voting system
in the world.  If it isn't lying and smearing
opponents on live t. v. then it is changing our
constitution and laws right before our eyes, as the
laws and rights of our citzenry is going downt he
drain.  Oh, yes, this Alito thing was a bit hit on the
path to destruction,  why did they question this guy? 
Because he has ruled several times against our
constitution,t hat is why we must the choosy for the
Supreme Court Domination is the last law of the land,
and they are set out to own it outright, just like the
now own the congress, and all three branches of
government, and they are still building big government
and spending money we just don't have.. They allow
illegals in our country to take jobs away from
Americans at cheap wages, and this accounting
department of the GOPS neo-cons, are actually telling
us the jobs they get and put ont he books, are new
jobs for Americans, well that is not quite
see the CEOs are downsizing all their companies and AS
Americans are losing their jobs and benefits, the
illegals come into our country and take those jobs,a
nd what does the administration do?  They count the
illegal jobs as ours who lost other jobs, so they are
indeed showing a rise in jobs, but for whom? and why?

This will explain a great deal of what most of us
Democrats already know. But let us face, they do have
the upperhand with their little Drama parade on the t.
v. stations..Congressman Gebhart had a research done
on the amount of time Democrats got on live t. v. and
how mucht time the Neo-con Republicans got.  Their
time allotted was 93% compared to a huge liberal t. v.
station time of 7%...that was a total time throughout
a whole years.

The  book of whch Buzz Flash talkes and offers for
sale, tell it all, like it is, and alike it started
and looks like will continue.. perhaps we should all
go to Drama School so we can compete with our
ullustrious brilliant hypocritical Neo-con Congress.
they do hold the majority and they will do anything, I
repeat anything the keep it, too. They are making sure
they ahve all the power and no one else has any. To me
that is a serious blow to America, not just Democrats.
 But have they not been trying seriously to do away
with the opposing party for years and years??? Well,
take a look.




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