Risky Geopolitical Game: Washington Plays ‘Tibet Roulette’
   with China

Posted in 1 <> by mitwildthing on April 12th, 2008

This an article by F. William Engdahl found at <>

This is a risky political game indeed. I often repeat the line that nothing is always what it seems. The media hyped turmoil in Tibet and manufactured protests against Beijing Olympics are just parts of the political games played by the western powers, especially the US government. The real goal is not to promote democracy or human rights. This is such laughable concept that only the naivest of the naive students and redneck morons would believe. US government has never really cared about human rights or democracy or it won’t invade Iraq and caused 1 out 3 Iraqis to be killed, injured, or displaced.

Playing a political game is acceptable though it should not come at a price of human lives and destructions of economy. Of course, the US government doesn’t really care about that. The corporate fat cats would enjoy their fancy dinner party just as much with or without their success of the political games.

Just how the games are played. If you read this well-written article, you will see that the black hands of the CIA are at work again. The tentacles of the CIA are now disguised as funders for democracy and freedom. They send money and man power to train and arm the dissidents and profit-seeking criminal elements in the Chinese society. They train those thugs and criminals to fake protests and to provoke police through violence, arson, and murder.

The second main player of this political game is the western media. They are treating the recent events as Hollywood movies. The trained “protesters” were flied city to city to stage shame protests while the western media’s cameras were set up at designated spots to capture the images that they really want to see.

So you may wonder what happens when the live events don’t develop according to the plans. Well, FAKE them. This is how they did it. When they don’t like the pictures, they will crop out a portion to fit their needs. When they see a footage doesn’t fit what they want, they would edit it to tell their stories.

Well, basically shameless lies that they are.

In summary, you can see how it works,

CIA –> NED -money-> Dalai Lama and his henchmen –> western media –> faked outrage –> brainwashed western audience

What do they really want by doing all this?

PROFIT through extortion. Yes, extortion. Well, invasion would work if the target is small like Iraq. For bigger fish like China, political extortion seems more convenient.

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