Trapped: When Acting Ethically Is Against the Law

By John Hasnas

Trapped: When Acting Ethically Is Against the Law


Examines over-criminalization in an age of corporate scandals
Publication Date: February 2006
ISBN: 1-930865-88-0
Number of Pages: 119
Categories: 2006 Titles, Constitutional Studies, New Releases


About the Book

Since Enron's collapse in 2002, the federal government has stepped up its campaign against white-collar crime. In doing so, contemporary federal criminal law has created a "Catch-22," in which businesspeople are forced to act either unethically or illegally.

In Trapped: When Acting Ethically is Against the Law, Cato Institute senior fellow and Georgetown University business professor John Hasnas examines the ethical dilemmas raised by over-criminalization. "Because there is an increasing divergence between the demands of the law and the demands of ethics," Hasnas explains, "current federal criminal law incentivizes and in some cases mandates unethical behavior by businesspeople."

In creating white-collar criminal law, the federal government has eviscerated the liberal safeguards of the traditional criminal law to permit conviction for merely negligent or innocent actions and to circumvent the presumption of innocence, the 5th Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, and the attorney-client privilege.

Thus, federal criminal law creates serious problems for businesses that wish to respect their employees. According to Hasnas: "It gives corporations strong incentives to invade employees' privacy, deny them the presumption of innocence, and breach promises of confidentiality."

Hasnas concludes that the solution to the problem of white collar crime does not rest with more vigorous federal enforcement efforts: "With regard to the offenses that can adequately be handled by civil liability, the proper solution may be absaining from any efforts at criminal enforcement at all."

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About the Author

John Hasnas is an associate professor of business at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

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What Others Have Said

"Did you know that in many ways the terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay have more rights than corporate CEOs and their employees? If you want to know more, get John Hasnas's book!"

--Mark Levin, author, Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America

"Ethical behavior is critical in business. John Hasnas shows that new laws and regulations too often force CEOs to choose between acting legally and acting ethically. This is a book for business people, policymakers, and everyone who has a stake in successful and ethical business enterprises."

--John Mackey, Co-founder and CEO, Whole Foods Market

"Most Americans thank that they receive ample protections against unwise or excessive criminal prosecution. But they had better think again. John Hasnas's quiet dissection of the manifold laws dealing with such arcane subjects as money laundering, mail fraud, racketeering, and obstruction of justice shows how people who are innocent of any primary offense are all too often caught in a complex web of federal law dealing with white-collar crime as they go about their ordinary business. Granted, argues Hasnas, white-collar crime is harder to prosecute than street crime. But he convincingly shows that an aggressive Congress and compliant courts have tilted the balance too much in favor of criminal prosecution. We should all be troubled by the prosecutorial histories of Arthur Andersen and Martha Stewart, among others."

--Richard A. Epstein, James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law, University of Chicago

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