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--- Begin Message --- Andrew:

Marvin is the Bush brother for whom I should have been focusing my questions. Neil Bush, of course, is the blacksheep who got caught in some adolescent sexcapade in Bangkok or somewhere, right? His wife left him and told all kinds of nasties. Neil is also associated with some underhanded defense contractors based out of suburban Washington on the Virginia side of the Potomac who happened to prosper handsomely from the situation of Bush's making. We'd like to know more about that, of course.

But Marvin is still a mystery to me. What "possessed" him to migrate all the way up to New York to become head of security for the World Trade Center?

And where is he now? How was he involved with their insurance plan and with Larry Silverstein, the lease-holder?

"The Bush crime family" is what Mike Malloy of AIR AMERICA constantly calls them, and Randi Rhodes & he are devout believers in the inside-job theory of 9/11. Randi takes the position looking at the military side of events because she was in the Air Force and studies NORAD, etc. Both Mike and Randi are quite bright. However, they are cautioned on a regular basis by the network to hold down their conspiracy rhetoric. Sometimes Randi can't help herself and lets loose. Mike, on the other hand, doesn't give a damn. He says what he pleases.

But neither back up their claims as thoroughly as you do.... perhaps because we have more room for documentation on the Internet and we are not in the "entertainment" business subject to oversight.

I do not whole-heartedly subscribe to any version, and can't. I just wish a Colin Powell or even a John Ashcroft would step forward and spill the beans.

John Ashcroft (BTW) is from Springfield, Missouri where his father was an Executive Presbyter with the Assemblies of God denomination, in which I was raised. My oldest sister attended school at Evangel College and was well-acquainted with the Ashcrofts. (It only had a few hundred students when she attended in the 60s.) His father at the time was college president. It's "Evangel University" now. My college best buddy's wife is a tenured professor there in Springfield. I hear from them often.

So, the Ashcroft family has a strong conscience, despite all the bizarre behavior, throwing a $8,000 drape over a Greek statue's boobs, producing and promoting the Patriot Act, etc. If his conscience ever comes to the point of demanding confession and that confession exposes the Bush crime family for perpetrating 9/11, then we have a case.

Richard Clarke has said no more except that invading Iraq was discussed often from the time before Bush took office. Ditto Paul O'Neill. Clarke fell on his sword for permitting the BinLadens and Saudi royals to escape without questioning after 9/11. But he had to have higher authority, which he never admitted. If either Richard Clarke or Paul O'Neill should step forward and announce that Bush & Co. planned 9/11 -- or powers behind the man did it without the figurehead knowing -- then we have a case.

While the circumstantial is quite compelling to us in the lower-ranks of cyberspace, it is not sufficient for the public at large, especially for the under-and-misinformed. To become "substantiated" a high-profile individual currently within or formerly with the cabal itself must step forward. Colin Powell of late has been a White House patsy again. He contradicts his own words. Don Edwards, although very religious, is so loyal to Bush, he would never expose him -- even if true. Karen Hughes is a pure kiss-ass. There are many among them if led by conscience instead of loyalty would come forward. But Bush is careful by selecting only those most loyal with which to surround himself.... loyalty above conscience.

Pentagon generals, for the most part, are opponents of Bush. Why don't they come forward or at least "leak" information through surrogates such as Congressman John Murtha?

Finding more information about MARVIN BUSH would be interesting. It's intriguing to dig deeper. Thanks. L.A.

--- End Message ---

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