Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 1:18 AM
Subject: INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE White House dismissed Iraq civil war study

"Big Brother in the form of an increasingly powerful government and in an increasingly powerful private sector will pile the records high with reasons why privacy should give way to national security, to law and order, to efficiency of operation, to scientific advancement and the like.": Justice William O. Douglas - (1898-1980), U. S. Supreme Court Justice - Source: Points of Rebellion, 1969

"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." : Frederick Douglass - 1818 - 1895

"[Y]our national greatness, swelling vanity; your denunciation of tyrants, brass-fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are, to Him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy -- a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages." :  Frederick Douglass - 1818 - 1895

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Number Of Iraqi civilians Slaughtered In America's War 100,000 +

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Slaughtered (Officially acknowledged) In Bush's War 2297

The War in Iraq Costs
See the cost in your community

Iraq: a solution to nothing
By Scott Ritter
Special to The Times
America continues to pretend that we are building something of value in Iraq. And yet, common sense dictates that when one seeks to build on a corrupt foundation, whatever it is that is being constructed is doomed eventually to collapse. Our nation's involvement in Iraq is based on as corrupt a foundation as imaginable.

Iraq study warned of civil war
White House, Military Dismissed '03 Analysis
By Warren P. Strobel and Jonathan S. Landay
WASHINGTON - U.S. intelligence agencies repeatedly warned the White House beginning more than two years ago that the insurgency in Iraq had deep local roots, was likely to worsen and could lead to civil war, according to former senior intelligence officials who helped craft the reports.

Where Are the Good Americans?
Anyone who sees the photographs of the victims of the Nazi concentration camps must wonder how human beings could ever have allowed such things to happen. They must wonder how people of good will could have stood by while their government committed atrocities in their name. In the wake of that nightmarish era, people often asked, "Where were the good Germans?"

Poll: U.S. Troops in Iraq: 72% Say End War in 2006
By Zogby
Almost 90% think war is retaliation for Saddam's role in 9/11, most don't blame Iraqi public for insurgent attacks

The Troops Want to End Iraq Occupation in 2006
By Richard B. Mazess
The Reserves and National Guard are overwhelming in favor of withdrawal (89% and 82%) this year compared to the Army and Marines (69% and 58% respectively). Even more impressively, three-quarters of the Guard and Reserves, and half of the Army, favored withdrawal within 6 months.

At Least 30 Killed in New Iraq Violence :
Bombings in Baghdad killed 26 people and four others died when mortar rounds slammed into their homes in a nearby town Wednesday, the second day of surging violence after authorities lifted a curfew that briefly calmed sectarian attacks.

Explosions kills more than 20 in Baghdad;
Sunni group blasts government for ongoing violence: Al-Kubaisi denied Sunnis were behind the latest attacks, saying Shiite politicians and religious leaders were trying to inflame sectarian hatred ''to make use of these events and everything in this country to achieve one goal - to serve their future interests.''

Shiites told: Leave home or be killed:
With sectarian violence rampant since last week's bombing of a Shiite shrine in Samarra, the families have become symbols of an emerging trend in Iraq: the expulsion of Shiites from Sunni towns.

Iraq In Pictures:,5538,12762,00.html

Mike Whitney: Caught in the Crossfire :
Why were so many of those who were killed ."shot, knifed, garroted or suffocated by plastic bags over their heads". (Washington Post) Many others were killed gangland-style with hands bound behind their backs and a gunshot wound to the head.

Is this war worth the price?:
Look closely at the face of collateral damage in Iraq before you answer

Meet some of the victims of America's invasion of Iraq:
"In the liberation of Iraq, we've applied powerful weapons, like the tank you build here, to strike our enemy with speed and precision": Bush, April 24, 2003, thanking the workers at the Lima Army Tank Plant

Pentagon dismisses US troop poll:
The poll by Le Moyne College and Zogby International found that only 23 per cent believed US troops should stay in Iraq "as long as it takes", as US President George W. Bush has insisted. Nearly one in three troops said US forces should withdraw immediately.,20281,18321988-5001028,00.html

Thirty-five percent of Iraq veterans received mental health care:
In addition, 12 percent of the more than 222,000 returning Army soldiers and Marines in the study were diagnosed with a mental problem.

Former US troops rail against war :
"I joined up the day after September 11, 2001. I saw action in Falluja and Baghdad. My mortar platoon dropped numerous rounds on the town of Samawa during the start of the invasion. I don't know how many innocents I killed with my mortar rounds.

How Bush has stayed away from soldiers' funerals :
More than 2,290 US troops have been killed in Iraq. President George Bush has attended none of the funerals - for which he is often criticised by the families of those who have died.

U.S. soldier killed in Afghan fighting:
Fighting between U.S. forces and suspected Taliban rebels Tuesday killed one American service member and wounded two others in southern Afghanistan, the military said.

Growing Threat Seen In Afghan Insurgency:
The director of the Defense Intelligence Agency told Congress yesterday that the insurgency in Afghanistan is growing and will increase this spring, presenting a greater threat to the central government's expansion of authority "than at any point since late 2001."

Must Watch: Taliban on the rise:
Channel 4 Video Report:

Bush Says Bin Laden Tape Aided Re-Election:
President Bush said his 2004 re-election victory over Sen. John Kerry was inadvertently aided by Osama bin Laden, who issued a taped diatribe against him the Friday before Americans went to the polls, The Examiner newspaper reported on Tuesday

Pakistan says forces kill more than 45 militants in strike at Afghan border :
Three helicopter gunships attacked their mountain hide-out in the early morning near Saidgi. One of the helicopters hit a bus with gunfire during the raid, killing a female passenger, said the injured driver. An Associated Press reporter saw heavily armed students take eight paramilitary troops prisoner in Miran Shah, retaliating against the raid by security forces.

Torture alligations:
A British man held in a Pakistani prison for nearly eight months claims he was tortured by Pakistani intelligence officers. Zeeshan Siddiqui from West London spoke to the BBC's Zubeida Malik.
Real audio

Troops' families call Blair a 'coward' :
FAMILIES of service personnel killed in Iraq today called Tony Blair a "coward" for refusing to meet them to discuss their campaign for troops to be withdrawn.

Libertad? Maybe:
Puerto Rican independence activists rally 'round an FBI crackdown: On September 23, 2005, FBI agents shot and killed a fugitive Puerto Rican independence leader. Now New York's independista community is hoping that anger over that death ends Puerto Rico's 100-plus years as a U.S. possession.,murphy,72345,5.html

Iran call for nuclear-free region :
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the Middle East to be free of nuclear weapons.

Egypt's Mubarak says he warned the United States not to attack Iran :
He said Shiite Muslims in the Gulf region also could turn against the United States because "Iran generously provides for Shiites in every country and these people are ready to do anything if Iran is attacked."

Syria opposition says US funding counterproductive:
Syria's liberal opposition has said it will not accept money from a U.S. offer to fund democratic groups in the country, saying that its credibility would be damaged if it took the cash.

Israel Kills Top Jihad Leader, Arrests 2 Hamas MPs:
The latest death brought to 4,970 the number of people killed since the outbreak of the Palestinian Intifada in 2000. Over three-quarters of the victims are Palestinian.

Amira Hass : A nation of beggars :
It is not the Palestinians who should be welcoming the European Union's decision to hastily donate another $142 million before the Hamas government is formed. It is Israel that ought to be pleased that the Western states will continue compensating the Palestinians for the economic decline that is a product of the Israeli occupation.

Surely Americans will not put up with this censorship :
The decision by a New York theatre to cave in to pressure over our play shows how the scope for free debate has narrowed,,1720582,00.html

In case you missed it:
Photostory: Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist

Ken Livingstone: An attack on voters' rights :
I was elected mayor by the people of London and only they should have the power to remove me,,1720442,00.html

Abramoff pushed plan to drill for oil in Israel:
Lobbyist Jack Abramoff worked with Russian partners to establish a company that envisioned a high-risk plan to drill for oil in Israel, which he hoped would bring him riches and reshape the Middle East, according to documents and his former lobbying partners

Serbia to be first nation charged with genocide:
Serbia will come under intense international scrutiny today as it becomes the first nation to defend genocide charges, while separately facing censure for failing to surrender war crimes suspects.

U.S.-owned hotel ordered closed:
City officials ordered the closure of a major U.S.-owned hotel Tuesday in Mexico City, weeks after it became the center of a diplomatic flap when U.S. Treasury Department officials ordered it to expel a delegation of Cuban officials.

Tens Of Thousands in India Rally Against Bush :
Tens of thousands of demonstrators chanting anti-Bush slogans rallied here Wednesday to protest the arrival of President George W. Bush for talks aimed at securing a strategic partnership between India and the United States.

Dyer: U.S., India are aligning militarily - but don't tell the Chinese:
Chances are you won't hear a single word about U.S.-Indian military links in the mainstream media's reporting about President Bush's first visit to India this week.

Patriot Act E-Mail Searches Apply to Non-Terrorists, Judges Say:
Two federal judges in Florida have upheld the authority of individual courts to use the Patriot Act to order searches anywhere in the country for e-mails and computer data in all types of criminal investigations, overruling a magistrate who found that Congress limited such expanded jurisdiction to cases involving terrorism.

Gonzales Seeks to Clarify Testimony on Spying:
Extent of Eavesdropping May Go Beyond NSA Work

Domestic spying more widespread than thought :
The NSA has built a database, part of the intelligence community's "Denial and Deception" operations that now holds transcripts of phone calls and e-mails among journalists and their sources and associates. The database formerly was known as "Firstfruit" until Madsen exposed it last May.

Senate Advances Patriot Act Renewal : `
`The White House played hardball and the decision was made by some to capitulate.'',,-5655911,00.html

"Imagine a world of no more privacy.":
How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track your Every Move with Radio Frequency Identification

Amy Worthington: Police state USA :
In a fascist police state, the dictator secures his power with support from private corporations which are given special privileges and, thus, benefit from doing business with dictators. Continuously bribed by 28,000 corporate lobbyists in D.C.,4 Congress is doing its part to build a fascist state in America.

Make a Freedom Of Information Act Request:
Many Americans -- especially those with family and friends abroad -- are wondering whether government agents have been listening to their phone conversations or reading their email. If you're worried this has happened to you, you can use this site to help you find out.

Racism Thrives:
A December 2004 Cornell University opinion poll showed 44 percent of Americans approved curtailing some civil liberties for all Muslim Americans-including registering with the federal government, close monitoring of mosques by law enforcement agencies and racially profiling citizens of Muslim or Middle Eastern heritage.

Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs':
Is the Pentagon building U.S.-based prison camps for Muslim immigrants? Evidence points to the possibility.

Let Freedom Ring!:
This is a call to action. It is addressed to every American who can read, most especially Veterans of any sort. We can and must now consider the option of relieving the regime of George Walker Bush of his command. This includes ALL of his associates. We cannot, and MUST not let this situation degenerate any further.

FDA Shields Drug Companies From Lawsuits :
Last month, the FDA revealed its latest protective policy for drug companies in a statement that said people who believe they have been injured by drugs approved by the FDA should not be allowed to sue drug companies in state courts.

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Peace & Joy
      Tom Feeley

Liberty can not be preserved without general knowledge among people." (August 1765) John Adams
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