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Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:21 AM
Subject: Fwd: [AL-AWDA-Media] Incitement: Posts on Hate Site Applaud Hajj Deaths

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From: Timothy Stinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jan 21, 2006 10:38 PM
Subject: [AL-AWDA-Media] Incitement: Posts on Hate Site Applaud Hajj Deaths

Belafonte accuses Bush of Gestapo tactics
Singer who called president a 'terrorist' takes new swipe at White House
NEW YORK - Entertainer Harry Belafonte, one of the Bush administration's harshest critics, compared the Homeland Security
Department to the Nazi Gestapo on Saturday and attacked the president as a liar. "We've come to this dark time in which the
new Gestapo of Homeland Security lurks here, where citizens are having their rights suspended," Belafonte said in a speech to
the annual meeting of the Arts Presenters Members Conference. "You can be arrested and not charged. You can be arrested
and have no right to counsel," said Belafonte. Belafonte's remarks on Saturday — part of a 45-minute speech on the role of the
arts in a politically changing world — were greeted with a roaring standing ovation from an audience which included singer Peter
Yarrow of the folk group Peter, Paul and Mary, and members of the arts community from several dozen countries.
More on what drives America's Middle East policies and why U.S involvement in the region will always result in disaster.
Action Alerts
Incitement: Posts on Hate Site Applaud Hajj Deaths
Incitement: Posts on Hate Site Applaud Hajj Deaths
"I really can't crank out any tears for these people. Like bedbugs and roaches, the sooner the world is rid of them, the better."

"hey l have a great idea, why dont muslims celebrate hajj monthly, that way they can send more to meet their allah!!"

"For some real fun what you do is release hundreds of thousands of Pork Belly Pigs into the crowd of 2.5 million and you'll see a
rock and roll dance on a scale that Dick Clark never dared to envision in his wildest dreams."
Incitement Watch: Muslims 'in a Riot of Reproduction'
Suzanne Fields, Washington Times, 1/16/06
We argue over whether America was founded on the ideals of our Judeo-Christian faiths; we're told it's at least impolite to think so.
Muslims, even many of the peaceful Muslims, work for the day when their progeny will live in an Islamic world.
Sleeping Cell
In the past century, Hollywood's illuminating portrayal and characterizations of Muslims, Arabs, and token Darkies have comfortably
existed somewhere between grossly racist, obscenely simplistic and laughably absurd. Responding to the evolving cultural-political
ramifications of the "War on Terror," the two co-creators of "Sleeper Cell" (both non-Arab and non-Muslim) decided not to board
the stereotype train, and instead held auditions for a new, multicultural, United Colors of Benetton- terrorist squad. The hooked,
bulbous nosed scimitar wielding ogre from the "Aladdin" cartoon and irrational, darkie Palestinian terrorist has transformed into a
more heterogeneous, chameleon personality: the hero (Darwyn), an African American convert to Islam playing an undercover FBI
agent infiltrating the terrorist cell; the cell's leader, an Arab extremist posing as a Jewish security analyst (played by Israeli born Jewish
actor Oded Fehr, whose resume includes exotic but heroic Arab darkie in the mind numbingly inane blockbuster "The Mummy");
Tommy, the white convert and obvious John Walker Lindh foil, whose liberal, Berkeley parents failed him; a former European skinhead
who finds "peace" by embracing extremist ideology; a Bosnian 'mujahid'; and finally an Egyptian-American who also conveniently teaches
high school science. The kicker? The respective members of this multicultural death squad all seamlessly blend in American society as
high school teachers, tour guides, security consultants, and grocery-store employees – basic all American jobs held by average Americans
who all happen to be Muslim - and potential holy warriors. The point? Your neighbor could be your enemy. The enemy is here. But where?
Look For Comedy Elsewhere
As offensive and racist as Brooks' humor often is, the most offensive part of his film is that it fails to deliver what it searches for: comedy.
Watching Albert Brooks in " Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World" is a bit like watching William Hung of American Idol sing:
we want to root for him because of his sincerity and his effort, but, like Hung, his talent is no match for the material he tackles.
In the press packet for the film, Brooks says that "If an Indian audience or a Muslim audience could laugh because we're making
fun of ourselves a little bit it certainly couldn't hurt." But the joke is not just on him or Americans but also on (and at the expense)
of South Asians and Muslims who are portrayed as primitive bellicose buffoons. The premise is that the US State Department
wants to understand what makes Muslims laugh. Brooks is then dispatched (with two State Department minders) to India to
complete his research. After accepting the position, we see Brooks complaining about flying coach class and later about having to
take a taxi instead of a government car. I imagine Brooks penned this as a commentary on the US government's frequent failure to
equip its people with proper resources, as we see in Iraq with the US troops. Brooks exploits the humor out of this and as a result
all of his dialogue seems to end with a question mark: "You mean there are no comedy clubs in Delhi?" "You mean I am supposed
to work in this office?" "You mean...?"  It would have been funnier (and more accurate) if Brooks had done a send-up on how State
Department officials really travel - in business class and in protected bullet proof convoys with minders who urge staff members not
to talk with locals for any reason. Want to buy a salwar khameez outfit in the Lahore bazaar? A State Department assistant will bring
the shop to you. The humor is not that American officials and representatives are clueless — it is that this administration's policy
often promotes a culture of isolation and fear of locals.
Undoing A Character Assassination
The US found no evidence to link 25 American Muslim organizations to terrorism, but many of the groups have been irreversibly
harmed in the process.
Nearly two years ago, US Senator and chairman of the Senate Finance Committee Chuck Grassley (R-IA) ordered the IRS to
investigate 25 American Muslim organizations and charities which he claimed "finance terrorism and perpetuate violence".
However, observers did not have to wait for the results to pass their own judgement. Listed organizations were described as
"terror-linked " and " terrorist sympathizers," " controversial" groups with " disturbing connections" to terrorism. References to
groups such as ISNA - the most prominent and largest of the targeted groups - were prefaced by "government probe" and
"under investigation," thereby conferring on them the full damage of the accusation without bothering to wait for the outcome.
Ad in "The Nation" Maligns Palestinians
This week, The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) sent a letter to The Nation, expressing concern
over an offensive and misleading ad in the January 2006 issue entitled "Arabian Fables (I)." ADC has received many
complaints regarding the extremely troubling contents of the advertisement, placed in the magazine by the Facts and
Logic About the Middle East (FLAME). The ad, which claims, "the concept of Palestinians is [a] fundamental myth,"
goes on to list many outlandish and false statements, such as "Palestinian Arabs were in Berlin hatching plans with
Adolf Hitler for world conquest and how to kill all the Jews."
Over 100 Organizations Join ADC and SALDEF in Opposing Racist Flyer
Washington, DC --The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and the Sikh American Legal
Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF) are alarmed by the current campaign associating the wearing of a
turban and Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) with terrorism. ADC, SALDEF, and 101 national and local organizations
(see full list below) are strongly opposed to a recent flyer campaign launched by the Nutritional Health
Alliance (NHA) depicting Senator Durbin wearing a turban with the words, "Keep Congressional Terrorism at Bay."
The United States and the Birth of Islamism
Could it really be that the United States spent decades cultivating Islamists? And that it manipulated and double-crossed them,
cynically using and misusing them as Cold War allies? And that all of this spawned a force that turned against its sponsor with
a vengeance? Robert Dreyfuss argues just that in "Devil's Game."
Guantánamo Bay - a human rights scandal
The unlawful detention of "enemy combatants" at the US Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba has now entered its fifth year.
Hundreds of people of around 35 different nationalities remain held in effect in a legal black hole, many without access to any
court, legal counsel or family visits.
America as Nueva Andalusia
America has been edging away from tolerance and inclusiveness. The country's other founding
principle — purity and exclusiveness — has reasserted itself.
Straw tries to quell flight doubts
Colonialism in Africa and the Middle East
The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel & The Palestinians
The Fateful Triangle is a fact-filled, insightful look at the "special relationship" between the United States and Israel. Noam
Chomsky, professor of linguistics at M.I.T., examines the origins of this "special relationship," its disastrous consequences for
the Palestinian (and other) Arabs, and its danger for everyone.
The Real Newsweek Scandal
The problems of U.S. journalism extend far beyond the use of anonymous sources. The real crisis is about
an increasing unwillingness to tell hard truths it when it really matters.

fwd m
Subject: BOSTON GLOBE: World Community Must Respond to Iran's Challenge?-N. Kaufman

 January 21, 2006
Letter to the Globe
Editorial Department
Boston, MA
Re:    Letters to the Editor, January 21, 2006
         World community must respond to Iran's challenge
Dear Friends at the Boston Globe:
I am not trying to seem anti-Semitic, nor a voice against Jewish people, but I must oppose Nancy Kaufman's letter to the Globe.
If she is the same Nancy Kaufman who is a part of a powerful Jewish group in Boston, it's impossible to agree with her letter which states as most pro-Israeli writings do, that Iran and other Arab countries are the "bad guys."
If you will go back to the 40's of the last century, you will find that most Arabs are peace loving people, very entailed in their familial lives, and are not terrorists. But this paper never focuses on that fact. Arabs are only reacting to the marriage of the United States and Israel.
Instead, we are reading only the Zionist ideology, which writes quite often that Arabs want Israel thrown into the sea. In reality, it is the Arab Palestinians who have been thrown into the sea and forcibly moved from their homes which have been destroyed, and into other countries.
It is a great exaggeration, if not a lie, that Iran and the "terrorist" groups it supports "seek to destroy Israel, Jews around the world and western civilization."
It is an Israeli unreality that ALL of those who left Palestine in 1947-8 will return. They have lives of their own. This is unfair, and opposes common sense. Most have lives of their own built up through generations in other countries and have no desire to return to a potboiler.
My fear is that our politicians visit Israel with regularity, and the more that they do, that they are adopting ideas and even installing laws in the US somewhat resembling Israeli laws, inimical to people's freedom and the value system we enjoy in this country. They want us to be afraid. They want us to be cowed, and they wish the unwitting public to believe letters similar to Kaufman's.
In 1947 had the Israeli terrorists not terrified the populace living decently in Palestine, bought land and not lived on stolen homes and lands, instead setting up quietly in Palestine, not changing the maps, nor the language in the schools, and not freezing Palestinians' dollars (we'll never read about this in our American newspapers), there'd be little or no problems. Before then, barring small incidents, Arabs and Jews got along well in the Holy Land.
With Nancy Kaufman, if she is the same Nancy Kaufman who has appeared on television, I recall with great disfavor that she called our Episcopalian bishops and elders: "bigots," merely because they portrayed the truth of what cruel and inhuman treatment the Palestinians were being subjected to, by the state of Israel and its army. Opposition to anything against the current government of Israel, is met with denial and great hostility, nullifying the fact that there are always two sides to any coin. Those who have been successful and famous but opposing Israel or differing on Holocaust details, are now in jail, or being sanctioned.
I'll make a bet that Iran is telling the truth, that they do not plan negative nuclear activity. Moreover, if Israel is allowed to have exceedingly dangerous nuclear equipment, why, then, must Israel be allowed? Is nuclear equipment the answer to the horrors we see on our planet today? Is this where we are going? And, if Israel does not plan anything lethal with these weapons, why, then, is not Mordecai Vanunu a free man? There is much that we need to know. Many questions that are not being answered.
Carol Rae Bradford

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