Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 9:18 PM
Subject: NEW YORK SUN: "Denying the Holocaust should be permissible"

February 14, 2006

Cartoons & Holocaust Deniers
February 14, 2006

Mr. Halkin is a contributing editor of The New York Sun.

I don't find myself agreeing with the prime minister of Iran about many
things, but about one thing, I believe, he is right. It is inconsistent to claim,
in the name of freedom of _expression_, that a Danish newspaper has the right to
publish any cartoon of Muhammad that it wants and at the same time to have
laws, as do at least seven Western countries, outlawing denial of the Holocaust.

Mr. Ahmadinejad has a point. Either freedom of _expression_ exists as a general
principle or it doesn't. If it doesn't, Muhammad cartoons should be bannable
even in a democracy. If it does, denying the Holocaust should be permissible,
especially in a democracy.

Holocaust denial, needless to say, is a form of anti-Semitism. No one but an
anti-Semite - a very rabid one - would make the preposterous charge that the
Jews invented the Holocaust, or wildly inflated the number of Jewish deaths in
it, and then successfully fobbed off this fabrication on a gullible world.
There is no such thing as "innocent" Holocaust denial. All Holocaust denial is
vicious and bigoted.

But denying many things can be vicious and bigoted. If I were to say, for
instance, that black slavery wasn't so bad because the slaves were well treated
and lived better on southern plantations than they did in Africa, that would be
vicious and anti-black. If I were to say that the Japanese deliberately
exaggerated the loss of life in Hiroshima to win world sympathy, that would be
vicious and anti-Japanese. If I were to say that the Bosnian Muslims supposedly
slaughtered in Srebrenice were actually killed in battle with the Serbs, that
would be vicious and anti-Muslim. Should there be a law against each of these
things? Should there be a million laws for each of the million ways in which it
is possible to vicious and bigoted?

But the Holocaust is different, goes the argument. What happened in it is so
horrendous that denying it is not like denying anything else.

This strikes me as a very weak argument indeed. Yes, the Holocaust was the
most horrendous atrocity committed in the history of humanity. But why shouldn't
the second most horrendous atrocity, whatever that was, also be protected by
law from would-be deniers? Why not the top ten? Why stop at one?

Moreover, Holocaust denial laws are not only unjustified infringements on
freedom of speech, they're counter-productive. It is likely that Holocaust denial
would never have grown as astoundingly as it has, to the point that the head
of one of the largest, most populated, and most powerful Muslim states in the
world has taken to repeatedly championing it in public, were it not for these

This is so because these laws do two things. On the one hand, they encourage
the claim that, if the Jews and their allies are so eager to make denial of
the Holocaust a crime, they must have something to hide. One only has to consult
some the Holocaust denial bloggers on the Internet to see what a popular line
of reasoning this is. Why be afraid of a free discussion, they ask, if you
believe the truth is on your side? It can only be because the Jews know the
truth is against them that they're so afraid to have things aired openly.

Secondly, Holocaust denial laws provide a convenient excuse for the total
nonsense that passes among Holocaust deniers for "historical research." Yes, they
say, our case isn't airtight - but how do you expect us to build it when you
don't allow us to publish or disseminate our findings? Stop harassing us and
we'll show you what legitimate historians we are.

Nor, even if Holocaust denial laws are in some sense unique, can they be
detached from the general atmosphere of political correctness in which they exist
- an atmosphere that is unhealthy for the intelligent discussion of many other
things. Although offending groups of people or making prejudiced remarks
about them has little to recommend it in itself, the social taboos that now exist
against anything that is definable as offensive or prejudiced, or that might
possibly be construed as such, are in the long run far more damaging. They lead
to self censorship and fear to speak out on a wide variety of issues, and are
far more pernicious than open prohibitions like Holocaust denial laws.

We are now seeing the consequences of this perniciousness in the debate over
the Muhammad cartoons. It is worrisome to anyone who cares about free speech
to see how many people in Europe and the United States (including, according to
polls, nearly a third of all Danes) think these cartoons should not have been
published. After all, they hurt Muslims' feelings. Is that really what a
modern, democratic society should want to happen in it?

No, it isn't - but not hurting Muslims' (or Jews', or Christians', or
vegetarians') feelings should not be a supreme social value either. When ideas are
expressed, feelings sometimes get hurt. To hear it said that "Zionism is racism"
is as hurtful to me as a Jew as it is for a Muslim to hear it said that
"Islam encourages terror," but if we are going to live in a world in which the
possible relationship of Zionism to racism, or of Islam to terror, is a forbidden
subject, we have given away our freedom to say what we think without even
waiting for it to be taken.

As long as they're not openly inciting to anti-Jewish violence, people should
be allowed to say what they want to about the Holocaust. We Jews are
grown-ups and can take it. And only if we are and can are we entitled to tell Muslims
that they should, too.

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