
In this page http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms995355.aspx it is stated:

"When a computer is a member of a domain, DPAPI has a backup mechanism to allow unprotection of the data. When a MasterKey is generated, DPAPI talks to a Domain Controller. Domain Controllers have a domain-wide public/private key pair, associated solely with DPAPI. The local DPAPI client gets the Domain Controller public key from a Domain Controller via a mutually authenticated and privacy protected RPC call. The client encrypts the MasterKey with the Domain Controller public key. It then stores this backup MasterKey along with the MasterKey protected by the user's password.

While unprotecting data, if DPAPI cannot use the MasterKey protected by the user's password, it sends the backup MasterKey to a Domain Controller via a mutually authenticated and privacy protected RPC call. The Domain Controller then decrypts the MasterKey with its private key and sends it back to the client via the same protected RPC call. This protected RPC call is used to ensure that no one listening on the network can get the MasterKey."

My question is: is there any kind of more technical documentation about this explaining the dialogs between a workstation and a DC when masterkey is generated and when the backup is sent to the server ?


Matthieu Patou.
cifs-protocol mailing list

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