
'Allah' decision on Dec 30 
Published On December 17 , 2009

By Debra Chong
KUALA LUMPUR: Peace on earth aside, all he wants for Christmas is to be allowed 
to use the word "Allah" to refer to the Christian God.

Father Lawrence Andrew who edits Malaysia's only Catholic paper, Herald, is 
praying for another miracle this Christmas and will know if he gets it two days 
before the next decade dawns and the 2009 publishing permit expires.

The High Court here today fixed Dec 30 to deliver its decision on whether the 
Catholic Church can publish the word "Allah" to also mean "God" outside the 
Muslim context, after a full morning spent on submissions.

The church is challenging the state's decision banning it from using the word 
"Allah" in its paper as part of conditions for getting an annual publishing 

Picking up from where they left off last evening, lawyers for the government 
argued that not being allowed to use the word "Allah" in no way infringes the 
church's constitutional right to carry out its religious duty.

Senior federal counsel Mahamad Naser Disa suggested that the church's 
"misunderstanding" and misuse of the word "Allah" would create confusion and 
raise religious tensions in the country.

"Allah is the holy name and a special verse in Islam. Any deviation to the holy 
verse of Allah is an insult to the religion of the country and the Federal 
Constitution," he said, and asked the court to reject the church's challenge.

"As far as the proper name Allah is concerned, it has absolutely no plural, 
reflecting the notion of the One and Only God whose Essence absolutely excludes 
the purport of consisting of three distinct co-eternal persons, whether in the 
imagination, in actuality, or in supposition," Mahamad Naser said, reading an 
exceprt from an article titled "Heresy Arises From Words Wrongly Used" 
published by the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (better known by 
its Malay acronym Ikim).

"Furthermore, the fact that it is a proper noun alone renders erroneous the 
critical assumption that the term Allah belongs to a national language and is 
an Arabic derivative.

"Indeed, for those who care enough to check the truth, such an absurd claim has 
long been debunked as inconsistent with the rules of the Arabic language itself 
by authorities like Ibn al-Barri, al-Layth and al-Khalil (in his Kitab 
al-'Ayn)," he added.

Mahamad Naser repeated an earlier claim that the home minister's decision to 
bar Christians using the word "Allah" was in line with provisions protecting 
the "special position" of Islam enshrined in the Federal Constitution and which 
the entire government and the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong have sworn to uphold.

The court also heard from the lawyer for the six state Islamic councils even 
though they have to be made a party in the suit.

But Mubashir Mansor chose to argue solely on points of law in his bid to 
convince the court to reject the church's suit, unlike Mahamad Naser whose 
arguments seemed closer at times to theological debate.

Pointing to clauses in Article 4 of the Federal Constitution., Mubashir said 
the church should not have argued that the anti-propagation laws passed by 10 
states were "unconstitutional" because they needed to get permission from the 
Federal Court first before they could even raise the issue.

He also stressed that the Constitution clearly restricts the freedom of 
religion, which the church had raised, under Article 11(4).

"It is incorrect to say there is any discrimination against Christians," he 
added, countering the church's claim that the home minister's rule is biased.

"The fact that Islam is placed as the official religion of the Federation and 
that there are restrictions that have been enacted under 11(4) does not mean 
that these provisions are an exercise of discrimination at all.

"They are just to ensure that Islam as the official religion of the Federation 
is well-preserved and protected as is fortified by the oath taken by the Yang 
Di-Pertuan Agong upon taking office," Mubashir said.

The senior lawyer noted that the church was mistaken in its claim that 
Christianity pre-dates Islam because "all prophets, beginning from Adam (pbuh), 
were prophets of Islam, including Jesus (pbuh)."

"It is not a battle of religions. It is just about what Malaysian law is under 
our Constitution and in our law on publication," Mubashir said.

Counsel for the church, Benjamin Dawson, also seemed to agree with Mubashir's 
view, to a point.

"This case is not about the attributes of Allah from the point of view of 
Islam, nor is it about the doctrine of trinity. It is about whether the 
minister can dictate to a religious group how they should call their God," 
Dawson summed up.

Father Lawrence Andrew who edits the Catholic paper, Herald, and was present in 
court told The Malaysian Insider he is praying hard that the court's decision 
will be in his favour.

Asked to comment on today's hearing, Andrew rejected the federal counsel's 
earlier claim that Arab Christians subscribe to a different view from Malaysian 
Christians who believe in the concept of God in three aspects - "God the 
Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit".

"All Christians the world over believe in the Nicene creed, which came out of 
the Council of Nicaea in the year AD 325," said Andrew, referring to the 
concept of the trinity.

Courtesy: TheMalaysianInsider 

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