'Wear a veil or we will behead you,' radicals tell TV women 
By Eric Silver in Jerusalem 
Published: 04 June 2007 
All 15 women presenters reported for work at the official Palestine Television 
station in Gaza yesterday, in defiance of death threats by a radical Islamic 
group that is believed to have links with al-Qa'ida. The Righteous Swords of 
Islam warned that it would strike the women with "an iron fist and swords" for 
refusing to wear a veil on camera. 

"It is disgraceful that the women working for the official Palestinian media 
are competing with each other to display their charms," it said in a leaflet 
distributed in Gaza at the weekend. "We will destroy their homes. We will blow 
up their work places. We have a lot of information about their addresses and we 
are following their movements."

The fringe group threatened to "slaughter" the women for corrupting Palestinian 
morals. "The management and workers at Palestine TV should know," it warned, 
"that we are much closer to them than they think. If necessary, we will behead 
and slaughter to preserve the spirit and morals of our people."

About half the women TV journalists wear the traditional hijab head covering, 
but all show their faces and wear makeup. They mounted a vigil yesterday 
outside the Gaza City office of the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, 
demanding protection and respect.

Lana Shaheen, who heads the station's English-language programmes, told The 
Independent: "Of course we are afraid. Previously this group threatened 
Internet cafes and video shops, then burned them. We will protect ourselves."

She insisted the women would continue working. "We will not change... our 
lives. We've worked through Israeli bombardments and attacks, just like the 
men. It's a national obligation."

Mohammed al-Dahoudi, the director-general of Palestine TV, said they were 
taking the threats seriously. "In the current security chaos, everything can 
happen in Gaza. There is incitement from some groups against television. We 
will continue to work as usual, but we will take precautions. We have to be 

He recalled previous attacks by Muslim radicals on local offices of the 
Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV; another station, Voice of the Workers; and Palestine 
TV's own branch in Khan Yunis. In recent weeks, militants campaigning against 
Western influence have also vandalised an American school and a Christian 
bookshop. Bassam Eid, director of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring 
Group, accused the radicals of behaving like the Taliban in Afghanistan. "Gaza 
has become Hamasistan. They are trying to drag Palestinian society back to the 
dark ages."

As the prospect of peace recedes and poverty spreads, Palestinians have become 
more traditional. Bars and cinemas have closed. Many educated, middle-class 
women now cover their heads, but hardly anyone, even in the villages, wears the 
niqab veil.

* Despite a sharp decline in the number of rocket attacks from Gaza, Ehud 
Olmert, the Israeli Prime Minister, vowed yesterday to continue military 
operations in Gaza and the West Bank. Four Israeli soldiers were wounded 
yesterday when Palestinian fighters fired mortars at the Erez passenger 
crossing between Gaza and Israel. Earlier, troops shot dead a Fatah gunman in 
the West bank town of Jenin. 

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