Jun 16, 2009 

A voice of reason silenced in Iraq
By Sami Moubayed 

DAMASCUS - All hopes that the months to come would witness real reconciliation 
in Iraq were suddenly muted this weekend when Harith al-Obeidi, a heavyweight 
Sunni politician renowned for his moderation and civility, was gunned down 
after delivering a Friday sermon in Baghdad. 

He is one of the most senior politicians in Iraq to have been killed since the 
downfall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003. Obeidi, who heads the Iraqi 
Accordance Front bloc in parliament, was shot twice in the head by a teenager 
at the Shawaf mosque, bringing the number of Front figures assassinated over 
the past six years to nearly 100. Four other people were killed in the attack, 
including Obeidi's brother-in-law, and 12 were injured before the young 
assassin was himself gunned down by mosque security. Shortly before his death, 
Obeidi, 45, was speaking to worshipers about the lack of accountability and 
justice in Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's Iraq. 

Deputy chairman of the Human Rights Committee in parliament, Obeidi had often 
criticized Maliki for the continued detainment of Sunnis, calling for a general 
amnesty and a greater role for Sunni politicians in the post-2003 political 

Harith al-Obeidi was born and raised in Baghdad, where he studied Islamic 
jurisprudence for one year at Mustansiriyya University in Najaf before moving 
to the Faculty of Islamic Sharia in Baghdad, from which he graduated in 1988. 
He then obtained a PhD in Comparative Jurisprudence from Baghdad University and 
worked as an academic, writing and lecturing, until the downfall of Saddam's 
regime in 2003. He became an active member of the Accordance Front, lobbying 
for Sunni rights in the post-Saddam order. His uniform demands were always 
related to an amnesty for Sunnis, a curb on Shi'ite and Sunni militias, greater 
freedoms and greater dignity for Iraqi prisoners. 

He was always at odds end with the Americans, members of Maliki's cabinet and 
members of al-Qaeda, criticizing all three groups for the chaos that has 
existed in Iraq since 2003. His loudest words were often directed at the 
Americans, and he famously said, "The occupation is responsible for every crime 
and the death of every citizen in Iraq. If the occupier would leave, Iraqis 
would live as brothers." 

After entering parliament in 2005, he was voted head of the Front bloc on May 
2, only one month before his assassination, replacing his colleague Adel 
al-Samarrai, who was elected speaker. One day before his killing, he spoke 
within the chamber, calling for the interrogation of the ministers of Defense 
and Interior in Maliki's cabinet, blaming them for sectarian violence and poor 
conditions in prisons. 

In September 2005, US troops raided his home, suspecting him of being part of 
the so-called Sunni insurgency. These accusations proved to be false, and, far 
from it, Obeidi had long called for the disarmament of militias, be they Sunni 
or Shi'ite, and the restructuring of the army on nationalist lines with no 
distinction to ethnic or religious backgrounds. In January 2006, he lobbied 
with Sunni militias to release US journalist Jill Caroll of the Christian 
Science Monitor, claiming that the continued abduction and killing of 
foreigners in Iraq harmed the interests of the people. 

Drawing a clear balance in his criticism, he was equally very critical of the 
Maliki cabinet; when it raided a Baghdad slum known as Sadr City in March 2008, 
he commented that the district's residents - who are all Shi'ite - had had 
enough. More recently, Obeidi called on US President Barack Obama to release 
blocked photos of prisoner torture at Abu Ghraib, saying that all the promising 
words spoken by Obama in Cairo on June 4 "would fail" if secrecy over wrongs 
continued and if the abusers were not brought to justice in US courts. 

It won't be easy for the Front to recover the loss of a heavyweight like 
Obeidi. When the coalition was created in 2005, it won 15.1% of the vote, 
thanks to the charisma of leaders like Obeidi, and took 44 seats of the 
275-seat parliament. That entitled it to six seats in the cabinet, which it 
held until withdrawing from government in August 2007, accusing the prime 
minister of sectarian practices. The Front is likely to face some turbulence in 
the weeks ahead as the Americans start leaving and the country braces for 
parliamentary elections. 

It will have to push forward with its demands, representing Sunnis, vis-a-vis 
rapprochement, dialogue and amnesty. That certainly won't be easy without 
Obeidi. For now, one question remains; who did it? Was it al-Qaeda, as some 
members of the Front say? Or was it certain Iraqi politicians who were 
distressed at the lout anti-corruption campaign preached by Obeidi from within 
parliament? Last month, Maliki was forced to dismiss, then arrest, his Minister 
of Trade Abdul Falah Sudani, on charges of corruption. This week, Obeidi hinted 
at bringing down the ministers of Defense and Interior. 

Maliki, whose relations with Obeidi were always strained, immediately condemned 
the attack, claiming that whomever shot the Sunni politician was trying to 
spread sectarian violence. Sources close to the prime minister, and Obeidi's 
own Front, blamed the killing on al-Qaeda. Shortly afterwards, an unknown 
militia leader named Abu Issam claimed responsibility, saying al-Qaeda had 
distributed arms in the Yarmouk camp where the murder took place. 

A member of the Sons of Iraq Movement, Abu Issam madly warned, "Al-Qaeda is 
coming! We are coming O' residents of Yarmouk!" Twenty-four hours before the 
shooting, however, Maliki had warned that he expected violence to increase 
ahead of the June 30 withdrawal of US forces from cities and towns. The 
Accordance Front was more cautious, noting, "We hope this will not bring back 
sectarianism. Whoever says security is good; this is proof that security has 
not been implemented yet." 

A member of the Front, Abdul Sattar Karbouly, added, "We know that no decent 
politician is immune from being targeted in Iraq. We are not surprised that 
this would happen. Obeidi is not the first nor he will be the last. It is 
astonishing that this happens in a very well-protected area like Yarmouk." 

Noteworthy is the official state funeral given to the slain leader - the first 
of its kind since 2003. Maliki was there, so was his deputy Adel Abdul Mehdi 
and parliament speaker Adel al-Samarrai, all clad in black, watching the honor 
guard, dressed in white, carrying Obeidi's coffin, which was draped with the 
Iraqi flag. 

On Saturday - again setting a precedent - the League of Arab States issued a 
statement from Cairo condemning the killing of Obeidi, whom it described as "a 
loud voice of moderation and prominent Iraqi leader". It expressed fear - with 
due right - that the future of dialogue in Iraq is at risk. 

Sami Moubayed is editor-in-chief of Forward Magazine in Syria. 

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