COLOMBIA: Chávez Brokers Pact for Gov't-FARC Talks
By Constanza Vieira

      Credit:Venezuelan government 

HATO GRANDE, Colombia, Aug 31 (IPS) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez's 
efforts to broker a humanitarian agreement for the release of hostages held by 
Colombia's guerrillas have already begun to bear fruit.

The main announcement after Chávez's meeting with Colombian President Álvaro 
Uribe Friday was that talks on an agreement will begin in Caracas between the 
Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). 

"That has already been agreed by the two sides," a source close to the meeting 
told IPS. 

On Thursday night, Uribe accepted Chávez's proposal for talks in Caracas, which 
the FARC had already agreed to. 

The talks will be "exclusively on the question of the humanitarian accord" 
which would involve a swap of 10 civilian hostages, like former senator Ingrid 
Betancourt, three U.S. military contractors working for the U.S.-financed 
counterinsurgency Plan Colombia, and 34 members of the police and military 
captured in combat by the FARC, for around 400 imprisoned insurgents. 

"If that goes well, the mechanism will remain in place" for future peace talks, 
added the source. 

Colombia has been in the grip of armed conflict for over four decades. Peace 
talks between the FARC and the administration of Andrés Pastrana (1998-2002) 
broke off in 2002. 

"I see it as extremely significant that talks that would benefit the families 
and the hostages themselves could begin," Bruno Moro, the United Nations 
resident coordinator in Colombia, commented to IPS from abroad. 

"We hope this will serve as a phase of rapprochement that could facilitate 
political dialogue," he added. 

At the urging of Colombian opposition Senator Piedad Córdoba, Chávez agreed 
less than two weeks ago to help mediate a humanitarian accord. 

Thanks to the Venezuelan leader's involvement, which was welcomed by all of the 
parties, Uribe has agreed for his government to sit down at the negotiating 
table with the FARC to discuss a humanitarian exchange of prisoners for 

In December, two of the hostages -- two soldiers -- will hit the 10th 
anniversary of their capture by the FARC. 

Chávez also got the FARC to agree to negotiate outside of Colombian territory. 
But the exchange of hostages for imprisoned guerrillas would take place within 
Colombia, as demanded by the rebels. 

The guerrillas had refused to negotiate outside of Colombia ever since the 
collapse of peace talks held with previous governments in the Venezuelan 
capital and in Mexico, in the 1990s. 

Ruling out that possibility made it imperative to "demilitarise" a safe haven 
in Colombia where the two sides could hold talks, as the Pastrana 
administration did from January 1999 to February 2002 in the Caguán region in 
the south. 

Chávez also "wants a FARC office to be opened in Caracas, in order to be able 
to speak directly with them," the anonymous source told IPS. 

The longest stage of the talks on a humanitarian agreement would take place in 
Caracas, while the actual swap itself could take just a few days, under 
international monitoring. 

Uribe has staunchly refused to withdraw government troops from any part of the 
country, as demanded by the FARC, to create a safe haven for talks. 

He has also refused to budge from his insistence that any rebels who are freed 
from prison must not take up arms again. But Chávez and Córdoba have worked out 
a compromise formula, which will be set forth in the negotiations in Caracas. 

The Venezuelan leader reached Bogotá Friday morning for a six-hour visit. He 
was driven in a motorcade of 15 armoured vehicles to the Hato Grande 
presidential estate 20 km north of Bogotá, where Uribe had stayed Thursday 
night to prepare for the meeting. 

Early Friday, the Colombian leader met with Senator Córdoba, who he had 
appointed as facilitator of a humanitarian accord, and with the government's 
peace commissioner, Luis Carlos Restrepo. 

On his own initiative, Chávez also planned to meet with the families of 
imprisoned guerrillas in the Venezuelan embassy in Bogotá, and with Colombian 
media executives. 

Chávez's meeting with local media owners and columnists was a proposal put 
forth by the Venezuelan and Colombian facilitators on the argument that "the 
entire undertaking could fail if media executives continue to oppose the idea 
of an exchange. Since Piedad (Córdoba) began to get involved, the media have 
taken a critical stance," said the source, who is close to the senator. 

"The aim is to soften opposition to the swap," the source added. 

When Uribe named Córdoba facilitator of a humanitarian agreement, he also 
instructed Agriculture Minister Andrés Felipe Arias to launch a parallel 
campaign against a demilitarised zone, "to which all of the media outlets have 
given ample space," said the source. 

Arias has been touring the country offering benefits from government 
programmes, and handing out -- and wearing -- t-shirts with slogans against the 
creation of a safe haven. 

Friday's second major announcement, a request by Bogotá that was accepted by 
Chávez, was for Venezuela not to withdraw from the Andean Community trade bloc 
(also made up of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru), a plan that the 
Venezuelan leader had announced in April 2006. 

As part of his efforts to broker an agreement, Chávez will meet soon with 
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who, since taking office in May, has pressed 
Uribe to negotiate the release of Betancourt (who holds dual Colombian and 
French nationality) and the other hostages. 

Largely as a result of Sarkozy's pressure, the Colombian government released 
Rodrigo Granda, FARC's international relations chief, who was illegally seized 
in Caracas in December 2004. (END/2007)


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