Posted on Sun, Jul. 20, 2008

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  Chavez touts socialism to Venezuela kids
By CHRISTOPHER TOOTHAKER - Associated Press Writer

CARACAS, Venezuela --
Hugo Chavez on Sunday urged kids to embrace socialism, raising the ire of 
educators and parents who turned back the Venezuelan president's earlier 
proposal to rewrite textbooks to add socialist doctrine. 

Chavez celebrated a Venezuelan holiday promoting children's welfare by telling 
a group of adolescents to become socialists with the monk-like mission to serve 
the poor that was espoused by Cuban revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

"We must study socialism," said Chavez, telling the children they should read 
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - authors of the "Communist Manifesto" - along 
with other socialist thinkers.

Capitalism "exploits children, confuses and poisons them," he said.

Chavez - a close ally of Cuba's Fidel Castro - wants to model Venezuelan 
teaching on the ideological education in communist-led Cuba, educator Leonardo 
Carvajal warned after the speech.

Carvajal, whose nonprofit Education Assembly endorses a pluralistic approach to 
teaching, accused Chavez of indoctrinating students with "outdated Soviet-era 

Chavez was forced to backtrack on a school textbook overhaul in April after 
teachers and parents accused him of trying to indoctrinate their children with 
socialist ideas. His government is drafting a new curriculum to be implemented 
in schools next year.

Activists such as Carvajal plan to challenge the modified project in the courts 
and in the streets with protests if Chavez attempts to add revolutionary 
ideology to new textbooks.

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