Four years sought for ex-W. Java governor
Irawaty Wardany ,  The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Wed, 06/10/2009 1:03 PM  |  

The long arm of the law: Former West Java governor Dani Setiawan listens to one 
of his lawyers after a trial session at the corruption court in Jakarta on 
Tuesday. Prosecutors called for Dani to be jailed for four years for his role 
in an alleged involvement in graft case involving the procurement of fire 
engines, which caused state losses of up to Rp 50 billion (US$ 4.1 million) in 
2003 and 2004. JP/J. Adiguna 

Prosecutors have demanded a four-year jail term for former West Java governor 
Danny Setiawan and his two subordinates for embezzling billions of rupiah 
through a project in the province between 2003-2004. 

"We demand the panel of judges at the Corruption Court declare the defendants 
Danny Setiawan, Wahyu Kurnia and Ijuddin Budhyana guilty of collective 
corruption and sentence them each to four years in jail," prosecutor KMS Roni 
said, reading from the demand at the Corruption Court on Tuesday. 

They also demanded each defendant pay Rp 200 million (US$20,000) in fines or 
face an additional six months in prison. 

The case revolves around a project which allocated Rp 140 billion for 
purchasing fire engines and ambulances for the province between 2003 and 2004. 

Danny Setiawan, province secretary in 2003 and West Java governor in 2004, 
Wahyu Kurnia, division head for appliances and Ijuddin Budhyana, division head 
for program monitoring, met with several suppliers prior to the project 
contract being decided, Roni said. They agreed to ensure PT Istana Sarana Raya 
owner Hengky Samuel Daud and PT Setia Jaya Mobilindo owner Yusuf Setiawan would 
win contracts for the project. 

They also decided to directly appoint PT Traktor Nusantara, PT Setia Utama 
Mobilindo and PT Satal Nusantara to partake in the projects, the prosecutor 

The defendants arranged what equipment would be purchased for the project based 
on proposals from the companies. 

"It is clear that they all collaborated and misused their authority to 
financially benefit from the projects," the prosecutor said. 

All the evidence showed that the defendants received money in return for 
favoring the companies, he said. 

"Danny Setiawan received Rp 2.75 billion, Wahyu Kurnia Rp 1.3 billion and 
Ijuddin Budhyana Rp 385 million," said prosecutor Ketut Sumedana. 

The defendants' alleged crimes allowed the companies to mark up the prices of 
the products and earn massive profits from the projects. 

"PT. Setia Jaya Mobilindo earned Rp 18.23 billion, PT Satal Nusantara Rp 6.44 
billion, PT Setia Utama Mobilindo Rp 7.49 billion, PT Traktor Nusantara Rp 
23.08 billion and PT Istana Sarana Raya Rp 16.79 billion," said the prosecutor. 

In total, the state suffered Rp 72 billion in losses. 

Previously the KPK halted the corruption trial of another defendant in the 
case, Yusuf Setiawan, who died of liver complications last month. 

Danny and his subordinates were the latest officials charged with corruption in 
relation to this scandal. A number of officials in several provinces and 
regencies have already been convicted by the court for embezzling funds 
allocated to purchase similar equipment. 

Former Medan mayor Abdillah is now serving his five-year jail term, while 
former Makassar mayor Baso Amiruddin Maula and former Riau governor Saleh 
Djasit are both serving four-year sentences. 

During the trials, some witnesses and defendants testified that ministerial 
circulars from former home minister Hari Sabarno authorized the regional 
officials to directly appoint a company to the project. 

However, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has not yet named the 
former minister as a suspect, despite having questioned him several times 
already in connection with the case. 


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