Thursday 29 May 2008 (23 Jumada al-Ula 1429)
      Indonesia Decides to Quit OPEC
      Muklis Ali, Reuters 
      JAKARTA, 29 May 2008 - Indonesia will quit the Organization of the 
Petroleum Exporting Countries because as a net oil importer it is not happy 
with high global crude prices, its energy minister said yesterday.

      In OPEC since 1962, Indonesia has seen its influence within the group 
wane as its production declines, even as the producer group gains more global 
clout with the admission of Angola and the rejoining of Ecuador last year.

      On Saturday Jakarta was forced to make an unpopular fuel price increase 
as it struggled to bear the cost of importing gasoline and diesel at record 
high prices and selling it at heavily subsidized prices, one legacy of being a 
major oil producer for over a century and OPEC's only Asian member. 

      "Actually there is also one rationale - that we are not happy with the 
high oil prices. Because we are an oil producer and we are an oil consumer," 
Energy Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said.

      Purnomo said Indonesia will become an OPEC member again if it becomes a 
net oil exporter again in the future.

      "We learnt from Ecuador, they pulled out and they came back again to 
OPEC. In the case of Indonesia, if our production comes back to the level that 
gives us the status of a net oil exporter, I think we can also go back again." 
OPEC declined to comment.

      A source at OPEC-member Kuwait's oil ministry downplayed Indonesia's 
decision to leave. "Production from Indonesia is not large and represents a 
small amount of OPEC's production," Kuwait state news agency KUNA reported the 
source as saying. "OPEC will remain strong with its supplies to the world and 
would welcome any country with a reasonable production level to join." Global 
benchmark US crude has risen by more than 30 percent this year to briefly above 
$135 last week. 

      However, Indonesia's crude output has fallen in recent years due to 
ageing wells, a lack of investment, and the absence of any major oil finds.

      Earlier this month, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said it may quit 
the group, citing the decline in crude oil output.

      It was not clear when Indonesia will formally leave OPEC. It has a paid 
up membership until the end of the year.

      "The membership will expire by the end of the year, but I think soon...we 
are pulling out from OPEC," Purnomo told a meeting of foreign journalists.

      Kurtubi, an energy analyst at the Center for Petroleum and Energy 
Economics Studies in Jakarta, said Indonesia was quitting the group because it 
was not satisfied with the manner in which OPEC was dealing with high oil 
prices. "It is not enough to blame speculators only on oil prices, because if 
there is significant additional supply from OPEC, oil prices will go down," 
Kurtubi said.

      Indonesia had aired the possibility of leaving OPEC before. In 2005 a 
group of advisers to the government recommended it leaves partly because of the 
financial costs of membership.

      Purnomo said Indonesia needed the Middle East for future oil supplies.

      "From a political standpoint, we need the Middle East as an oil supplier 
in future," Purnomo said.

      Indonesia expects daily oil output of 927,000 barrels per day this year, 
down from 950,000 bpd in 2007, and well short of consumption of around 1.2-1.3 
million bpd. It raised fuel prices by an average of just under 30 percent on 
Saturday, as it struggles to plug the fiscal hole left by soaring crude prices.

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