Jul 10, 2007

Indonesia blacklists FDI 
By Bill Guerin 

JAKARTA - In an unexpected lurch toward more market protectionism, Indonesia 
last week greatly expanded its "negative investment list" of local industries 
to which foreign investment is partially or wholly restricted in Southeast 
Asia's largest economy. 

The new list, which does not require parliamentary approval and is mandated 
under the recently enacted 2007 Investment Law, will affect at least 338 
business sectors, up substantially from 83 previously. The foreign-investment 
restrictions are by far the most maintained by any regional government and 
ironically come at a time when foreign direct investment (FDI) to Indonesia 
trails regional rivals - not to mention China. 

According to Trade Minister Mari Pangestu, the ruling, which represents the 
first major revision in more than seven years, is designed to protect "national 
interests". As with the previous list, the provisions appear to apply only to 
FDI, and not to purchases of shares of companies listed on the local stock 
exchange. The new list will be in force for three years unless revised earlier 
by a government team tasked with regularly assessing the list. Business fields 
not covered by the decrees are open to investment unless otherwise closed by 

Areas in which foreign investment is subject to restriction include armaments 
and so-called "high-polluting" industries. Foreign investment will also be 
capped at 49% and 20% respectively for transportation and broadcasting 
ventures. New foreign investments in the energy and plantation sectors, 
meanwhile, will be capped at 95%, from 100% previously. 

Foreign ownership in the lucrative mobile and fixed-line telecommunications 
will be capped at 65% and 49% respectively, down substantially from the 
previous 95% cap for both sectors. The new ruling takes immediate effect, 
although existing foreign investments in the telecom sector will apparently be 
unaffected. That's a concession to incumbent Singaporean and Malaysian 
investors, who already own large chunks of Indonesia's major telecom operators. 

Singapore's government investment arm Temasek owns 35% and nearly 42% 
respectively of local communication companies Telkomsel and Indosat, 
Indonesia's largest and second-largest mobile-telecom operators. Meanwhile, 
Telekom Malaysia holds almost 70% of Indonesia's third-largest mobile-telecom 
operator, PT Excelcomindo Pratama, and another Malaysian company, Maxis, 
maintains a 95% stake in the small operator Natrindo. 

All of these foreign stakes transcend the new protectionist limits, but 
officials have said there will be no retroactive application of the ruling. 
According to market analysts, Indonesia's mobile-telecom sector is expected to 
soar to 100 million subscribers by 2010, from 70 million currently. Those 
bullish predictions are based on Indonesia's comparatively low mobile-phone 
penetration rate of 25%, which lags neighboring Malaysia's 80% and Thailand's 
60%. Currently, state-controlled Telkomsel and Indosat together control more 
than four-fifths of Indonesia's mobile-telecommunications traffic and 
subscriber bases. 

Also under the new list, foreign investment will be capped at 80% in the 
insurance sector, 75% for pharmaceuticals, 65% in health services and 55% in 
the construction sector. The banking, oil-and-gas, power-generation, toll-road, 
water and agriculture sectors all still allow for 99% foreign ownership. And 
certain sectors, including travel agencies and hospital and health-support 
services, allow for more foreign ownership than previously. 

Hard economic realities 

Despite relative political stability and recent efforts to improve the overall 
investment climate, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's government has failed 
to attract major new foreign investments during his three-year tenure. His 
administration had earlier set a target of US$426 billion in both foreign and 
domestic investment for the five-year period spanning 2004-09, including $123 
billion for new infrastructure - the bulk of which was expected to come from 
the private sector. 

Yudhoyono has walked a policy tightrope in trying to balance the interests of 
foreign investors and nationalistic business groups averse to foreigners taking 
controlling stakes in strategic industries. Some analysts believe that the new 
negative investment list reflects Yudhoyono's need to shore up political 
support from powerful business groups in the run-up to what are expected to be 
hotly contested elections in 2009. At the same time, the new nationalistic 
measures against select foreign investments threaten to undermine his 
government's broad economic-reform strategy. 

According to Mohammad Lufti, head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), 
such levels of investment are necessary to achieve the government's 6.6% annual 
economic growth for the next three years. High economic growth is in turn 
needed to reduce unemployment from its stubbornly high level of 9.7% to a more 
manageable 5.5% and reduce the number of people living in poverty from 36 
million to 17 million. 

To be sure, there are recent statistical reasons for optimism. Economic growth 
was higher than expected and on government target at 6.6% in the first quarter 
of this year. Inflation fell to a manageable 1.4% in the first five months, 
benchmark interest rates are down to 8.25%, the lowest level in two years, and 
banks have recently increased their lending targets. 

But private investment remains perilously low. Realized FDI in the first half 
of this year was up 16.8% year on year, from Rp31.59 trillion ($3.5 billion) to 
Rp36.9 trillion. Realized domestic investment for the same period also rose to 
Rp18.62 trillion from Rp10.47 trillion. 

However, both those increases are up from substantially lower bases. Throughout 
2006, actual foreign direct investment dropped to $5.98 billion from $8.91 
billion in 2005. Confusing policy signals have caused a substantial discrepancy 
in FDI approvals and actual realized investments. Last year the government 
approved $15.6 billion worth of investments, but actually realized only 38% of 
those foreign commitments. 

Those FDI figures could fall further on the newly enacted foreign-investment 
restrictions. One early response to the measures came from the Indonesian 
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), whose chairman, Muhammad S Hidayat, 
was quoted in the local media saying some of the changes raised more questions 
than answers and that the chamber would call a meeting this week with 
representatives of foreign chambers of commerce to seek foreign views on the 
new list. 

Hidayat said Kadin had played an active role in the drafting of the new tax-law 
package, but the preliminary details it was provided on the proposed negative 
investment list were very different from the more restrictive list that was 
recently announced. Under the new investment law, tax incentives - including 
reductions, breaks, and deferments - will be granted for investments in 
labor-intensive industries and in projects related to infrastructure, transfer 
of technology, so-called "pioneering" and "environmentally friendly" projects. 

Both Kadin and International Chamber of Commerce chairman Peter Fanning played 
major roles in the 2007 Investment Law draft. Enacted in April, the law 
mandates equal treatment for domestic and foreign companies in some areas and 
the right for foreign companies to seek redress through binding arbitration 
using international laws in cases of disputes with the government. 

Foreign companies are also protected against nationalization by the government, 
except in cases of corporate crime. In addition, a new taxation and procedure 
law enacted last month is widely seen as foreign-investor-friendly, with 
greater legal rights given to taxpayers and more oversight and tougher 
penalties stipulated against tax officials found guilty of misconduct - a 
perennial problem for foreign investors in Indonesia. 

Still, the investment law was widely viewed as only one part of a package of 
reforms needed to improve the overall investment climate, including streamlined 
investment-approval procedures, other tax reforms, and amendments to the 
controversial 2003 labor law. 

The World Trade Organization in its latest trade-policy review warned that 
further delays in implementing these key areas could further undermine investor 
confidence and crimp economic growth. It's still unclear whether the new list 
is in violation of the world body's trade and investment protection 
regulations. What is clear is that the new restrictions on FDI could make the 
WTO's earlier warning a self-fulfilling prophesy. 

Bill Guerin, a Jakarta correspondent for Asia Times Online since 2000, has been 
in Indonesia for more than 20 years, mostly in journalism and editorial 
positions. He specializes in Indonesian political, business and economic 
analysis, and hosts a weekly television political talk show, Face to Face, 
broadcast on two Indonesia-based satellite channels. He can be reached at 

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