06/05/07 08:56

Indonesia threatened by global warming, rising sea level

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia is particularly vulnerable to the impact of 
climate change as global warming threatens to raise sea levels and flood 
coastal farming areas, threatening food security, a report released Monday said.

The report sponsored by the World Bank and Britain's Department for 
International Development said global warming could increase temperatures, 
shorten the rainy season and intensify rainfall, leading to a significant fall 
in rice yields.

It said thousands of farmers in productive coastal areas would also have to 
look for other livelihoods if predictions of a rise in sea level came true 
across the vast archipelago nation.

"Indonesia is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change including prolonged 
droughts and floods raising serious food security and health threats while 
endangering the habitats and livelihoods of coastal communities," said the 
report issued ahead of World Environment Day on Tuesday.

Environment Minister Rachmat Witoelar warned in January Indonesia could lose 
2,000 small islands by 2030 due to a rise in sea levels as a result of climate 

Top emmiters of greenhouse gases

The report also stressed that deforestation, degradation of peat land and 
forest fires had placed Indonesia among the world's top emitters of greenhouse 

Deforestation and land conversion, mostly by fires, accounted for 75 percent of 
carbon dioxide emissions in the Indonesian forestry sector, it said.

Rising temperatures due to global warming would further dry up the rainforest 
and peat swamps, increasing the risk of even more intense fires, the report was 
quoted by AFP as saying.

"Activities in forestry are the largest contributor to emissions of greenhouse 
gases in Indonesia," report author Agus Sari said in a press release.

"It is time we put together all of our resources to prevent forest fires and 
irresponsible deforestation. We need to be united in this effort because the 
potential dangers of climate change are too great to ignore."

Every year, Indonesian farmers burn forests and shrubland to clear land for 
agriculture, causing a haze that spreads across Southeast Asia during the dry 
season, affecting tourism and health in the region.

The government has outlawed land-clearing by fire, but weak enforcement means 
the ban is largely ignored.

Indonesia will host the UN climate change convention on the resort island of 
Bali later this year.

Jakarta signed the Kyoto Protocol on fighting climate change in 1998 and 
ratified it in 2004. (*)

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