Jewish, Iranian clerics attend parley

Jul. 14, 2009
Etgar Lefkovits , THE JERUSALEM POST 
In an effort to promote reconciliation among the faiths, two Jewish leaders are 
taking part in a Saudi-sponsored interfaith forum in Vienna which is also being 
attended by an Iranian religious leader, officials said Monday. 

The two-day "World Conference on Dialogue," which opened Monday afternoon, is 
the first follow-up forum to a gala 2008 gathering in Madrid hosted by the 
Muslim World League with the support of the Government of Saudi Arabia. 

The gathering of about 50 Muslim and Christian leaders includes senior 
representatives from two New York-based American Jewish groups, the World 
Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Committee, two Rabbis, as well an 
Iranian religious leader. 

"It is very significant that we are here... and is recognition on the part of 
the Saudis of the importance of the Jewish community being present in the 
process," said Rabbi Marc Schneier, international vice-president of the World 
Jewish Congress in a telephone interview from Vienna on Monday night. 

He added that the hot-button issues of Israel and Iran did not come up on the 
first day of the conference, which included general topics on religion as well 
as a reaffirmation of King Abdullah's commitment to interfaith dialogue. 

"This event is meant to be a working gathering to lead to some mechanism for 
ongoing dialogue, and makes it clear that King Abdullah is in this seriously 
and for the long haul," said Rabbi David Rosen, the Israeli Director of 
Interreligious Affairs of the American Jewish Committee. 

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