Science vs. Ethics?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009; 12:00 AM 

The Post asked experts to comment on President Obama's decision to remove 
restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research. Below are 
contributions from Ruth R. Faden and Tadeusz Pacholczyk. 

This Story
  a.. Science Over All?
  b.. Science vs. Ethics?
  c.. Stem Cell Questions

Director of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics 

Resolutions to moral controversies in science require honest debate, and, in 
the end, political leaders must make decisions consonant with what they view as 
the most persuasive moral case. This is precisely what President Obama did; he 
was not choosing between sound science and moral values, he was choosing a 
course for science policy that comports with his moral values and those of 
most, but not all, Americans. 

Obama has left the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to determine the ethical 
standards that should govern the research, including what will be eligible for 
federal funding. Least controversial is research conducted on stem cell lines 
derived from stored embryos remaining after in vitro fertilization treatment is 
completed. More controversial is research with lines derived from embryos 
created specifically for research purposes, which scientists argue has 
tremendous potential to accelerate the pace of discovery. And only Congress can 
address what is perhaps the most controversial issue, the use of federal 
dollars to support the creation or destruction of human embryos, currently 
prohibited by law. 

But Obama has now set the nation's moral course; embryonic stem cell research 
will go forward, with oversight to protect against such misuses as cloning for 
human reproduction. Those who believe that human embryos have the same moral 
status as the rest of us will and should continue to press their case. For most 
Americans, however, the president's policy strikes the right moral balance, 
reflecting the moral value we place on reducing human suffering and improving 
human health. 


Director of Education at the National Catholic Bioethics Center 

The decision to expand federal funding for this research is a kind of 
"blessing" that scientists have long been seeking, hoping it will clear up the 
dark ethical storm cloud that has hung over this work from its beginnings in 
1998. From those earliest times, it has been clear that this research exploits 
younger humans, with lethal consequences, to address the needs of older and 
wealthier humans. The human embryo is being slowly transformed before our eyes 
into a commodity to be exploited, a kind of raw material to be utilized on the 
way to making a brilliant career as a scientist, or making profits as an 
entrepreneur, or making treatments for myself when I'm sick. 

Asking the National Institutes of Health to develop "ethical guidelines" to 
govern these kinds of practices, as the president seems intent on doing, is no 
better than asking the fox to guard the henhouse. News sources suggest that, 
among other things, the NIH will engage in earnest discussions, with wrinkled 
forehead, in order to come up with rules and guidelines for parents to sign a 
few forms and hand over their embryonic children for destructive research. 
Promulgating such rules is akin to saying, "Go ahead and rob the bank -- we'll 
just pretend robbing banks is ethical by discussing procedural details such as 
sweeping up the broken glass as you make off with the money." No valid ethical 
consent of this kind can ever be obtained. 

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