Suicide attack in eastern Algeria kills 12, security officials say

The Associated PressPublished: September 6, 2007

ALGIERS, Algeria: A bomb ripped through a crowd waiting for the Algerian 
president to arrive in an eastern town on Thursday, killing at least 16 and 
wounding some 74 people, hospital and security officials said.
The bomb exploded about 45 minutes before President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's 
scheduled arrival in Batna, a town about 450 kilometers (280 miles) east of the 
capital, Algiers - and the last stop on the president's tour of eastern Algeria.

Local police said a man, aged 30-35, had carried the explosive device in a bag 
into the middle of the crowd, which was waiting in front of Batna's Al-Atik 

Onlookers alerted police after determining the man was behaving strangely, the 
officials said.

As police moved in toward the man, he threw down the bag and tried to flee, and 
the explosion went off, the officials said. It was not immediately clear 
whether he died or was wounded in the attack. There was no immediate claim of 

Bouteflika, who arrived after the blast, spoke briefly at Batna airport, saying 
"the only solution was national consensus."
Coordinated terror attacks killed dozens of people on April 11, when bombs 
ripped through the Algerian prime minister's office and a police station in an 
Algiers suburb.

A new al-Qaida wing claimed responsibility for the April bombings, saying they 
were carried out by suicide bombers in trucks packed with explosives.

The group, al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa, was built on the foundations of 
the Algerian insurgent group that fought to try to topple Algeria's secular 

The insurgency broke out in 1992 after the army canceled legislative elections 
that an Islamic party was set to win, and over the years an estimated 200,000 
people - including militants, security forces and civilians - were killed.

Widespread killing died down 1990s but sporadic violence has resurfaced in 
recent months with attacks by al-Qaida in Islamic North Africa.

In addition to the April blasts, seven simultaneous car bombs targeted police 
stations in February, killing six people. A July suicide car bombing in a 
military encampment killed 10 soldiers and wounded dozens.

The attacks have proven a devastating setback for the North African nation's 
efforts to close that violent chapter in its history.

Bouteflika has devoted his presidency to ending the violence, launching a 
national reconciliation plan offering amnesty to insurgents who lay down their 
arms and stepping up military sweeps of remaining insurgent strongholds.

On touching down at Batna's airport Bouteflika said Algeria was committed to 
its peace process and would forge ahead "no matter the price."

"This reconciliation, which does not exclude anyone," is part of "an effort for 
the reconstruction of Algeria, because without political stability there will 
be no economic and social development," he said.

Bouteflika often tours the country to check on the progress of development 
programs and other initiatives. He visited several western regions about a 
month ago and began his tour of the east on Tuesday, visiting four regions over 
three days.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy sent his condolences to the families of the 
victims of Thursday's attacks, saying that France - Algeria's former colonial 
master - expressed its solidarity with the Algerian people.

"I completely condemn the barbaric and blind violence from which the Algerian 
people continue to suffer," he said in a statement.

In a separate statement, French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner called the 
blast a "barbaric" act.

The bombing comes just days before the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 
attacks. Analysts and security officials have been warning al-Qaida could be 
plotting attacks around this period.

German authorities announced Thursday they had arrested three Islamic militants 
suspected of plotting massive bomb attacks.

On Tuesday, eight men - of Pakistani, Afghan, Somali and Turkish origin - were 
arrested in Denmark. Authorities said the men were linked to senior al-Qaida 
leaders, but have not revealed what their targets were, or when they planned to 



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