Reflecton: Mesir tidak akan mengirim wanita. Bravo! Tetapi rezim 
Neo-Mojodopahit sesuai tradisi feodalnya dan banditisme penguasa akan tetap 
mengirim wanita menjadi PRT di Arab Saudia.

            Sunday 17 January 2010 (01 Safar 1431) 

      We will not send women to work as housemaids in Kingdom: Egyptian minister
      Md Rasooldeen | Arab News
      RIYADH: Cairo will not send Egyptian women to work as housemaids in the 
Kingdom, a senior Egyptian official visiting the capital said on Saturday.

      "We will not send our women as housemaids due to social and cultural 
concerns," said Aisha Abdel-Hadi, the Egyptian labor minister, following talks 
with Abdul Wahid Al-Humaid, deputy minister of labor, on Saturday.

      Abdel-Hadi, who is heading a labor delegation, discussed a wide-range of 
issues relating to the Egyptian labor force in the Kingdom. 

      Dispelling rumors, Abdel-Hadi said Cairo does not have any plans to 
deploy Egyptian maids to the Kingdom in the future. Touching on the talks 
between the two ministers held on Saturday, Abdel-Hadi said the two parties 
resolved several issues related to Egyptian workers. 

      "The problems were not related to a specific profession. Various sectors 
had different forms of problems," she said.

      She also pointed out that the number of labor complaints from her 
community in the Kingdom is minimal when compared to the large Egyptian 
population in Saudi Arabia. 

      "Most of the complaints are due to misunderstandings and miscommunication 
between employers and employees," she said.

      She added that Egyptians are no strangers to the Kingdom since they speak 
the same language, follow the same religion and cherish Islamic culture. "This 
cultural affinity between the peoples of the two countries help each other 
resolve differences on their own," she said.

      Despite a decrease in the foreign remittances made by overseas Egyptian 
workers, the minister said that her country has withstood the global financial 
crisis that struck several countries in the region.

      Al-Humaid said the Kingdom and Egypt maintain excellent bilateral 
relations from time immemorial. "It's no exaggeration to say that the labor 
relations between the two countries are healthy, smooth and function without 
any major problem," he said, adding that the Kingdom is happy with the Egyptian 
labor force working in the Kingdom.

      There are one million Egyptian workers in the Kingdom, the fourth largest 
expatriate community in Saudi Arabia. In 2008, the Saudi Embassy in Cairo 
issued the second largest number of Saudi entry visas.

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